Okta API Products Release Notes

These release notes list customer-visible changes to API Products by release number. We release first to preview orgs and then production orgs.

Dates for preview release are the earliest possible release date. Always check your org to verify the release for your org.

To verify the current release for an org, check the footer of the administrator UI. If necessary, click the Admin button to navigate to your administrator UI.
Release Number in Footer

Note: Changes to Okta unrelated to API Products are published in the Okta Release Notes.


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Troubleshooting assistance for app redirect URI October 7, 2020
API Access Management enables scope as a claim October 7, 2020
Rate limit changes October 7, 2020
Client-based rate limiting October 7, 2020
Groups API enhancements in EA October 7, 2020

Troubleshooting assistance for app redirect URI

When an app redirect URI is either missing or incorrectly configured, Okta returns an HTTP 400 error. Now, the error description provides troubleshooting assistance to debug the expected redirect URI.

API Access Management enables scope as a claim

You can now name a claim scope in API Access Management custom authorization servers. Also, you can now use the EL expression access.scope in custom claims to return an array of granted scope strings.

Rate limit changes

Rate limits for paid developer orgs and for one-app orgs have been updated. See the Rate Limits page.

Client-based rate limiting

Client-based rate limiting for the /authorize endpoint is now available in Preview. It provides granular isolation between requests made to the /authorize endpoint by using a combination of the Client ID, user's IP address, and Okta device identifier. This isolates rogue OAuth clients and bad actors, ensuring valid users and applications don't run into rate limit violations.

Groups API enhancements in EA

The Groups API now supports extended search. Also, source application is now returned in Group objects.


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs fixed in 2020.09.4 September 30, 2020

Bugs fixed in 2020.09.4

  • When an OAuth service client called the /authorize endpoint, the returned error description was inaccurate. (OKTA-252750)

  • If a user was assigned to two groups that have identical roles, then a call to the /users/${userId}/roles endpoint to list the administrator roles assigned to the user failed with an HTTP 400 error. (OKTA-325187)

  • The okta.apps.* scope wasn't applied to the /apps/${applicationId}/credentials/keys endpoint. (OKTA-331828)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug fixed in 2020.09.3 September 24, 2020

Bug fixed in 2020.09.3

If a user was converted to use an external Federated IdP instead of Okta, any subsequent attempt to convert the user with a call to the /users/${userId}/lifecycle/reset_password endpoint returned an HTTP 501 error instead of an HTTP 400 error. (OKTA-323343)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug fixed in 2020.09.2 September 16, 2020

Bug fixed in 2020.09.2

  • Requests to the /token, /revoke, and /introspect endpoints that had invalid client credentials would return an HTTP 400 error instead of the HTTP 401 error required by the OAuth 2.0 spec. (OKTA-306444)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs fixed in 2020.09.1 September 10, 2020

Bugs fixed in 2020.09.1

  • When attempting to reset a user's password using the lifecycle/reset_password endpoint, admins received an HTTP 500 error code rather than a valid error message if the user's email address was invalid. (OKTA-307089)
  • If a Groups claim returned more than 100 groups, then tokens couldn't be minted, which generated an HTTP 500 error code instead of an HTTP 400 error code. (OKTA-321988)
  • If an Identity Provider returned an error response during authentication, the /introspect endpoint returned an HTTP 500 error code. (OKTA-324419)
  • When a geographical network zone that included Okta routers was added to an IP blacklist zone, all requests to the org were blocked. (OKTA-326955)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs fixed in 2020.08.2 August 19, 2020

Bugs fixed in 2020.08.2

  • In orgs with Factor Sequencing enabled, customers always had password as one of the factor types in the ID token's amr claim, regardless of which factor was actually used. (OKTA-318437)
  • For some orgs with both Passwordless Authentication and Improved New Device Behavior Detection enabled, Okta treated all authentication attempts as though they came from new devices. (OKTA-320675)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Apple as an Identity Provider is now GA in Production August 5, 2020
OAuth 2.0 authorization code length has been increased August 5, 2020
Bugs fixed in 2020.08.0 August 5, 2020

Apple as an Identity Provider is now GA in Production

Apple as an Identity Provider is now Generally Available in Production. Apple as an IdP allows users to sign in to your app using their Apple ID. See Apple as an Identity Provider.

OAuth 2.0 authorization code length has been increased

To better align with security best practices, the length of OAuth 2.0 authorization codes is now 256 bits of entropy (43 characters).

Bugs fixed in 2020.08.0

  • The GET /api/v1/users/{userid}/idps and POST /api/v1/idps/{idpId}/users/{userId} endpoints weren't OAuth enabled. (OKTA-303902)

  • Non-CORS requests to the OAuth 2.0 /token endpoint failed when the Okta session cookie was present. (OKTA-312816)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug fixed in 2020.07.2 July 29, 2020

Bug fixed in 2020.07.2

  • When using the Apps API, exceeding the character limit for OIDC application redirect URIs resulted in an HTTP 500 error instead of an HTTP 400 error. (OKTA-297164)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Apple as an Identity Provider is now GA in Preview July 9, 2020
YubiKey OTP Token operations added July 9, 2020
Support for creating OIN OIDC Apps via the Dynamic Client Registration API July 9, 2020
API support for multiple ACS URLs July 9, 2020
Bugs fixed in 2020.07.0 July 9, 2020

Apple as an Identity Provider is now GA in Preview

Apple as an Identity Provider is now Generally Available in Preview. Apple as an IdP allows users to sign in to your app using their Apple ID. See Apple as an Identity Provider.

YubiKey OTP Token operations added

Using the Factors API, requests for single YubiKey OTP Tokens and uploading a seed for a YubiKey OTP are now supported. Other API operations for YubiKey OTP Tokens are now documented in the Factors API.

Support for creating OIN OIDC Apps using the Dynamic Client Registration API

Creating OIN OIDC Apps using the Dynamic Client Registration API is now supported.

API support for multiple ACS URLs

When creating a custom SAML app using the Apps API, you can now pass two optional parameters (allowMultipleAcsEndpoints and acsEndpoints) to configure up to 100 Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URLs.

Bugs fixed in 2020.07.0


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug fixed in 2020.06.2 June 17, 2020

Bug fixed in 2020.06.2

After a user was demastered from Active Directory, calls to the /users endpoint did not reflect that change for up to 24 hours. (OKTA-294377)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug fixed in 2020.06.1 June 10, 2020

Bug fixed in 2020.06.1

For deleted or inactive instances, or instances that don't support CVD, calls to the /mappings endpoint incorrectly returned HTTP 500 errors. (OKTA-287888)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Password Import Event eligible for use in Event Hook June 3, 2020
OAuth public metadata endpoint caching June 3, 2020
Issuer identifier in tokens when using Custom URL Domain June 2, 2020
Improved new device behavior detection June 3, 2020
Dynamic authentication context for SAML apps June 2, 2020
New JWKS key length validation June 3, 2020

Password Import Event eligible for use in Event Hook

The user.import.password event provides information on the outcome of the import of an individual user's password during the Password Import flow. This event is eligible for use in an Event Hook, enabling you to trigger removal of a password from your existing user store when import to Okta is confirmed as successful.

OAuth public metadata endpoint caching

HTTP no-cache headers are no longer sent in responses returned by the following OAuth public metadata endpoints:

  • /.well-known/openid-configuration
  • /.well-known/oauth-authorization-server
  • /oauth2/{authorizationServerId}/.well-known/openid-configuration
  • /oauth2/{authorizationServerId}/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server

Issuer identifier in tokens when using Custom URL Domain

When the Custom URL Domain feature is enabled and apps are configured to use CUSTOM_URL as the issuer_mode, tokens minted during an SP-initiated flow now use the request hostname in the value of the issuer identifier (iss) claim, while those minted during an IdP-initiated flow use the custom URL. This change currently only applies to new Preview orgs.

Improved new device behavior detection

When this feature is enabled, stronger signals are used for the detection of new devices. Devices with web browsers that don't store cookies are treated as new, and trusted applications must send a unique identifier for each device as a device token.

Dynamic authentication context for SAML apps

You can configure a custom attribute statement for SAML assertions to send user authentication context to SAML apps during the app authentication process. Apps can use this information to limit access to certain app-specific behaviors and calculate the risk profile for the signed-in user.

New JWKS key length validation

New client JSON Web Key Sets are now validated and rejected if the key length is less than 2048 bits.


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug fixed in 2020.05.2 May 20, 2020

Bug fixed in 2020.05.2

When listing AD and LDAP group targets for the Group admin role assigned to a user or to a group, the logo URL in the _links section of the response was incorrect. (OKTA-297070)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs fixed in 2020.05.1 May 13, 2020

Bugs fixed in 2020.05.1

  • Exceeding the rate limit on the /token endpoint resulted in an HTTP 400 error instead of an HTTP 429 error. (OKTA-289508)
  • The IdP /metadata.xml endpoint was not OAuth enabled. (OKTA-294739)
  • Simultaneous DELETE calls to the /users/${id} endpoint could result in HTTP 500 errors. (OKTA-223918)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Logging of successful password import May 6, 2020
Rate limit headers no longer returned on cached static endpoints May 6, 2020
OAuth for Okta enabled for Trusted Origins, Sessions, and Custom Templates APIs May 6, 2020
Updated behavior for logging of invalid use by OAuth 2.0 Client May 6, 2020
Bugs fixed in 2020.05.0 May 6, 2020

Logging of successful password import

A System Log Event is now generated with details about the success or failure of the password import attempt when a user with an imported password has successfully signed in to Okta.

Rate limit headers no longer returned on cached static endpoints

Rate limits do not apply to these OAuth public metadata endpoints, so rate limit headers will no longer be returned:

  • /oauth2/v1/keys
  • /.well-known/openid-configuration
  • /.well-known/oauth-authorization-server
  • /oauth2/{authorizationServerId}/v1/keys
  • /oauth2/{authorizationServerId}/.well-known/openid-configuration
  • /oauth2/{authorizationServerId}/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server

OAuth for Okta enabled for Trusted Origins, Sessions, and Custom Templates APIs

OAuth for Okta is now enabled for the Trusted Origins API, the Sessions API, and the Custom Templates API. See Scopes & supported endpoints.

Updated behavior for logging of invalid use by OAuth 2.0 Client

The previously announced logging behavior has been updated. Invalid client_secret warnings are now triggered by 5 invalid attempts (consecutive or not) within a 24 hour period.

Bugs fixed in 2020.05.0

  • When signing in a federated user using the /oauth/v1/authorize endpoint with consent enabled and the prompt parameter set to login, the Sign-In Widget failed with an error. (OKTA-290760)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs fixed in 2020.04.2 April 29, 2020

Bugs fixed in 2020.04.2

  • Service clients weren't able to update users. (OKTA-288246)
  • Returned User Type objects erroneously contained a ref object. (OKTA-287651)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug fixed in 2020.04.1 April 15, 2020

Bug fixed in 2020.04.1

  • When calling the /oauth2/default/v1/authorize or /oauth2/${authServerId}/v1/authorize endpoints with the prompt parameter set to login and the idp parameter set to a SAML IdP, the end user wasn't forced to authenticate. (OKTA-288118)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
OAuth for Okta GA in Production April 8, 2020
User Types API GA in Production April 8, 2020
CORS headers in more API responses April 8, 2020
Bugs fixed in 2020.04.0 April 8, 2020

OAuth for Okta GA in Production

OAuth for Okta is now Generally Available in Production.

User Types API GA in Production

The User Types API is Generally Available in Production.

CORS headers in more API responses

Okta will now return CORS headers for requests made with OAuth 2.0 Bearer tokens, even if an endpoint isn't CORS-enabled and even if the originating URL isn't configured as a Trusted Origin.

Bugs fixed in 2020.04.0

  • New SAML apps would have an active SAML assertion Inline Hook assigned to them automatically. (OKTA-262777)
  • Attempts to update the user schema with invalid properties could return HTTP 500 errors. (OKTA-281498)
  • The errorSummary for error E0000074 was malformed. (OKTA-273711)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs fixed in 2020.03.2 March 18, 2020

Bugs fixed in 2020.03.2

  • In some cases, an OAuth 2.0 /authorize request would incorrectly redirect if the client App had an App Sign-On Policy configured. (OKTA-269116)

  • The _links attribute for groups sent by Okta in the request body for a SAML Inline Hook was incorrect. (OKTA-269553)

  • Responses from OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 public metadata endpoints incorrectly omitted the return of CORS headers if the calling URL wasn't in the list of trusted origins defined for the org. (OKTA-283549)

  • When a Workflow was called, all headers that weren't white listed had text prepended in the response, which broke redirects. (OKTA-282294)

  • In some cases, the end user wasn't correctly prompted for consent during an OAuth 2.0 /authorize request. (OKTA-270039)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug fixed in 2020.03.1 March 11, 2020

Bug fixed in 2020.03.1

  • The Update Identity Provider operation allowed changing the protocol property of an Identity Provider object, which resulted in errors. (OKTA-277221)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Email as a factor and supported optional enrollment is Generally Available in Preview March 4, 2020
The Third-Party admin role is Generally Available in Preview March 4, 2020
OAuth for Okta is Generally Available in Preview March 4, 2020
Pagination is available for the List Authorization Servers operation March 4, 2020
Sign-in attempt behavior evaulation is now logged when there is no client information March 4, 2020
OAuth for Okta enabled for Schemas and Linked Objects APIs March 4, 2020
Bugs fixed in 2020.03.0 March 4, 2020

Email as a factor and supported optional enrollment is Generally Available in Preview

The Okta email factor for MFA is now Generally Available in Preview. When the email factor is enabled, end users receive a code in an email message to use when they sign in.

The email factor configuration also supports optional enrollment, which is now Generally Available for all orgs that already have the factor enabled as part of Early Access.

The Third-Party admin role is Generally Available in Preview

The Third-Party admin role is now Generally Available in Preview.

OAuth for Okta is Generally Available in Preview

OAuth for Okta is now Generally Available in Preview. At this time, OAuth for Okta works only with the APIs listed in the Scopes & supported endpoints section. We are actively working towards supporting additional APIs. Our goal is to cover all Okta public API endpoints.

Pagination is available for the List Authorization Servers operation

Pagination is now available for the List Authorization Servers operation.

Sign-in attempt behavior evaluation is now logged when there is no client information

Sign-in attempt behavior evaluation is logged in the debugContext object of the user.session.start and policy.evaluate.sign_on events, even when client information is missing for all behaviors.

OAuth for Okta enabled for Schemas and Linked Objects APIs

The Schemas API and the Linked Objects API now have OAuth for Okta enabled. See Scopes & supported endpoints.

Bugs fixed in 2020.03.0

  • Users could acquire logs before the Logs retention period using specific after parameters. (OKTA-277912)
  • App admins were able to modify all profiles in the Profile Editor even when the admin was limited to only administer certain apps. (OKTA-267829)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs fixed in 2020.02.2 February 26, 2020

Bugs fixed in 2020.02.2

  • When the Security Question option wasn't enabled in the password policy, requests to the /reset_password endpoint would return a 403 error when the sendEmail query parameter was set to false. (OKTA-272392)
  • Some cross-origin requests to the /users/me endpoint didn't return CORS headers if the user had an invalid session. (OKTA-260550)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs Fixed in 2020.02.1 February 19, 2020

Bugs Fixed in 2020.02.1

  • When an admin's last role was revoked using the Roles API, it would sometimes not trigger a System Log event. (OKTA-276093)
  • In certain situations the /keys endpoint would incorrectly return that the current key was expired and needed to be rolled over when the rollover hadn't occurred yet. (OKTA-227062)
  • Expired AD users received different authentication errors depending on whether the Passwordless Policy was enabled or disabled. (OKTA-268306)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Password Import Inline Hook in General Availability in Preview and Production February 5, 2020
OAuth for Okta Enabled for User Consent Grant Operations February 5, 2020
OAuth for Okta Enabled for Policy API February 5, 2020
User Types API in General Availability in Preview February 5, 2020
SAML Assertion Inline Hook Now Supports URI Formatting in Claims February 5, 2020
Support Added in List Users API for Sort Parameters February 5, 2020
Apps API Support for Custom SAML Attribute Statements February 5, 2020
Rate Limits for OAuth 2.0 Endpoints in Production n/a
Bugs Fixed in 2020.02.0 February 5, 2020

Password Import Inline Hook in General Availability in Preview and Production

The Password Import Inline Hook lets you interface with an external service to verify a user-supplied password when the user signs in to Okta for the first time. This supports scenarios in which users are migrated from an existing user store while allowing them to retain their passwords.

User Consent Grant Operations now have OAuth for Okta enabled.

OAuth for Okta Enabled for Policy API

The Policy API now has OAuth for Okta enabled.

User Types API in General Availability in Preview

The User Types API is in General Availability (GA) in Preview.

SAML Assertion Inline Hook Now Supports URI Formatting in Claims

Okta now supports URI claims with the SAML Assertion Inline Hook. When you need to replace or add a URI claim, you must encode the claim name within the command based on the JSON Pointer specification.

Support Added in List Users API for Sort Parameters

The List Users API now supports sortBy and sortOrder parameters on search queries.

Apps API Support for Custom SAML Attribute Statements

The Apps API now supports specifying SAML attribute statements for SAML 2.0 apps.

Rate Limits for OAuth 2.0 Endpoints in Production

Rate limiting has been modified for OAuth 2.0 endpoints in Production orgs so that requests that use an invalid client ID don't consume the rate limit. A System Log warning has also been introduced for high rate limit consumption by requests that use a valid client ID.

Bugs Fixed in 2020.02.0

  • When using the SAML Assertion Inline Hook, if there was an optional attribute statement configured for the app and the attribute statement had no value specified, commands returned from SAML Inline Hook responses were not applied. (OKTA-263494)

  • The Update User Types API previously allowed the existing name of a User Type to be changed. (OKTA-241788)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug Fixed in 2020.01.2 January 29, 2019

Bug Fixed in 2020.01.2

  • Passing an incorrect userId to the List User Roles API would not result in an error. (OKTA-243094)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Rate limit warnings for all API customers January 8, 2020
Events API endpoint rate limit added January 8, 2020
System Log Events for user import January 8, 2020

Rate limit warnings for all API customers

All Customer Identity orgs will now see an admin console banner and receive an email notification when their org approaches its rate limit. Previously this was only available for One App and Enterprise orgs.

Events API endpoint rate limit added

The /events API endpoint now has its own rate limit bucket for Workforce orgs. See the Rate Limits page for more information.

System Log Events for user import

System Log events have been added for the start and end of each phase of the user import process. See the Event Types catalog for more information.


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug Fixed in 2019.12.1 December 18, 2019

Bug Fixed in 2019.12.1


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Features API is Generally Available in Production December 11, 2019
Token Inline Hook is Generally Available in Production December 11, 2019
SAML Inline Hook is Generally Available in Production December 11, 2019
Scope Object Properties Default Values December 11, 2019
Okta-Hosted User Consent Dialog Change December 11, 2019
OAuth for Okta Enabled for Clear User Sessions Endpoint December 11, 2019
Bug Fixed in 2019.12.0 December 11, 2019

Features API is Generally Available in Production

The Features API allows operations to manage self-service Early Access features in Production and Preview orgs, as well as manage self-service Beta features in Preview orgs and view Beta features in Production orgs.

Token Inline Hook is Generally Available in Production

The Token Inline Hook enables you to integrate your own custom functionality into the process of minting OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect tokens.

SAML Inline Hook is Generally Available in Production

The SAML Inline Hook enables you to customize SAML assertions returned by Okta. You can add attributes or modify existing attributes in outbound SAML assertions.

Scope Object Properties Default Values

In Scope objects created using the Authorization Server API, the default values of the displayName and description properties were updated to be more informative.

In OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect authentication flows, Okta-hosted user consent dialogs were updated to display neutral colors for some UI elements.

OAuth for Okta Enabled for Clear User Sessions Endpoint

The Clear User Sessions endpoint now has OAuth for Okta enabled.

Bug Fixed in 2019.12.0

  • In the Authorization Server API, supplying a consent property was previously required when creating a Scope object in orgs that had the EA feature enabled. It is now required only when updating existing Scope objects. (OKTA-250368)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs Fixed in 2019.11.3 December 4, 2019

Bugs Fixed in 2019.11.3

  • POST calls to the /api/v1/apps endpoint couldn't be used with OAuth for Okta. (OKTA-259867)

  • In some situations, ID tokens returned from Okta didn't contain the idp claim. (OKTA-253962)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug Fixed in 2019.11.2 November 20, 2019

Bug Fixed in 2019.11.2

Multifactor (MFA) Enrollment Policy objects returned by Okta included an unused property, enroll.profiles. (OKTA-260160)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug Fixed in 2019.11.1 November 13, 2019

Bug Fixed in 2019.11.1

An incorrect status was returned in some cases when an admin checked another user's session information using the Sessions API. (OKTA-245793)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Web Authentication as a factor is Generally Available in Production November 6, 2019
Features API is Generally Available in Preview November 6, 2019
SAML Inline Hook is Generally Available in Preview November 6, 2019
Token Inline Hook is Generally Available in Preview November 6, 2019
OAuth for Okta is Early Access in Preview November 6, 2019
Concurrent requests to the same app now return exception November 6, 2019
Rate Limits for /oauth2 endpoints November 6, 2019
Bug Fixed in 2019.11.0 November 6, 2019

Web Authentication as a factor is Generally Available in Production

Admins can enable Web Authentication as a factor (WebAuthn) as defined by WebAuthn standards. WebAuthn supports both security key authentication such as YubiKey devices and platform authenticators such as Windows Hello.

Features API is Generally Available in Preview

The Features API provides operations to manage self-service Early Access features in your Production and Preview orgs and self-service Beta features in your Preview org.

SAML Inline Hook is Generally Available in Preview

The SAML Inline Hook enables you to customize SAML assertions returned by Okta. You can add attributes or modify existing attributes in outbound SAML assertions.

Token Inline Hook is Generally Available in Preview

The Token Inline Hook enables you to integrate your own custom functionality into the process of minting OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect tokens.

OAuth for Okta is Early Access in Preview

With OAuth for Okta, you are able to interact with Okta APIs using scoped OAuth 2.0 access tokens. Each access token enables the bearer to perform specific actions on specific Okta endpoints, with that ability controlled by which scopes the access token contains. For more details, see our OAuth for Okta guide.

Concurrent requests to the same app now return exception

Concurrent PUT requests sent to the same app instance now return an ApiException rather than a 500 HTTP server error.

Rate Limits for /oauth2 endpoints

Rate limiting has been modified for /oauth2 endpoints so that requests that use an invalid client ID don't consume rate limit. Additionally, a System Log warning has been introduced to provide notification of high rate limit consumption by requests that use a valid client ID.

Bug Fixed in 2019.11.0

When the Token Inline Hook feature was enabled and the claim couldn't be evaluated, the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint returned a 403 HTTP status code rather than 400. (OKTA-258981)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
User Types Error Message Change October 31, 2019
Bugs Fixed in 2019.10.2 October 31, 2019

User Types Error Message Change

Error messages returned by the User Types API have changed. Omitting display name or variable name when attempting to create a User Type, or specifying a variable name that is already in use, results in a more specific error message being returned.

Bugs Fixed in 2019.10.2

  • A SameSite=None attribute sent by Okta caused a bug in cross-site handling of cookies in Chrome on iOS 12.* or earlier. (OKTA-254174)
  • In the Features API, when using mode=force to enable a feature and its dependencies, email notifications were not sent to admins for Beta dependencies that were enabled. (OKTA-249644)
  • The length of EL expressions that you could specify for OAuth 2.0 claim values was previously limited to a shorter length but has now been increased to 1024 characters. (OKTA-237675)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Maximum characters increased for the UserAgent string October 16, 2019

Maximum characters increased for the UserAgent string

The maximum length of the client.userAgent.rawUserAgent property value was increased from 200 to 500 characters. See UserAgent Object in the /logs API reference content for more information on this property.


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Event Hooks API is Generally Available October 9, 2019
User Types API in Early Access October 9, 2019
Tokens transform events no longer available October 9, 2019
Cookies updated to preserve cross-functionality October 9, 2019
App Condition available for Enroll Policy October 9, 2019
Bugs Fixed in 2019.10.0 October 9, 2019

Event Hooks API is Generally Available

The Event Hooks API is Generally Available (GA) in Production.

User Types API in Early Access

The User Types API is in Early Access (EA) in both Preview and Production.

Tokens transform events no longer available

Tokens transform System Log events will no longer fire for SAML and Token Inline Hooks. They have been replaced by Inline Hook events.

Cookies updated to preserve cross-functionality

To preserve cross-site functionality, Okta now adds the SameSite=None attribute to all relevant cookies when the client browser is Firefox 69 or above. Previously this was enabled only for Chrome 76 and above.

App Condition available for Enroll Policy

App Condition is now available for the Enroll Policy.

Bugs Fixed in 2019.10.0

  • WebAuthn Factors could not be verified using the Factors API. (OKTA-228239)
  • During OAuth 2 and OIDC sign-in flows, the Okta Sign-In Widget incorrectly rendered pre-populated usernames, substituting + with a space. (OKTA-235187)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Scope Naming Restriction October 2, 2019

Scope Naming Restriction

OAuth Scopes are not allowed to start with the okta. prefix. See the Note under Scope properties for more information.


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug Fixed in 2019.09.3 September 25, 2019

Bug Fixed in 2019.09.3

  • After a user successfully scanned the QR code and completed the MFA enrollment process, the factorResult parameter was missing from the response. (OKTA-244102)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs Fixed in 2019.09.2 September 18, 2019

Bugs Fixed in 2019.09.2

  • When users signed in using IdP Discovery or a Default IdP, any outgoing Hooks related to that sign-in event contained an incorrect request URL value. (OKTA-243190)
  • GET requests to the /users/me endpoint would return hidden standard attributes. (OKTA-243864)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Features API is Early Access EA in Preview and Production September 4, 2019
Mappings API is now Generally Available (GA) in Production September 4, 2019
Error Object in SAML Assertion Inline Hook September 4, 2019
Rate Limits for Authorization Server Public Metadata September 4, 2019
Bugs Fixed in 2019.09.0 September 4, 2019

Features API is Early Access (EA) in Preview and Production

The Features API provides operations to manage self-service features in your Production and Preview orgs and Beta features in your Preview org.

Mappings API is now Generally Available (GA) in Production

The Okta Mappings API provides operations to manage the mapping of properties between an Okta User's and an App User's Profile Properties using Expression Language. This feature is now GA in Production.

Error Object in SAML Assertion Inline Hook

For the SAML Assertion Inline Hook, if an external service returns an error object, Okta now denies the SAML request and redirects the end user to an error page that displays the text string sent in error.errorSummary.

Rate Limits for Authorization Server Public Metadata

The public metadata endpoints for Authorization Servers are now each assigned separate rate limits, which are not shared with other endpoints.

Bugs Fixed in 2019.09.0

  • Responses from the GET /groups/rules API included deleted groups in the assignUserToGroups.groupIds property. (OKTA-242994)

  • Calls to the /users/${userid}/lifecycle/deactivate endpoint could time out when deactivating a user with an extraordinarily high number of app assignments. (OKTA-228031)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs Fixed in 2019.08.3 August 29, 2019

Bugs Fixed in 2019.08.3

  • The Update Inline Hook call wasn't replacing the whole object. (OKTA-229337)

  • IP addresses identified as malicious by Okta ThreatInsight were missing from Events API ("security.threat.detected") event messages. See the Event Types catalog for more information on this event message. (OKTA-242795)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug Fixed in 2019.08.2 August 21, 2019

Bug Fixed in 2019.08.2

Paginated responses from the List Users with Search API were limited to a total of 50,000 results, and following the next link after that limit yielded an error. (OKTA-220619)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug Fixed in 2019.08.1 August 14, 2019

Bug Fixed in 2019.08.1

Some users were not able to access the Group Rules API, despite having proper permissions. (OKTA-240021)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Added Support for TOTP Factor August 7, 2019
Cookies updated to preserve cross-site functionality August 7, 2019
Inline Hooks is now GA in Preview August 7, 2019
LinkedIn API V2 is now supported August 7, 2019
Mappings API is now GA in Preview August 7, 2019
Missing type property now returns a 400 error code August 7, 2019
Bug Fixed in 2019.08.0 August 7, 2019

Added Support for TOTP Factor

Okta now supports a custom MFA factor based on the Time-based One-time Password (TOTP) algorithm. For more information, see Custom HOTP Factor.

Cookies updated to preserve cross-site functionality

To preserve cross-site functionality in light of upcoming updates to Chrome, Okta has added the SameSite=None attribute to all relevant cookies.

Inline Hooks is now GA in Preview

Inline Hooks enable you to integrate your own custom functionality into Okta process flows. The framework to support them is now Generally Available (GA) in Preview.

LinkedIn API V2 is now supported

Okta now supports LinkedIn API V2. Creation of LinkedIn Identity Providers has been re-enabled in all Production orgs.

Mappings API is now GA in Preview

The Okta Mappings API provides operations to manage the mapping of properties between an Okta User's and an App User's Profile Properties using Expression Language. This feature is now GA in Preview.

Missing type property now returns a 400 error code

If you create an IP network zone without a type property for an IP field, PUT or POST requests made to the Zone API now return a 400 error code.

Bug Fixed in 2019.08.0

In the Update User API, when the secondEmail attribute in a user's profile was updated with an empty value (instead of null), the user was incorrectly prompted for secondEmail. (OKTA-240382)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Deleting App Groups July 31, 2019
Bug Fixed in 2019.07.2 July 31, 2019

Deleting App Groups

The DELETE /groups/${groupId} endpoint now supports deleting app groups, in addition to Okta groups. Note, however, that groups configured for group push cannot be deleted.

Bug Fixed in 2019.07.2

  • When API Access Management Consent was enabled, the factor lifetime configured in the App Sign On Rule was ignored and the "Do not challenge me on this device for XXX" prompt didn't appear to the end user when signing in to an OpenID application. (OKTA-2233290)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Email Factor is now GA in Production July 10, 2019
LinkedIn IdP creation re-enabled in Preview July 10, 2019
Email Customization disabled for free orgs July 10, 2019

Email Factor is now GA in Production

The Email Factor is now Generally Available (GA) in all Production orgs.

LinkedIn IdP creation re-enabled in Preview

Creation of LinkedIn Identity Providers has been re-enabled in all Preview orgs.

Email Customization disabled for free orgs

To curtail phishing, free editions of Okta are no longer able to create and send customized email templates. For feature information, see Email and SMS Options.


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Token expiration window increased to five years July 3, 2019
Bug Fixed in 2019.06.4 July 3, 2019

Token expiration window increased to five years

The refresh token expiration window has increased to a maximum of five years in custom authorization servers.

Bug Fixed in 2019.06.4

  • The SystemLog V1 event type security.password_spray.detected has been deprecated. For threat related information, see security.threat.detected events. (OKTA-233958)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Token Inline Hook Can Modify Sub-Objects and Array Elements June 26, 2019
Bugs Fixed in 2019.06.3 June 26, 2019

Token Inline Hook Can Modify Sub-Objects and Array Elements

The Token Inline Hook now lets you modify particular sub-objects or array elements within objects contained in claims, without needing to update the rest of the object.

Bugs Fixed in 2019.06.3

  • When a customer used a Token Inline Hook and returned an error object to Okta, Okta failed to pass the error to the token requester. (OKTA-231397)

  • The issuer claim inside JWT tokens was erroneously changing to all lowercase causing JWT verification failure when the application was case-sensitive. (OKTA-235710)

  • When a customer called the POST /idps/credentials/keys endpoint and supplied an x5t#S256 parameter to specify the SHA-256 thumbprint of the certificate that they were adding, Okta failed to validate the thumbprint.


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Email Factor is now GA in Preview June 5, 2019
Users can be removed from Profile Masters June 5, 2019

Email Factor is now GA in Preview

The Email Factor is now Generally Available (GA) in all Preview orgs.

Users can be removed from Profile Masters

Users can now be unassigned from Apps that serve as their Profile Masters.


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Token Inline Hook Can Modify or Remove Existing Claims (Early Access) May 29, 2019
Bugs Fixed in 2019.05.3 May 29, 2019

Token Inline Hook Can Modify or Remove Existing Claims (Early Access)

The Token Inline Hook now supports changing or removing existing claims in tokens minted by the Okta Custom Authorization Server.

Bugs Fixed in 2019.05.3

  • Responses from the GET /groups/rules API failed to include a link to the next page of results in cases where there was more than one page. (OKTA-221434)

  • Calls to the /authorize endpoint during the Authorization Code with PKCE flow would fail if an idp parameter was supplied with the call (in Preview orgs only). (OKTA-229808)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug Fixed in 2019.05.2 May 22, 2019

Bug Fixed in 2019.05.2

  • The response ID of the User Schema API wasn't consistent with the actual server details. When a request was sent to GET/URL/api/v1/meta/schemas/user/default from a preview org, the response ID always contained a production org URL. (OKTA-218937)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs Fixed in 2019.05.1 May 15, 2019

Bugs Fixed in 2019.05.1

  • When trusted apps overrode the device token, device fingerprints were lost. This caused unexpected behavior for new sign-on notification emails and device-based behavior detection. (OKTA-226646)
  • When a Group admin (who manages more than 1 user group) used the API to fetch users with pagination, the request failed to create a link for the next page of users. (OKTA-222660)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
The Registration Inline Hook is in Early Access (EA) May 8, 2019
Bugs Fixed in 2019.05.0 May 8, 2019

The Registration Inline Hook is in Early Access (EA)

The Registration Inline Hook allows you to integrate your own custom logic into Okta's Self-Service Registration flow.

Bugs Fixed in 2019.05.0

  • Assigning an admin role directly to a user failed if that user was part of a group with the same admin role assignment. (OKTA-223035)
  • The List Users with Search API returned outdated user data. (OKTA-215187)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Hashed Password Imports with SHA-512 Algorithm May 1, 2019
Bugs Fixed in 2019.04.2 May 1, 2019

Hashed Password Imports with SHA-512 Algorithm

You can use the SHA-512 hash type when importing passwords.

Bugs Fixed in 2019.04.2

  • Concurrent requests to modify the same app instance would result in an HTTP 500 error. (OKTA-205283)
  • Responses from the /oauth2/${authServerId}/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server and /oauth2/${authServerId}/.well-known/openid-configuration endpoints for Custom Authorization Servers would append a query parameter (client_id) to the value returned for the jwks_uri property. Inclusion of the query parameter was misleading because you cannot use the query parameter when calling the JWKS URI. (OKTA-217289)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
The Event Hooks Feature is Now Available in EA April 17, 2019
Bug Fixed in 2019.04.1 April 17, 2019

The Event Hooks Feature is Now Available in EA

Event hooks enable you to use events within your Okta org to trigger process flows within your own software systems.

Bug Fixed in 2019.04.1

The applicable rate limit wasn't updated when the URL for the factor verification endpoint was changed. For more details, see our Rate Limits page. (OKTA-219067)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
IdP Extensible Matching Rules are now GA in Preview April 10, 2019
The SAML Inline Hook is in EA April 10, 2019
Rate Limits Updated April 10, 2019
The Sign-In Widget Version for the Custom Login Page has been Updated April 10, 2019
Bug Fixed in 2019.04.0 April 10, 2019

IdP Extensible Matching Rules are now GA in Preview

IdP extensible matching rules allow you to define a regular expression pattern to filter untrusted IdP usernames. For details, see our IdPs page.

The SAML Inline Hook is in EA

The SAML Inline Hook enables you to customize SAML assertions returned by Okta. For details, see our SAML Inline Hook page.

Rate Limits Updated

Okta's API rate limits have been updated:

  • OAuth 2 rate limits were updated and clarified for all orgs.
  • The limit for the api/v1/apps endpoint was updated for Enterprise orgs. For details, see our Rate Limits page.

The Sign-In Widget Version for the Custom Login Page has been Updated

Custom Sign-in Pages can now use Sign-In Widget version 2.18. When you select the "latest" option, you automatically use 2.18. For more information, see our Sign-In Widget page.

Bug Fixed in 2019.04.0

IdPs did not match the user with the USERNAME_OR_EMAIL property when IDP_EXTENSIBLE_MATCHING_RULES was enabled. For details, see our IdPs page. (OKTA-218007)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bugs Fixed in 2019.03.3 March 26, 2019

Bugs Fixed in 2019.03.3


Change Expected in Preview Orgs
PKCE for Browser Clients, CORS Headers for OAuth 2 Token Endpoint March 20, 2019
Bugs Fixed in 2019.03.2 March 20, 2019

PKCE for Browser Clients, CORS Headers for OAuth 2 Token Endpoint

Okta now supports Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) for browser clients and returns CORS headers on the OAuth 2.0 Token endpoints.

Bugs Fixed in 2019.03.2

  • Under some circumstances, users in a locked out state would receive success responses from the SMS recovery API. (OKTA-207288)
  • In some instances, users who were not Okta-mastered would have inaccurate passwordChanged values in API responses. (OKTA-210233)
  • SAML applications created through the API would not save the value for the HonorForceAuthn property. (OKTA-209083)
  • For SAML applications, the attributeStatements object would not update if a null value was passed as part of a PUT operation. (OKTA-209767)


Note: Okta has changed our release model and version numbering. For more information, see here: https://support.okta.com/help/s/article/New-Okta-Release-Model

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Bug Fixed in 2019.03.1 March 13, 2019
Previously Released Early Access Features 2019.03.1 Update Available Now

Bug Fixed in 2019.03.1

  • The Hypertext Application Language links for the inlineHooks API response objects referred to an invalid URL. (OKTA-1211982)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2019.03.1 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Note: Okta has changed our release model and version numbering. For more information, see: https://support.okta.com/help/s/article/New-Okta-Release-Model

Change Expected in Preview Orgs
Password Import Supports SHA-1 and MD5 March 6, 2019
Enable Role Assignment to Every Member of a Group March 6, 2019
New Rate Limits for /users/me March 6, 2019
Generic OIDC IdP is now GA in Preview March 6, 2019
User Search is now GA in Production March 6, 2019
The Import Inline Hook is in EA March 6, 2019
Previously Released Early Access Features 2019.03.0 Update Available Now

Password Import Supports SHA-1 and MD5

The Create/Update User API now supports importing users with SHA-1 and MD5 credentials. For more information, see our Users page.

Enable Role Assignment to Every Member of a Group

Super and Org Admins can now assign and unassign roles to every user in a group using the APIs. For more information, see our Roles page.

New Rate Limits for /users/me

The rate limits for the /users/me endpoint have been updated. For more information, see our Rate Limits page.

Generic OIDC IdP is now GA in Preview

Generic OpenID Connect allows users to sign in to an Okta org using their credentials from their existing account at an OIDC Identity Provider. A generic OIDC IdP can be a third-party IdP that supports OIDC, such as Salesforce or Yahoo or your own custom IdP. You can also configure federation between Okta orgs using OIDC as a replacement for SAML. For more information, see Federate Okta with OpenID Connect.

User Search is now GA in Production

Extended search capabilities for the /users endpoint is now Generally Available. For more information, see our Users page.

The Import Inline Hook is in EA

The Import Inline Hook enables you to add custom logic to the process of importing new users into Okta from an app.

Previously Released Early Access Features 2019.03.0 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Note: Okta has changed our release model and version numbering. For more information, see here: https://support.okta.com/help/s/article/New-Okta-Release-Model

Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Imported Hashed User Passwords Generally Available February 6, 2019 March 11, 2019
Inline Hooks February 6, 2019 February 19, 2019
Token Inline Hook February 6, 2019 February 19, 2019
Signature and Digest Algorithms for Template WS-FED Apps February 6, 2019 February 19, 2019
Google Integration Updated February 6, 2019 February 19, 2019
High Capacity Rate Limits February 6, 2019 February 19, 2019
Creation of LinkedIn IdPs Temporarily Disabled February 14, 2019 February 19, 2019
Bug Fixed in 2019.02.0 February 6, 2018 February 19, 2019
Previously Released Early Access Features 2019.02.0 Update Available Now Available Now

Imported Hashed User Passwords Generally Available

Use of imported hashed passwords when creating or updating users in the Users API is now Generally Available (GA).

Inline Hooks

Inline Hooks enable you to integrate your own custom functionality into Okta process flows. The framework to support them is now in Early Access (EA/).

Token Inline Hook

The Token Inline Hook enables you to integrate your own custom functionality into the process of minting OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect tokens.

Signature and Digest Algorithms for Template WS-Fed Apps

Template WS-Fed applications can now choose between SHA1 and SHA256 options for their Signature and Digest Algorithms. In addition, all Template WS-Fed applications will have X.509 certs signed with SHA256.

Google Integration Updated

Okta's Google social login integration has been updated to account for the deprecation of the Google+ API. More information can be found in our Knowledge Base.

High Capacity Rate Limits

A new High Capacity Rate Limit SKU is now available. The impacted endpoints and their rate limits can be found on our Rate Limits page.

Creation of LinkedIn IdPs Temporarily Disabled

We have disabled the creation of new LinkedIn identity providers until further notice due to the upcoming LinkedIn API V1 deprecation.

Bug Fixed in 2019.02.0

  • There was a typo in the error text returned when a property was set to a 4-byte UTF-8 character (such as an emoji) in a field that does not allow such characters.

Previously Released Early Access Features 2019.02.0 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Note: Okta has changed our release model and version numbering. For more information, see here: https://support.okta.com/help/s/article/New-Okta-Release-Model

Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Bug Fixed in 2019.01.2 January 30, 2019 February 4, 2019
Previously Released Early Access Features 2019.01.2 Update Available Now Available Now

Bug Fixed in 2019.01.2

  • Admin roles that were granted, scoped, or revoked through the Roles API did not appear in the System Log.

  • Verifying an OTP using the Voice Call MFA factor failed when the user tried to verify with the OTP within 30 seconds after auto-activation of the Voice Call MFA factor.

Previously Released Early Access Features 2019.01.2 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Note: Okta has changed our release model and version numbering. Under the old system, this would have been release 2019.1. For more information, see here: https://support.okta.com/help/s/article/New-Okta-Release-Model

Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Social Authentication Generally Available January 9, 2019 January 14, 2019
IdP Discovery Generally Available January 9, 2019 January 14, 2019
Relay State Format Now Configurable for SAML IdPs January 9, 2019 January 14, 2019
No Events API Access for New Orgs January 9, 2019 January 14, 2019
Updated Office 365 Legacy Rate Limit January 9, 2019 January 14, 2019
Bug Fixed in 2019.01.0 January 9, 2018 January 14, 2019
Previously Released Early Access Features 2019.01.0 Update Available Now Available Now

Social Authentication Generally Available

Social Authentication is now Generally Available (GA).

IdP Discovery Generally Available

IdP Discovery is now Generally Available (GA) as part of the Policy API.

Relay State Format Now Configurable for SAML IdPs

The Protocol Object now contains a Relay State object that allows an admin to configure the Relay State format on the SAML IdP.

No Events API Access for New Orgs

As part of the deprecation process, new orgs created from this release onwards will not have access to the Events API.

Updated Office 365 Legacy Rate Limit

The default legacy rate limit for the /app/office365/{key}/sso/wsfed/active endpoint has been lowered from 2000 to 1000.

Bug Fixed in 2019.01.0

  • Some orgs were unable to create the number of users that they were entitled to. (OKTA-203819)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2019.01.0 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Note: Okta has changed our release model and version numbering. Under the old system, this would have been release 2018.52. For more information, see here: https://support.okta.com/help/s/article/New-Okta-Release-Model

Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Bugs Fixed in 2018.12.2 December 27, 2018 January 7, 2019
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.12.2 Update Available Now Available Now

Bugs Fixed in 2018.12.2

  • An error would be returned if the /apps/${applicationId} endpoint was called to update an app that did not not have a configurable signOnMode property.

  • The Identity Providers API endpoints GET /idps/${idpId}/users, GET /idps/${idpId}/users/{userId}, and DELETE /idps/${idpId}/users/${userId} previously required the social authentication feature, even for users related to a non-social IdP. Additionally, non-Social IdPs were not included in the results returned by GET /users/${userId}/idps.

  • Instead of providing specific reasons for failure, Identity Providers operations failed with generic error_description values when the Social Auth provider required user attributes in the user's profile but the attributes were missing or invalid.

  • The /users/${userId}/factors/catalog endpoint returned email as a supported factor type even when Email Authentication was not enabled for the org in MFA settings.

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.12.2 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Note: Okta has changed our release model and version numbering. Under the old system, this would have been release 2019.50. For more information, see here: https://support.okta.com/help/s/article/New-Okta-Release-Model

Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Bug Fixed in 2018.12.1 December 12, 2018 December 17, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.12.1 Update Available Now Available Now

Bug Fixed in 2018.12.1

  • Requests to the same Okta Org Authorization Server's /keys endpoint failed if the requests originated from different domains in the same browser. (OKTA-156155)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.12.1 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Note: Okta has changed our release model and version numbering. Under the old system, this would have been release 2019.49. For more information, see here: https://support.okta.com/help/s/article/New-Okta-Release-Model

Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Bug Fixed in 2018.12.0 December 5, 2018 December 10, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.12.0 Update Available Now Available Now

Bug Fixed in 2018.12.0

  • Queries to the /logs endpoint would return an HTTP 500 error if they contained encoded curly braces (%7Bor %7D).

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.12.0 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
System Log API Returns Threat Insight Attribute November 28, 2018 December 3, 2018
Bugs Fixed in 2018.48 November 28, 2018 December 3, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.48 Update Available Now Available Now

System Log API Returns Threat Insight Attribute

The debugContext object returned by the System Log API can now include an okta_threat_insight attribute to indicate that an event has been identified as a security risk.

Bugs Fixed in 2018.48

  • Some customers could access log data outside of their allowed retention range through the System Log API.

  • Responses from the /oauth2/${authServerId}/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server endpoint did not include supported OpenID Connect response types in the content of the response_types_supported property.

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.48 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Token Management API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Linked Objects API is Generally Available (GA) November 6, 2018 December 10, 2018
Bugs Fixed in 2018.45 November 6, 2018 November 12, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.45 Update Available Now Available Now

Linked Objects API is Generally Available (GA)

The Linked Objects API is now available to all orgs.

Bugs Fixed in 2018.45

  • The set of roles allowed access to system log information by the Events API did not match the set of roles allowed access by the System Log API. (OKTA-194899)
  • When a user tried to sign in using the Okta Sign-in Widget, they would not be prompted to enroll an optional factor, despite multiOptionalFactorEnroll being set to true. (OKTA-195195)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.45 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Token Management API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Bugs Fixed in 2018.44 October 31, 2018 November 5, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.44 Update Available Now Available Now

Bugs Fixed in 2018.44

  • Temporary passwords returned by the /users/${userId}/lifecycle/expire_password endpoint sometimes included hard-to-distinguish characters.
  • Queries to the /logs endpoint with since and until values that were both earlier than the customer's data retention period would return an HTTP 500 error.

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.44 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Bugs Fixed in 2018.42 October 17, 2018 October 22, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.42 Update Available Now Available Now

Bugs Fixed in 2018.42

  • The /clients endpoint dropped the filter parameter for any paginated results returned after the first page.
  • Messages that were sent to devices using the Factors API would sometimes return a 500 error if the message could not be sent.

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.42 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Rate Limit Notifications for One App and Enterprise October 10, 2018 October 15, 2018
OIDC Clients Can Initiate Logout with Expired Token October 10, 2018 October 15, 2018
Change to User Link Editing Permissions October 10, 2018 October 15, 2018
Bugs Fixed in 2018.41 October 10, 2018 October 15, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.41 Update Available Now Available Now

Rate Limit Notifications for One App and Enterprise

When an org reaches its rate limit, the admin console will display a banner and the admin(s) will receive an email notification. These notifications will only appear on One App and Enterprise organizations.

OIDC Clients Can Initiate Logout with Expired Token

Client-initiated logout now succeeds even when the ID token is no longer valid.

Editing the link between users now requires edit permissions for all users involved.

Bugs Fixed in 2018.41

  • Queries to the /logs endpoint with values for since and until that did not specify the time to milliseconds would sometimes return events outside of the specified time range. (OKTA-191533)
  • Responses from the /events endpoint would sometimes omit milliseconds from the published field. (OKTA-192568)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.41 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Bugs Fixed in 2018.40 October 3, 2018 October 8, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.40 Update Available Now Available Now

Bugs Fixed in 2018.40

  • Responses from the /zones endpoint included a duplicate of the type field. (OKTA-188605)
  • The /idps/credentials/keys endpoint was requiring requests to include extra parameters. (OKTA-189780)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.40 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Bugs Fixed in 2018.39 September 26, 2018 October 1, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.39 Update Available Now Available Now

Bugs Fixed in 2018.39

  • Requests to the /authorize endpoint would incorrectly prioritize values from the URI query parameter, rather than the request JWT. For more information, see the documentation for that endpoint. (OKTA-187642)
  • When multiple attempts were simultaneously made to update a user's phone number for the SMS or Call Factor, an HTTP 500 error was sometimes returned. (OKTA-188112)
  • In some situations SHA-256 password imports would not work. SHA-256 password import now requires the salt to be base64-encoded.

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.39 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
User Sessions Deleted after Password Reset September 19, 2018 October 15, 2018
Bugs Fixed in 2018.38 September 19, 2018 September 24, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.38 Update Available Now Available Now

User Sessions Deleted after Password Reset

We now delete all sessions for a user after a successful password reset as part of the forgot password flow.

Bugs Fixed in 2018.38

  • An HTTP 500 error would occur if the JSON body sent to create a user contained a non-string value for the following user profile properties: firstName, lastName, email, login, mobilePhone, and secondEmail. Any non-string values for these properties will now be converted into strings after they are sent. (OKTA-170711)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.38 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
New Device Notification Emails are Generally Available September 5, 2018 September 10, 2018
Email Rate Limiting September 5, 2018 September 10, 2018
New sendEmail Parameter for User Deletion and Deactivation September 5, 2018 October 15, 2018
Support for JWTs Signed with Private Keys September 5, 2018 September 10, 2018
System Log Event for Rate Limit Override Expiration September 5, 2018 September 10, 2018
Required Properties in App User Schema September 5, 2018 September 10, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.36 Update Available now Available now

New Device Notification Emails are Generally Available (GA)

When enabled, end users will receive a new device notification email when signing in to Okta from a new or unrecognized device. This feature is now generally available to all orgs. For more information about email notifications, refer to the New or Unknown Device Notification Emails section on this page.

Email Rate Limiting

Okta is introducing new rate limits for emails that are sent to users. This will help with service protection.

New sendEmail Parameter for User Deletion and Deactivation

User deletion and deactivation requests now have an optional sendEmail parameter. For more information see the documentation for those endpoints:

Support for JWTs Signed with Private Keys

Requests to the /token and /authorize endpoints will now accept JWTs signed with a private key. For more information see the OIDC documentation for the token endpoint and the authorize endpoint.

System Log Event for Rate Limit Override Expiration

A System Log event will be generated exactly two days before a temporary API rate limit override is set to expire. The limit's expiration is set by customer support based on a window agreed upon when the override was requested. Once a limit has expired, it will no longer take effect and the customer will be subject to the default limit for that API endpoint.

Required Properties in App User Schema

API calls to modify an app user schema can no longer change the nullability (required field) of a property if that property is shown as required in the default predefined schema for that app.

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.36 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Bugs Fixed in 2018.35 August 29, 2018 September 4, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.35 Update Available now Available now

Bugs Fixed in 2018.35

  • Search queries to the /user endpoint with an invalid after parameter would return an HTTP 500 error. (OKTA-185186)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.35 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Bugs Fixed in 2018.33 August 15, 2018 August 20, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.33 Update Available now Available now

Bugs Fixed in 2018.33

  • If an SMS factor was used within 30 seconds of the factor being auto-activated, verification would fail. (OKTA-178568)
  • In some instances, Org administrators would not be allowed to create new users, despite having the proper permissions. Additionally, the system log erroneously showed successful user creation. (OKTA-169709)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.33 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Interstitial Page Settings are Generally Available (GA) August 8, 2018 September 2018
New System Log Event Type for Denied Events August 8, 2018 August 13, 2018
Bugs Fixed in 2018.32 August 8, 2018 August 13, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.32 Update Available now Available now

Interstitial Page Settings are Generally Available

You can now disable the Okta loading animation that appears during a login redirect to your application. For more information, see Manage the Okta interstitial page.

New System Log Event Type for Denied Events

The System Log now reports when requests are denied due to a blacklist rule (such as a IP network zone or location rule). These events are logged with the event type security.request.blocked. (OKTA-178982)

Bugs Fixed in 2018.32

  • Fixed a bug that affected delegated authentication users: in rare cases, the user appeared to be active when locked out, or vice versa. (OKTA-180932)
  • The Apps API now returns an error if changing the Application's self-service assignment settings could result in an insecure state. (OKTA-182497)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.32 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Bugs Fixed in 2018.31 August 1, 2018 August 6, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.31 Update Available now Available now

Bugs Fixed in 2018.31

  • Fixed an issue in the OpenID Connect logout endpoint where performing logout with an expired session resulted in an error instead of following the post_logout_redirect_uri. (OKTA-180521)

  • Removed System Logs entries for granting refresh tokens in token requests with the refresh_token grant type (since this grant type simply returns the original refresh token). This fix applies to both custom Authorization Servers and the Okta Org Authorization Server. (OKTA-178335)

  • Fixed issues with the User-Consent Grant Management API: added missing value to issuer, removed issuerId, removed HAL links for issuer and revoke, and added hints for self GET and DELETE. (OKTA-175296)

  • Fixed a bug where SAML apps created using the API could not enable honorForceAuthn. (OKTA-166146)

  • Fixed an issue where login_hint was ignored when using OAuth consent with a custom Authorization Server. (OKTA-164836)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.31 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Bugs Fixed in 2018.29 July 18, 2018 July 23, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.29 Update Available now Available now

Bugs Fixed in 2018.29

  • Using the Zones API to modify an existing zone that is blacklisted removed the blacklisting and coverted it to a normal IP Zone. (OKTA-176610)
  • Using the Applications API to create an OAuth client caused an error if the credentials.oauthClient property was not provided, even though it is not required. (OKTA-179275)
  • The System Log CSV report did not contain a value for AuthenticationContext.issuer for the event type user.authentication.authenticate. (OKTA-147165)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.29 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
MFA Call Factor is Generally Available (GA) July 11, 2018 July 16, 2018
Bugs Fixed in 2018.28 July 11, 2018 July 16, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.28 Update Available now Available now

MFA Call Factor is Generally Available (GA)

The MFA call factor is now Generally Available (GA).

Bugs Fixed in 2018.28

  • Users received an incorrect error message when using the System Log API and specifying a sort order with an unbounded until statement. (OKTA-175411)

  • Under certain circumstances, the System Log API did not return events on the first query, but did on subsequent queries. (OKTA-174660)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.28 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
System Log API is Generally Available (GA) July 5, 2018 July 9, 2018
Bugs Fixed in 2018.27 July 5, 2018 July 9, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.27 Update Available now Available now

System Log API is Generally Available (GA)

The System Log API is now Generally Available. Developers of new projects are strongly recommended to use this in lieu of the Events API.

Bugs Fixed in 2018.27

  • Users who clicked an Activation Link for an Okta Verify factor that had already been activated would get back an HTTP 500 error. (OKTA-146511)
  • Attempting to add more than the maximum number of zones via the Zones API would result in an HTTP 500 error. (OKTA-175991)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.27 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Better /userinfo Errors June 20, 2018 June 25, 2018
Bugs Fixed in 2018.25 June 20, 2018 June 25, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.25 Update Available now Available now

Better /userinfo Errors

The following information has been added to the userinfo endpoint's error response:

  • authorization_uri
  • realm
  • resource
  • a list of required scopes in the scope parameter

Bugs Fixed in 2018.25

  • In certain situations, if a call was made to the OAuth 2.0/OIDC /authorize endpoint with response_mode set to okta_post_message, an HTTP 500 error would return. (OKTA-175326)
  • Removing all permissions on a schema attribute would return a READ_ONLY permission. The response now correctly contains a READ_WRITE permission. (OKTA-173030)
  • If an Authorization Server's redirect_uri was too long, an HTTP 500 error would return. (OKTA-171950)
  • The phoneExtension property would not be returned in GET requests to the Factors API's catalog endpoint. (OKTA-108859)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.25 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
System Log API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
User Login Pattern Validation June 13, 2018 June 18, 2018
Bugs Fixed in 2018.24 June 13, 2018 June 18, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.24 Update Available now Available now

User Login Pattern Validation

A user's login no longer needs to be in the form of an email address. Instead the login is validated against a pattern property stored in the User Schema, which can be set to certain Regular Expressions. If no pattern is set, the default validation requires email addresses. More information can be found in the User and Schema API references.

Bugs Fixed in 2018.24

  • Queries to the /logs endpoint with a since parameter value of less than 1 minute ago would return a 500 error. (OKTA-174239)
  • It was possible to set an access policy rule with a refreshTokenWindowMinutes value of 0 (infinite). (OKTA-171891)
  • The System Log would not display OpenID Connect App assignment and un-assignment events. (OKTA-168223)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.24 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
System Log API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Factors API Now Supports U2F June 6, 2018 June 11, 2018
Network Selection Modes Deprecated June 6, 2018 June 11, 2018
Better Signing Key Errors June 6, 2018 June 11, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.23 Update Available now Available now

Factors API Now Supports U2F

Enrollment, activation, and verification of U2F factors are now supported in the Factors API.

Network Selection Modes Deprecated

Two deprecated network selection modes (ON_NETWORKand OFF_NETWORK) have been removed from the Network Condition Object. They have been replaced by the ZONE type.

Better Signing Key Errors

If signing keys cannot be generated for a new Authorization Server, a more descriptive error will be returned.

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.23 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
System Log API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
New Session Token Behavior is in Early Access May 30, 2018 June 4, 2018
System Log Events for New Device Notification Emails May 30, 2018 June 4, 2018
Bugs Fixed in 2018.22 May 30, 2018 June 4, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.22 Update Available now Available now

New Session Token Behavior is in Early Access

If a user has a valid session and passes a sessionToken, this sessionToken will override any existing session cookie. If the user has a valid session but passes an invalid sessionToken, then their existing session will be invalidated. Currently, if a user has a valid session and passes a sessionToken, the sessionToken will be ignored. If this feature is not enabled, the current behavior will continue.

System Log Events for New Device Notification Emails

New device notification email events will now appear in the System Log.

Bugs Fixed in 2018.22

  • Default password policy settings were sometimes incorrectly applied when creating a user with a password. (OKTA-127830)
  • The /userinfo endpoint would return an empty JSON object in the response body when using an invalid access token. (OKTA-169553)
  • Some OAuth 2.0/OIDC refresh tokens would expire early. (OKTA-171056)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.22 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
System Log API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
System Log Entry Delay Change May 15, 2018 May 29, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.20 Update Available now Available now

System Log Entry Delay Change

Events returned from the /logs endpoint when using the until parameter were previously delayed by up to 1 second. To improve the performance of our System Log, queries to the /logs endpoint that include an until parameter may now return results that are delayed up to 10 seconds. When making requests with an until value that is near real-time, ensure that you allow enough of a buffer as to not miss events (e.g. 20s).

Bug Fixed in 2018.20

  • Group search queries with underscores returned incorrect results. (OKTA-164390)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.20 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Custom URL Domains
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page
Custom Error Page
Linked Objects API
Token Management API
System Log API
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
ID Tokens Can Be Refreshed May 9, 2018 May 14, 2018
Custom URL Domains are in Early Access May 9, 2018 May 14, 2018
Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page is in Early Access May 9, 2018 May 14, 2018
Custom Error Page is in Early Access May 9, 2018 May 14, 2018
Bugs Fixed in 2018.19 May 9, 2018 May 14, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.19 Update Available now Available now

ID Tokens Can Be Refreshed

OpenID Connect ID tokens can now be retrieved using a refresh token. For more information, see our Open ID Connect Reference.

Custom URL Domains are in Early Access

You can customize your Okta org by replacing the Okta domain name with a custom URL domain name that you specify. For example, if the URL of your Okta org is https://${yourOktaDomain}, you can configure a custom URL for the org such as https://id.example.com. For details, see the Configure a custom URL domain.

Custom Okta-hosted Sign-In Page is in Early Access

You can customize the text and the look and feel of the Okta-hosted sign-in page using form controls and an embedded HTML editor. When used together with custom URL domain (required) and custom Okta-hosted error page, this feature offers a fully customized end-user sign-in experience hosted by Okta. For details, see Configure a custom Okta-hosted sign-in page.

Custom Error Page is in Early Access

You can customize the text and the look and feel of error pages using an embedded HTML editor. When used together with custom URL domain (required) and custom Okta-hosted sign-in page, this feature offers a fully customized error page. For details, see Configure a custom error page.

Bugs Fixed in 2018.19

  • Delays were experienced when deleting users. As a result of the fix, one will notice a period of time between when the deletion was initiated and when it completes. During the period, the user will still be visible, but the deletion cannot be reversed. (OKTA-157884)

  • OAuth 2.0 and OIDC requests made with redirect URLs that contained underscores in the domain name would result in an error. (OKTA-167483)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.19 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Linked Objects API Is in Early Access (EA)
Token Management API Is in Early Access (EA)
System Log API Is in Early Access (EA)
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows Is in Early Access (EA)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Authentication Object for Step-up Authentication Is in Early Access May 2, 2018 May 7, 2018
New Version of the Okta Sign-In Widget Available Now Available Now
Bug Fixed in 2018.18 May 2, 2018 May 7, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.18 Update Available now Available now

Authentication Object for Step-up Authentication Is in Early Access

During SP-initiated or IdP-initiated authentication, use the Authentication Object to represent details that the target resource is using.

The Authentication Object is an Early Access feature.

New Version of the Okta Sign-In Widget

Version 2.8.0 of the Okta Sign-In Widget provides new features, notable changes, and bug fixes. For details, visit the okta-signin-widget repository.

Bug Fixed in 2018.18

If the configured default IdP was set to inactive, Okta still used the inactive IdP as the primary endpoint for user authentications, causing authentications to fail. (OKTA-137758)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.18 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Linked Objects API Is in Early Access (EA)
Token Management API Is in Early Access (EA)
System Log API Is in Early Access (EA)
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows Is in Early Access (EA)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Bugs Fixed in 2018.17 April 24, 2018 May 1, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.17 Update Available now Available now

Bugs Fixed in 2018.17

  • If an incorrect appInstanceId was supplied as the IdP parameter in a request to the /authorize endpoint, an HTTP 500 error was thrown. (OKTA-166417)

  • When Okta parsed login names it failed to support addresses enclosed in double quotes as described in RFC 3696. (OKTA-164092)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.17 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Linked Objects API Is in Early Access (EA)
Token Management API Is in Early Access (EA)
System Log API Is in Early Access (EA)
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows is in Early Access (EA)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Enhanced Feature: API Support for Assigning App Instance to App Admins April 11, 2018 April 15, 2018
Bug Fixed in 2018.15 April 11, 2018 April 16, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.15 Update Available now Available now

Enhanced Feature: API Support for Assigning App Instance to App Admins

You can add an app instance target to an APP_ADMIN role assignment via the API. Previously an app instance target could be added to the role assignment using the Okta administrators UI only.

When you assign an app instance target to this role assignment, the scope of the role assignment changes from all app targets to just the specified target. Thus you can use this feature to create different APP_ADMIN role assignments for different apps in your org.

For details, visit the Roles API documentation.

Bug Fixed in 2018.15

This fix applies if the MFA soft lock for delegated authentication feature is enabled. When a user made multiple failed MFA attempts and was locked out, the user status was updated to ACTIVE instead of the correct value, LOCKED_OUT. (OKTA-164900)

Previously Released Early Access Features 2018.15 Update

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Linked Objects API Is in Early Access (EA)
Token Management API Is in Early Access (EA)
System Log API Is in Early Access (EA)
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows is in Early Access (EA)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Linked Objects API in Early Access (EA) April 4, 2018 April 9, 2018
Client SDKs Version 1.0 Available Now Available Now
Bug Fixed for 2018.14 April 4, 2018 April 9, 2018
Previously Released Early Access Features Available now Available now

Linked Objects API in Early Access (EA)

Users have relationships to each other, like manager and subordinate or customer and sales representative. You can create users with relationships by using the Linked Objects API.

Okta allows you to create up to 200 linked object definitions. These definitions are one-to-many:

  • A manager has many subordinates
  • A sales representative has many customers
  • A case worker has many clients

Of course, most organizations have more than one manager or sales representative. You can create the linked object definition once, then assign the primary relationship to as many users as you have people in that relationship.

You can assign the associated relationship for a single primary user to as many users as needed. The associated user can be related to only one primary per linked object definition. But a user can be assigned to more than one linked object definition.

For more details:

Client SDKs Version 1.0

We published the 1.0 version of the following client SDKs:

Visit each SDK for a complete list of new features, enhancements, and bug fixes.

Bug Fixed for 2018.14

  • If someone was able to obtain a user's activation email or password reset email and attempt to log in before the real user completed logging in, that person could access the account at the same time as the real user. (OKTA-85691)

Previously Released Early Access Features

The following features have already been released as Early Access. To enable them, contact Support.

Early Access Features Available Now
Token Management API Is in Early Access (EA)
System Log API Is in Early Access (EA)
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows is in Early Access (EA)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
Change to App Variable Name Incrementing March 21, 2018 March 26, 2018
Token Management API Is in Early Access (EA) March 21, 2018 March 26, 2018
System Log API Is in Early Access (EA) Available Now Available Now
Password Imports with Salted SHA-256 Algorithm is in Early Access (EA) Available Now Available Now
Bug Fixed for 2018.12 March 21, 2018 March 26, 2018

Change to App Variable Name Incrementing

When creating multiple instances of the same app, each instance of the app has a unique Variable Name. This Variable Name is used as part of the Okta Expression Language. Previously each instance was incrementally numbered (salesforce_1, salesforce_2, etc), but going forward each instance will instead have a 7-character alphanumeric string appended to its Variable Name. To find your app's Variable Name, go into the Profile Editor for that app. This change only affects newly created apps.

Token Management API Is in Early Access (EA)

Use the Token Management API to view and revoke OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect refresh tokens by end user, Custom Authorization Server, or client app.

Bug Fixed for 2018.12

  • GET requests to the /authorize endpoint with response_mode=form_post would return an HTML page with a title <span>. (OKTA-162709)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
API Support for IdP-initiated Authentication March 14 March 19
New Powershell Module for TLS 1.2 Compatibility Available Now Available Now
Rate Limit for System Log Increased Available Now Available Now
New Version of Okta Sign-in Widget Available Now Available Now
System Log API Is in Early Access (EA) Available Now Available Now
Password Imports with Salted SHA-256 Algorithm is in Early Access (EA) Available Now Available Now
Bugs Fixed for 2018.11 March 14, 2018 March 19, 2018

API Support for IdP-initiated Authentication

Use this feature to allow a client to specify the application right away during an authentication request, instead of taking the user through "step-up" authentication in a separate request. Documentation

New Powershell Module for TLS 1.2 Compatibility

The new version of Okta's Powershell module is compatible with TLS 1.2. Documentation

Rate Limit for System Log Increased

The rate limit for GET requests to /api/v1/logs has been increased from 60 per minute to 120. Documentation

New Version of Okta Sign-in Widget

Version 2.7.0 of the Okta Sign-in Widget provides new features, notable changes, and bug fixes. For details, visit the okta-signin-widget repository.

Bugs Fixed for 2018.11

  • An incorrect error message was returned when a blank password was specified in a password reset request. (OKTA-144982)
  • If administrators in an org with the Developer Console enabled used the Classic user interface instead, and had no apps assigned, they couldn't access their own user home page. (OKTA-152324)
  • For the System Log API, the displayName in the Target object was set to Unknown if the eventType was user.authentication.sso and if the value didn't exist in the profile editor. This behavior matches the behavior in /events. (OKTA-156484)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
API Access Management is Generally Available (GA) in Production Available now March 12, 2018
System Log API Is in Early Access (EA) March 7, 2018 March 12, 2018
Password Imports with Salted SHA-256 Algorithm is in Early Access (EA) March 7, 2018 March 12, 2018
New Parameter for Authentication with Okta Verify with Auto-Push March 7, 2018 March 12, 2018
System Log Changes for 2018.10 March 7, 2018 March 12, 2018
Bugs Fixed for 2018.10 March 7, 2018 March 12, 2018

API Access Management is Generally Available (GA) in Production

Secure your APIs with API Access Management, Okta's implementation of the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework. API Access Management uses the Okta Identity platform to enable powerful control over access to your APIs. API Access Management can be controlled through the administrator UI as well as a rich set of APIs for client, user, and policy management.

Generally Available (GA) in preview orgs since February 7, 2018, API Access Management is scheduled to be GA in production orgs starting March 12, 2018.

For more information, see OAuth 2.0 and Okta.

System Log API is in Early Access (EA)

The Okta System Log records system events related to your organization in order to provide an audit trail that can be used to understand platform activity and to diagnose problems.

The Okta System Log API provides near real-time read-only access to your organization's system log and is the programmatic counterpart of the System Log UI.

Often the terms "event" and "log event" are used interchangeably. In the context of this API, an "event" is an occurrence of interest within the system and "log" or "log event" is the recorded fact.


Password Imports with Salted SHA-256 Algorithm is in Early Access (EA)

You can use the salted SHA-256 hash type when importing passwords.

New Parameter for Authentication with Okta Verify with Auto-Push

We have added an optional URL parameter, autoPush that allows Okta to store the user's Auto-Push preference when verifying Okta Verify with Auto-Push. This parameter is only necessary when implementing custom login flows that do not use the Okta Sign-In Widget.

System Log Changes for 2018.10

  • If a query to /logs timed out, an HTTP 504 error was returned. Now an HTTP 500 error will be returned. This aligns /logs error responses with other Okta APIs, and ensures implementation details are not leaked to API consumers. (OKTA-159642)
  • The following changes to error codes related to the system log were made to make them consistent with Okta error codes:

Bugs Fixed for 2018.10

  • GET requests to list 200 or more apps were taking a long time to complete. (OKTA-158391)
  • Invalid IP addresses in the X-Forwarded-For header caused a null pointer exception (HTTP 500 NullPointerException) during primary authentication. (OKTA-159414)
  • List User with Search requests in preview orgs failed to return pagination links. (OKTA-160424)


Change Expected in Preview Orgs Rollout to Production Orgs Expected to Start
API Access Management is Generally Available in Preview February 7, 2018 March 12, 2018
User Consent for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Flows in Early Availability (EA) February 28, 2018 March 5, 2018
Sessions API Supports HTTP Header Prefer February 28, 2018 March 5, 2018
User Schema API Allows Nullable firstName, lastName February 28, 2018 March 5, 2018
Improved Response Mode for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Requests February 28, 2018 March 5, 2018
Change to /authorize Response for prompt for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Requests February 28, 2018 March 5, 2018
Improved System Log Behavior for Date Queries February 28, 2018 March 5, 2018
System Log Message Changes Related to Authorization Servers February 28, 2018 March 5, 2018
Bugs Fixed for 2018.09 February 28, 2018 March 5, 2018

A consent represents a user's explicit permission to allow an application to access resources protected by scopes. As part of an OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect authentication flow, you can prompt the user with a page to approve your app's access to specified resources.

Consent grants are different from tokens because a consent can outlast a token, and there can be multiple tokens with varying sets of scopes derived from a single consent. When an application comes back and needs to get a new access token, it may not need to prompt the user for consent if they have already consented to the specified scopes. Consent grants remain valid until the user manually revokes them, or until the user, application, authorization server or scope is deactivated or deleted.

To configure an authorization or authentication flow to include a user consent page:

  1. Verify that you have the API Access Management feature enabled, and request that User Consent also be enabled.

  2. Create an app via the Apps API with the appropriate values for tos_uri, policy_uri, and consent_method. (Details)

    Note: You can also configure an existing app in the administrator UI: Applications > [Application Name] > General > User Consent.

  3. Ensure that your authentication or authorization flow is configured properly. The combination of prompt in the /authorize request, consent_method set on the app in the previous step, and consent, a property set on scopes, controls whether a user consent window is displayed during the authentication flow. Details

Sessions API Supports HTTP Header Prefer

Okta now supports the HTTP Header Prefer in the Sessions API for refreshing sessions. You can extend the session lifetime, but skip any processing work related to building the response body.

Example Request

curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \

Note: me can also be an ID.

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Preference-Applied: return=minimal

User Schema API Allows Nullable firstName, lastName

You can set firstName or lastName to be nullable in the User Profile Base sub-schema. These properties are defined in a profile sub-schema with the resolution scope #base.

Improved Response Mode for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Requests

For the form_post response mode, we have reduced the HTML content returned in an OpenID Connect or OAuth 2.0 request. Now the response is only a form containing the requested tokens (access token, ID token, or both) and JavaScript to post the form.

Change to /authorize Response for prompt for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Requests

If you set prompt=none for a request on /authorize and the maximum age before sign-in is required (max_age) is exceeded, an error is returned. This ensures the safest possible result when these two settings contradict each other.

This applies to /authorize with either the Okta Org Authorization Server or a Custom Authorization Server (which requires API Access Management).

Example: Old Message Format

    "errorCode": "E0000001",
    "errorSummary": "Api validation failed: com.saasure.core.services.user.InvalidUserProfileException: Could not create user due to invalid profile: com.saasure.framework.validation.util.SimpleErrors: 1 errors\nError in object 'newUser': codes [password.passwordRequirementsNotMet.newUser,password.passwordRequirementsNotMet]; arguments [Password requirements: at least 8 characters, a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a number, no parts of your username.]; default message [Password requirements were not met. Password requirements: at least 8 characters, a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a number, no parts of your username.]",
    "errorLink": "E0000001",
    "errorId": "oaecNfS38enQ8KtWDvNfusWRw",
    "errorCauses": [
            "errorSummary": "Password requirements were not met. Password requirements: at least 8 characters, a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a number, no parts of your username."

Example: New Message Format

    "errorCode": "E0000001",
    "errorSummary": "Api validation failed: com.saasure.core.services.user.InvalidUserProfileException: Could not create user due to invalid profile: com.saasure.framework.validation.util.SimpleErrors: 3 errors\nField error in object 'newUser' on field 'password': rejected value [aaaa]; codes [password.minlength.newUser.password,password.minlength.password,password.minlength.java.lang.String,password.minlength]; arguments [8]; default message [Password requirements: at least 8 characters.]\nField error in object 'newUser' on field 'password': rejected value [aaaa]; codes [password.uppercase.newUser.password,password.uppercase.password,password.uppercase.java.lang.String,password.uppercase]; arguments [Password requirements: at least 0 characters, an uppercase letter.]; default message [Password requirements: at least 0 characters, an uppercase letter.]\nField error in object 'newUser' on field 'password': rejected value [aaaa]; codes [password.number.newUser.password,password.number.password,password.number.java.lang.String,password.number]; arguments [Password requirements: at least 0 characters, a number.]; default message [Password requirements: at least 0 characters, a number.]",
    "errorLink": "E0000001",
    "errorId": "oaeGZUg95w6SK2GbA44cXgtvA",
    "errorCauses": [
            "errorSummary": "password: Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length",
            "reason": "LENGTH_MINIMUM",
            "location": "credentials.password.value",
            "locationType": "body",
            "domain": "user"
            "errorSummary": "password: Password requirements: at least 0 characters, an uppercase letter.",
            "reason": "UPPER_CASE_REQUIRED",
            "location": "credentials.password.value",
            "locationType": "body",
            "domain": "user"
            "errorSummary": "password: Password requirements: at least 0 characters, a number.",
            "reason": "NUMBER_REQUIRED",
            "location": "credentials.password.value",
            "locationType": "body",
            "domain": "user"

If you don't want these changes, contact Support to opt out.

Improved System Log Behavior for Date Queries

  1. For /logs, the request parameters since and until require the RFC 3339 Internet Date/Time Format profile of ISO 8601. This allows queries to more accurately target date ranges.

  2. For /logs, the maximum page size is 1,000 messages (limit=1000). The default remains at 100.

The following message changes apply to either the Okta Org Authorization Server or a Custom Authorization Server including default (which requires API Access Management), or both, as indicated in each section.

Simplified Failure Messages from /authorize Requests for /events System Log

The existing messages app.oauth2.authorize_failure, app.oauth2.as.authorize_failure and app.oauth2.as.authorize.scope_denied_failure replace these messages:

  • app.oauth2.authorize.access_denied
  • app.oauth2.authorize.invalid_client_id
  • app.oauth2.authorize.invalid_cache_key
  • app.oauth2.authorize.no_existing_session
  • app.oauth2.authorize.login_failed
  • app.oauth2.authorize.mismatched_user_in_cache_and_session
  • app.oauth2.authorize.user_not_assigned
  • app.oauth2.authorize.scope_denied
  • app.oauth2.as.authorize.warn_failure
  • app.oauth2.as.authorize.scope_denied

Details about the nature of the failure are included, so no information has been lost with this simplification.

These system log changes affect responses from requests that involve either the Okta Org Authorization Server or a Custom Authorization Server including default.

Simplified Failure Messages from /token Requests for /events System Log

Instead of supplying two different messages for token grant failures on /token, the existing message app.oauth2.as.authorize.token.grant_failure replaces these messages:

  • app.oauth2.as.token.grant.warn_failure
  • app.oauth2.as.token.grant.scope_denied_failure

This system log change affects responses from requests that involve a Custom Authorization Server including default.

Simplified Success Messages from /token Requests for /events System Log

Instead of supplying a different message for ID token and access token generation, there's just one message for each. The ID token or access token minted is included in the message as it was previously.

  1. The existing message app.oauth2.authorize.implicit_success replaces:

    • app.oauth2.authorize.implicit.id_token_success
    • app.oauth2.authorize.implicit.access_token_success
  2. The existing message app.oauth2.as.authorize.implicit_success replaces:

    • app.oauth2.as.authorize.implicit.id_token_success
    • app.oauth2.as.authorize.implicit.access_token_success

The _success messages weren't being written to the System Log previously, but are now.

These system log changes affect responses from requests that involve either the Okta Org Authorization Server or a Custom Authorization Server including default.

Simplified Messages from /token Requests for /logs System Log

Instead of supplying a different message for ID token and access token generation, there's just one message for each. The ID token or access token minted is included in the message as it was previously.

  1. The existing message app.oauth2.authorize.implicit replaces:

    • app.oauth2.authorize.implicit.id_token
    • app.oauth2.authorize.implicit.access_token
  2. The existing message app.oauth2.as.authorize.implicit replaces:

    • app.oauth2.as.authorize.implicit.id_token
    • app.oauth2.as.authorize.implicit.access_token

These system log changes affect responses from requests that involve either the Okta Org Authorization Server or a Custom Authorization Server, including default.

Bugs Fixed for 2018.09

The following bugs have been fixed and are expected in preview orgs February 28, 2018 and production orgs starting March 5, 2018.

  • If a user had a status of ACTIVE and had never signed in, and an API call reset the user's password, the user's status was incorrectly changed from ACTIVE to PROVISIONED, instead of the expected RECOVERY. (OKTA-154024)
  • If -admin was incorrectly included in the domain name during initialization of an OktaAuth object, no error was returned. (OKTA-156927)
  • If a user was created with a password, that password wasn't considered as part of their password history. (OKTA-158966)


Feature Enhancement

The following feature enhancement is expected in preview orgs February 14, 2018, and in production orgs on February 27, 2018.

Keystore Rollover Events Now Logged

OAuth key store rollover events are now included in both the Events and System Log APIs.

Bug Fixed

The following bug has been fixed and is expected in preview orgs February 14, 2018 and production orgs starting February 27, 2018.

  • The error message "Exception while persisting IdpAppUser" wasn't available in the System Log API. (OKTA-153604)


Feature Enhancements

Feature Enhancement Expected in Preview Orgs Expected in Production Orgs
API Access Management is Generally Available in Preview February 7, 2018 starting March 12, 2018
New Administrator Role for API Access Management February 7, 2018 starting February 12, 2018
New and Changed Messages for the System Log February 7, 2018 starting February 12, 2018

API Access Management is Generally Available in Preview

Secure your APIs with API Access Management, Okta's implementation of the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework. API Access Management uses the Okta Identity platform to enable powerful control over access to your APIs. API Access Management can be controlled through the administrator UI as well as a rich set of APIs for client, user, and policy management.

For more information, see OAuth 2.0 and Okta.

New Administrator Role for API Access Management

If you have API Access Management enabled, you can use a dedicated administrator's role for API Access Management: the API Access Management Admin role. Use this role to manage custom authorization servers and related tasks:

  • Create and edit authorization servers, scopes, custom claims, and access policies
  • Create and edit OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect client apps
  • Assign users and groups to OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect client apps

To change the role assigned to a user, use the Administrator Roles API or visit Security > Administrators in the administrator UI.

New and Changed Messages for the System Log

We've added a new message and improved an existing one in the System Log (/api/v1/logs):

  • A message is now written to the System Log when password credentials fail. Previously this message was written only to /api/v1/events.
  • The System Log message policy.rule.deactivated specifies in the Debug Context when the cause of a rule being disabled is that all the network zones for that rule have been deleted.

Bug Fixed

The following bug has been fixed and is expected in preview orgs February 7, 2018 and production orgs starting February 12, 2018.

  • A spurious next link from the response headers was returned by a policy get operation (GET {url} /api/v1/policies). (OKTA-152522)


Feature Enhancements

Feature Enhancement Expected in Preview Orgs Expected in Production Orgs
App User Schema API is Generally Available Available Now Available Now
Special HTML Characters in state for okta_post_message January 31, 2018 February 7, 2018
Custom Scopes in Metadata Endpoints January 31, 2018 February 7, 2018
Improved Enforcement of Authorization Server Policies January 31, 2018 February 7, 2018
Functions for Including Groups in Tokens January 31, 2018 February 7, 2018
New System Log Messages January 31, 2018 February 7, 2018
New Version of the Sign-In Widget Available Now Available Now

Generally Available: App User Schema API

Use the App User Schema API to work with App User profiles, typically for apps that have features for provisioning users.

Special HTML Characters in state for okta_post_message

You can include HTML special characters in the state parameter for okta_post_message. Note that state in the main request body already allows these characters.

Custom Scopes in Metadata Endpoints

You can specify whether or not to include custom scopes in the metadata endpoints for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect. Existing custom scopes are not exposed by default. Set the metadataPublish attribute to ALL_CLIENTS to change the behavior.

Improved Enforcement of Authorization Server Policies

When a client application tries to redeem an authorization token from a refresh token issued by a custom authorization server, policies are evaluated again. This ensures any changes since the time the refresh token was issued are checked.

Functions for Including Groups in Tokens

Use the new EL functions Group.contains, Group.startsWith, and Group.endsWith to define a set of dynamic groups to be included in tokens minted from Okta's authorization servers.

These functions complement the existing EL function getFilteredGroups which helps you create a static list of groups for inclusion in a token.

New System Log Messages

User account updates have two new events written to the system log ( /api/v1/events and /api/v1/logs):

  • The user.account.unlock_by_admin event complements the existing user.account.unlock event which is triggered only by self-service unlock or automatic unlock. The user.account.unlock_by_admin event is triggered when an administrator unlocks an account.
  • The user.account.update_primary_email event is triggered only when a primary email is updated. It's not triggered by profile sync or other automated processes.

New Version of the Sign-In Widget

Version 2.6.0 of the Okta Sign-In Widget is available. Check out the new features and bug fixes!

Bugs Fixed

The following bugs have been fixed and are expected in preview orgs January 31, 2018 and production orgs starting February 7, 2018.

  • Client applications could redeem an access token from a refresh token if it contained a deleted scope. (OKTA-154738)
  • The exception thrown when creating a zone without the correct features enabled was incorrect 501: unsupported operation. Now the correct exception is thrown: 401: You do not have permission to access the feature you are requesting. (OKTA-154940)
  • Requests to /api/v1/authn with deviceToken in the body of the request incorrectly prompted the user for MFA, even after successfully verifying the factor the first time, if:
    • The org had MFA enabled ( Sign On Policy > Prompt for Factor > Per Device ).
    • The user was assigned to an app that had password sync enabled. (OKTA-156826)


Feature Enhancements

Feature Enhancement Expected in Preview Orgs Expected in Production Orgs
App User Schema API is Generally Available Available Now February 13, 2017

Generally Available: App User Schema API

Use the App User Schema API to work with App User profiles, typically for apps that have features for provisioning users.


Feature Enhancements

Feature Enhancement Expected in Preview Orgs Expected in Production Orgs
App User Schema API is Generally Available January 10, 2018 February 13, 2017
SHA-256 Certificates for New SAML 2.0 Apps is Generally Available Available Now January 10, 2018

Generally Available: App User Schema API

Use the App User Schema API to work with App User profiles, typically for apps that have features for provisioning users.

Generally Available: SHA-256 Certificates for SAML 2.0 Apps

When you create a SAML 2.0 app in Okta, the app is created with SHA-256 signed public certificates. Certificates for existing SAML 2.0 apps aren't changed. To update an existing app, use these instructions.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed, and are expected in preview orgs starting January 10, 2018, and in production orgs starting January 16, 2018.

  • Network zones couldn't be deleted if they were associated with a sign-on policy, even after the policy has been deleted. (OKTA-150747)
  • Results returned from the Users API incorrectly reported the status of some users who were mastered by Active Directory. The statuses PASSWORD_RESET or LOCKED_OUT were reported as ACTIVE. (OKTA-153214, OKTA-151861)


Feature Enhancements

Feature Enhancement Expected in Preview Orgs Expected in Production Orgs
Token Preview December 28, 2017 January 8, 2017
New values for amr base claim December 28, 2017 January 8, 2017

Token Preview

Configuring an application or integration to use OpenID Connect ID tokens or OAuth 2.0 access tokens can take a lot of trial-and-error. Okta has made it easier to choose configuration settings and see the resulting tokens in the Token Preview tab of the Authorization Server page:

Screen shot of token preview tab

Add values on the left side to see how they would affect the token on the right. All the fields are selection boxes except User. For User, type in the first few letters to see a choice of user names.

You can try out different combinations of values, and see the resulting tokens (or error messages). Once you've got the right combination, it's easy to configure your authorization server and other components.

New Values for amr Base Claim

We improved some behaviors related for base claim amr:

Bug Fix: Legacy Events Available in System Log

This bug fix is expected in preview orgs starting December 28, 2017 and expected in production orgs starting January 8, 2017.

The following legacy events, already present in the /api/v1/events endpoint, are also available in the /api/v1/logs endpoint (System Log API):

  • app.auth.slo.with_reason
  • app.auth.slo.saml.malformed_request.invalid_type
  • app.keys.clone_legacy
  • app.keys.generate_legacy
  • app.keys.rotate_legacy


Enhanced Feature

Strict Policy Enforcement for Password Changes

Added strict optional parameter to the following operations:

This parameter allows you to force the validation of the password policy's minAge and passwordHistory requirements when an updated password is sent. This will be Generally Available in preview orgs starting on Dec 13, 2017 and in production orgs starting on Dec 19, 2017.

API Bug Fix

The following bug fixes will be available on preview orgs starting Dec 13, 2017, and will be available on production orgs starting December 19, 2017:

  • When using the Zones API, erasing all IP addresses in the Default IP Blacklist zone caused an error. (OKTA-145602)


New and Enhanced Features

Feature Available in Preview Orgs Available in Production Orgs
App User Schema API in EA December 6, 2017 January 10, 2017
HAL Link Rollout December 6, 2017 December 12, 2017
JWT as a Request Parameter December 6, 2017 December 12, 2017

Early Access Feature in Preview: App User Schema API

The App User Schema API is an Early Access (EA) release. Use this API to work with App User profiles, typically for apps that have features for provisioning users.

In previous releases, Okta enabled functionality which modifies the set of links returned with user collection elements. In the new functionality, when a collection of Users is returned, the Links object returned with each element contains only the _self link, which can be used to obtain the individual User object. The User object contains the full set of links. We made this change to ensure you always have up-to-date and complete links.

Most orgs already have this functionality and should see no change in behavior. Some orgs did not receive this functionality because they were identified as possible users of the .NET SDK. These customers have received a communication from Okta outlining the changes and any actions they might need to take.

Some preview orgs created with the Developer Paid edition will receive the new functionality on preview orgs starting December 6, 2017, and on production orgs starting December 12, 2017.

See the User Model documentation for more information.

JWT as a Request Parameter

A new parameter, request is available for all /authorize endpoints. The parameter contains a JWT created by the client, enabling requests to be passed in a single, self-contained parameter. This JWT must be signed.

For details about using request, see Oauth 2.0 or OpenID Connect documentation.

API Bug Fixes

The following bug fixes will be available on preview orgs starting Dec 6, 2017, and will be available on production orgs starting December 11, 2017:

  • Password requirements were incorrectly evaluated on passwords longer than 72 characters. (OKTA-144636)

  • If the number of results in a page was divisible by the limit parameter value, an additional empty page was incorrectly returned. (OKTA-146006)

  • If an app embed link with a session token was used to access an app, the user was incorrectly prompted to authenticate again, instead of using the token to launch the application. (OKTA-149823)


API Bug Fix

The following bug fix will be available on preview orgs starting November 21, and will be available on production orgs starting November 28, 2017:

  • A partial profile update (POST /api/v1/users/ {userId}) incorrectly required that login be specified in the profile. (OKTA-145770)


API Bug Fix

The following bug fix is available now on preview orgs, and will be available on production orgs starting November 28, 2017:

  • After updating a user with a POST to /user/{userId}, HAL links would not be included in the response body. (OKTA-145195)


API Feature Enhancements

Feature Enhancement Expected in Preview Orgs Expected in Production Orgs
App Label Length Increase November 8, 2017 November 14, 2017
GET Users by ID Rate Limit Increased November 8, 2017 November 14, 2017
User ID Now Included in Token Log Events November 8, 2017 November 14, 2017
IdP Provisioning Policy Conditions in GA November 8, 2017 November 14, 2017

App Label Length Increase

App label maximum length has been increased from 50 to 100 characters.

GET Users by ID Rate Limit Increased

The default rate limit for GET requests to /api/v1/users/${userId} has been increased from 600 to 2000.

User ID Now Included in Token Log Events

The System Log and Events APIs now report the userId in API Access Management and OpenID Connect access token and refresh token events. This userId appears as a Subject field in the event. For the client_credentials grant type, userId will not be included since there is no user context.

IdP Provisioning Policy Conditions in GA

Identity Provider Provisioning Policy Conditions are now Generally Available.

API Bug Fixes

The following bug fixes are available now on preview orgs, and will be available on production orgs starting November 14, 2017:

  • System log messages for refresh token events failed to include the displayName. In this context, the display name reports that the event was for a refresh token. (OKTA-146743)
  • Using nextLogin to create a user with an expired password was successful but incorrectly reported the status as ACTIVE in the response. (OKTA-136663)
  • When importing users into an app group, the System Log event would display unknown for the target user's AlternateId and DisplayName properties. (OKTA-145115)
  • In some instances, the enum property could not be used in conjunction with JSON Schema validations for minLength/maxLength (for strings) or minimum/maximum (for integers/numbers). (OKTA-142732)


API Feature Enhancements: New Query Parameter for Create User

Use the new query parameter nextLogin with a create user API request to create and activate a user with an expired password. The user has to change his or her password the next time they log in. This new query parameter eliminates the need to use two API calls to achieve the same result.

This feature enhancement is expected in preview orgs starting November 1, 2017, and in production orgs starting November 6, 2017.

API Bug Fixes

Three bug fixes are available now on preview orgs, and will be available on production orgs starting November 6, 2017:

  • The default ports in the App Wizard in the Developer Console have been changed from 3000 to 8080. (OKTA-144916)
  • An error string was unclear. The string is returned when a session times out while waiting for a user to enter MFA credentials during an OpenID Connect /oauth2/v1/authorize or OAuth 2.0 /oauth2/${authServerId}/v1/authorize request. (OKTA-143916)
  • An error, User not assigned to app was incorrectly returned from a GET /oauth2/v1/authorize request for Oauth 2.0 clients with a custom client ID. (OKTA-146566)

Two bug fixes are expected on preview orgs starting Nov 1, 2017, and will be available on production orgs starting November 6, 2017:

  • System log entries for API Access Management and OpenID Connect now correctly report client IDs and the number of tokens which were revoked in a refresh token. (OKTA-145486)
  • The OpenID Connect claim phone_number_verified was returned from some authorization servers. The claim has been removed because Okta doesn't support this claim yet. (OKTA-146470)


API Bug Fixes

These bug fixes are expected on preview orgs starting October 25, 2017, and on production orgs starting November 8, 2017.

  • The default ports in the App Wizard in the Developer Console have been changed from 3000 to 8080. (OKTA-144916)
  • An error string was unclear. The string is returned when a session times out while waiting for a user to enter MFA credentials during an OpenID Connect /authorize call. (OKTA-143916)


API Feature Enhancements

Group Rule Evaluations Included in System Log

Group Rule evaluation failures are now exposed via the System Log API.

API Bug Fixes

These bug fixes are expected on preview orgs starting October 18, 2017, and on production orgs starting October 24, 2017.

  • ID tokens requested alongside access tokens or authorization codes from custom authorization servers did not include OpenID Connect claims. This caused client applications, including the Okta Sign-In Widget, to not pre-populate the username. (OKTA-143857, 2017.40 Preview Fix)


API Feature Enhancements

API Access Management Logs in Events API

API Access Management now generates System Log events available via the Events API. This will be Generally Available in preview orgs starting on October 11, 2017 and in production orgs starting on October 17, 2017.

New Version of Sign-In Widget

Version 2.3 of the Okta Sign-In Widget is available. Check out the new features and bug fixes!

API Bug Fixes

These bug fixes are expected on preview orgs starting October 11, 2017, and on production orgs starting October 17, 2017.

  • Active Directory Password Policies now always return a maxAgeDays value of 0, since this setting is unsupported by Active Directory. (OKTA-142874)
  • Deleting a user failed if the user's primary and secondary emails were the same. (OKTA-142765)
  • Deleting a user failed if the domain portion of the username string was too long. (OKTA-141876)
  • Radius authentication flows would erroneously trigger user.session.end events in the log. (OKTA-138775)
  • When a user signed in to Okta via IWA and without an MFA prompt, there was no sign on policy evaluation entry present in the system log. (OKTA-136545)
  • User authentication attempts blocked by geographic restrictions in Adaptive MFA were logged as a successful login followed by a Login Denied event in the system log. (OKTA-112077)


API Feature Enhancements

Feature Enhancement Expected in Preview Orgs Expected in Production Orgs
Concurrent Rate Limits October 4, 2017 October 9, 2017
OpenID Connect Scope Change October 4, 2017 October 9, 2017
Help Desk Administrator Role Generally Available October 4, 2017 October 9, 2017
Policy API September 7, 2017 October 9, 2017
Password Policy API September 7, 2017 October 9, 2017

Concurrent Rate Limits

In order to protect the service for all customers, Okta enforces concurrent rate limits starting with this release. Concurrent limits are distinct from the org-wide, per-minute API rate limits.

For concurrent rate limits, traffic is measured in three different areas. Counts in one area aren't included in counts for the other two:

  • For agent traffic, Okta measured each org's traffic and set the limit above the highest usage in the last four weeks.
  • For Office365 traffic, the limit is 75 concurrent transactions per org.
  • For all other traffic including API requests, the limit is 75 concurrent transactions per org.

Okta has verified that these limits are sufficient based on current usage. As a result of verification, we increased the limit for some orgs to 150.

The first request to exceed the concurrent limit returns an HTTP 429 error, and the first error every sixty seconds is written to the log. Reporting concurrent rate limits once a minute keeps log volume manageable.

Example Error Response Events
    "eventId": "tevEVgTHo-aQjOhd1OZ7QS3uQ1506395956000",
    "sessionId": "102oMlafQxwTUGJMLL8FhVNZA",
    "requestId": "reqIUuPHG7ZSEuHGUXBZxUXEw",
    "published": "2017-09-26T03:19:16.000Z",
    "action": {
      "message": "Too many concurrent requests in flight",
      "categories": [],
      "objectType": "core.concurrency.org.limit.violation",
      "requestUri": "/report/system_log"
    "actors": [
        "id": "00uo7fD8dXTeWU3g70g3",
        "displayName": "Test User",
        "login": "test-user@test.net",
        "objectType": "User"
        "id": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36",
        "displayName": "CHROME",
        "ipAddress": "",
        "objectType": "Client"
    "targets": []
Example Error Response for System Log API (Beta)
        "actor": {
            "alternateId": "test.user@test.com",
            "detailEntry": null,
            "displayName": "Test User",
            "id": "00u1qqxig80SMWArY0g7",
            "type": "User"
        "authenticationContext": {
            "authenticationProvider": null,
            "authenticationStep": 0,
            "credentialProvider": null,
            "credentialType": null,
            "externalSessionId": "trs2TSSLkgWR5iDuebwuH9Vsw",
            "interface": null,
            "issuer": null
        "client": {
            "device": "Unknown",
            "geographicalContext": null,
            "id": null,
            "ipAddress": "",
            "userAgent": {
                "browser": "UNKNOWN",
                "os": "Unknown",
                "rawUserAgent": "Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/1.7.0_76)"
            "zone": "null"
        "debugContext": {
            "debugData": {
                "requestUri": "/api/v1/users"
        "displayMessage": "Too many requests in flight",
        "eventType": "core.concurrency.org.limit.violation",
        "legacyEventType": "core.concurrency.org.limit.violation",
        "outcome": null,
        "published": "2017-09-26T20:21:32.783Z",
        "request": {
            "ipChain": [
                    "geographicalContext": null,
                    "ip": "",
                    "source": null,
                    "version": "V4"
                    "geographicalContext": null,
                    "ip": "",
                    "source": null,
                    "version": "V4"
        "securityContext": {
            "asNumber": null,
            "asOrg": null,
            "domain": null,
            "isProxy": null,
            "isp": null
        "severity": "INFO",
        "target": null,
        "transaction": {
            "detail": {},
            "id": "Wcq2zDtj7xjvEu-gRMigPwAACYM",
            "type": "WEB"
        "uuid": "dc7e2385-74ba-4b77-827f-fb84b37a4b3b",
        "version": "0"
Example Rate Limit Header with Concurrent Rate Limit Error

This example shows the relevant portion of a rate limit header being returned with the error for a request that exceeded the concurrent rate limit.

HTTP/1.1 429
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2017 21:33:25 GMT
X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 0
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 0
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 1506461721

Notice that instead of the typical counts for time-based rate limits, when a request exceeds the limit for concurrent requests, X-Rate-Limit-Limit, X-Rate-Limit-Remaining, and X-Rate-Limit-Reset report the concurrent values instead. When the number of unfinished requests is below the concurrent rate limit, request headers will switch back to reporting the time-based rate limits.

The X-Rate-Limit-Reset time for concurrent rate limits is only a suggestion. There's no guarantee that enough requests will complete to stop exceeding the concurrent rate limit at the time indicated.

For more information, see developer documentation about rate limit headers.

OpenID Connect Scope Change

We've changed the behavior of OpenID Connect scopes:

  • OpenID Connect scopes are returned from requests to /api/v1/authorizationServers/${authServerId}/scopes.
  • You can edit scope descriptions in the Okta user interface or via the API.

Help Desk Administrator Role Generally Available

The Help Desk Administrator Role (HELP_DESK_ADMIN) is generally available via the Roles API. For information about this role, see the in-app help.

Policy API

The Policy API enables an Administrator to perform policy and policy rule operations. The policy framework is used by Okta to control rules and settings that govern, among other things, user session lifetime, whether multi-factor authentication is required when logging in, what MFA factors may be employed, password complexity requirements, and what types of self-service operations are permitted under various circumstances. For more information, see Okta's API Reference.

Password Policy API

The Password Policy type controls settings that determine a user's password length and complexity, as well as the frequency with which a password can be changed. This policy also governs the recovery operations that may be performed by the user, including change password, reset (forgot) password and self-service password unlock. For more information, see Okta's API Reference.


The following API feature enhancements and bug fixes are available in the 2017.38 release. Dates for preview and production release are the earliest possible release date. Always check your org to verify the release version.

API Feature Enhancements

Feature Enhancement Expected in Preview Orgs Expected in Production Orgs
Key Rotation for OpenID and OAuth Apps September 20, 2017 September 25, 2017
Policy API September 7, 2017 October 9, 2017
Password Policy API September 7, 2017 October 9, 2017

Policy API

The Policy API enables an Administrator to perform policy and policy rule operations. The policy framework is used by Okta to control rules and settings that govern, among other things, user session lifetime, whether multi-factor authentication is required when logging in, what MFA factors may be employed, password complexity requirements, and what types of self-service operations are permitted under various circumstances. For more information, see Okta's API Reference.

Password Policy API

The Password Policy type controls settings that determine a user's password length and complexity, as well as the frequency with which a password can be changed. This policy also governs the recovery operations that may be performed by the user, including change password, reset (forgot) password and self-service password unlock. For more information, see Okta's API Reference,

Key Rotation for OpenID Connect and OAuth Apps

You can now specify the key rotation mode for OpenID Connect and OAuth apps in the Apps API with autoKeyRollover. More information can be found in the API Reference.

API Bug Fixes

Bug fixes are expected on preview orgs starting September 20, 2017, and on production orgs starting September 25, 2017.

  • Using a refresh token for a client application with a client ID longer than 20 characters caused an error. (OKTA-139722)


The Policy API and Password Policy API are Generally Available in preview orgs starting on September 7, 2017 and in production orgs starting on October 9, 2017.

The Policy API enables an Administrator to perform policy and policy rule operations. The policy framework is used by Okta to control rules and settings that govern, among other things, user session lifetime, whether multi-factor authentication is required when logging in, what MFA factors may be employed, password complexity requirements, and what types of self-service operations are permitted under various circumstances.

The Password Policy type controls settings that determine a user's password length and complexity, as well as the frequency with which a password can be changed. This policy also governs the recovery operations that may be performed by the user, including change password, reset (forgot) password and self-service password unlock.


The following platform feature enhancements and bug fixes are available in the 2017.35 release. Dates for preview and production release are the earliest possible release date. Always check your org to verify the release version.

API Feature Enhancements

Feature Enhancement Expected in Preview Orgs Expected in Production Orgs
Zones API is an Early Access Release August 22, 2017 September 5, 2017

Zones API is an Early Access Release

Zones are used to group IP Address ranges so that policy decisions can be made based on the client's IP location.

The Zones API is an Early Access release. Contact Support to enable it. This API can be enabled beginning August 22, 2017 for preview orgs, and beginning September 5, 2017 for production orgs.

API Bug Fix

This bug fix is expected on preview orgs starting August 31, 2017, and on production orgs starting Sept 5, 2017.


The following API feature enhancements and bug fixes are available in the 2017.34 release. Dates for preview and production release are the earliest possible release date. Always check your org to verify the release version.

API Feature Enhancements

Feature Enhancement Expected in Preview Orgs Expected in Production Orgs
New Developer Dashboard Available now in new developer orgs N/A
Zones API is an Early Access Release August 22, 2017 September 5, 2017

New Developer Dashboard

The new developer dashboard is available in all new developer orgs in preview:

New Developer Dashboard

Use the developer dashboard to access quick-start guides for your favorite language and view recent system log events. You can also create an OpenID Connect app more easily with this simplified flow:

New Developer Dashboard

Zones API is an Early Access Release

Zones are used to group IP Address ranges so that policy decisions can be made based on the client's IP location.

The Zones API is an Early Access release. Contact Support to enable it. This API can be enabled beginning August 22, 2017 for preview orgs, and beginning September 5, 2017 for production orgs.

API Bug Fixes

Bug fixes are expected on preview orgs starting August 22, 2017, and on production orgs starting Sept 5, 2017.

  • OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 client apps with an application_type of native or browser incorrectly allowed the client_credentials grant type. This fix adheres to the OAuth 2.0 spec. (OKTA-135853)
  • Requests to GET /api/v1/apps/${applicationId}/groups?expand=group%2Cmetadata caused an error in orgs with the Application Entitlements Policy enabled. (OKTA-135969)
  • The AssertionConsumerServiceURL attribute in a SAML authentication requests matched one of the configured SSO URLs but an error was returned. (OKTA-137555)


Platform Feature Enhancements

Feature Enhancement Expected in Preview Orgs Expected in Production Orgs
Default Custom Authorization Server August 9, 2017 August 14, 2017
Web App Supports Client Credential Grant Type August 9, 2017 August 14, 2017
OpenID Connect Group Claim Retrieves Application Groups August 9, 2017 August 14, 2017
SHA-256 Signed Certificates for New SAML 2.0 Apps Generally Available now Generally Available beginning 9/11/2017

Default Custom Authorization Server

Okta provides a pre-configured Custom Authorization Server named default. This default authorization server includes a basic access policy and rule, which you can edit to control access. It allows you to specify default instead of the authServerId in requests to it:

  • https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/authorizationServers/default vs
  • https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/authorizationServers/${authServerId} for other Custom Authorization Servers

Web App Supports Client Credential Grant Type

OAuth 2.0 clients now support configuration of the web application type to use a client_credential grant type. This allows you to use one client_id for an application that needs to make user-specific calls and back-end calls for data.

OpenID Connect Group Claim Retrieves Application Groups

OpenID Connect, which uses the Okta Authorization Server, can retrieve application groups for use in tokens. Previously, application groups could only be retrieved with the Custom Authorization Server.

You can use the Okta Expression Language getFilteredGroups function to retrieve application groups.

SHA-256 Signed Certificates for New SAML 2.0 Apps

All new SAML 2.0 apps are bootstrapped with SHA-256 signed public certificates. Existing SAML 2.0 apps are unchanged.

Platform Bug Fixes

Bug fixes are expected on preview orgs starting August 9, 2017, and on production orgs starting August 14, 2017.

  • The Add policy button wasn't disabled for Org Admins, who don't have permission to create authorization server policies. (OKTA-127450)
  • Some requests to /oauth2/v1/authorize with the state parameter incorrectly returned an error. (OKTA-130916)
  • When an ID token was minted for a custom authorization server, an app sign-on event wasn't generated. (OKTA-134554)


Platform Feature Enhancements

Feature Enhancement Expected in Preview Orgs Expected in Production Orgs
OpenID Connect Generally Available now Generally Available beginning 8/7/2017
Key Rollover Generally Available now Generally Available beginning 8/7/2017
Email for Two-Factor Authentication Early Access by 8/3/2017 Early Access beginning 8/7/2017
SHA-256 Signed Certificates for New SAML 2.0 Apps Generally Available by 8/3/2017 Generally Available beginning 9/11/2017

To enable an Early Availability (EA) feature, contact Support. For more information, see Okta Release Lifecycle.

A new version of the Sign-In Widget is available now for all orgs.

OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol, which allows computing clients to verify the identity of an end user based on the authentication performed by an authorization server, as well as to obtain basic profile information about the end user in an interoperable and REST-like manner. In technical terms, OpenID Connect specifies a RESTful HTTP API, using JSON as a data format.

OpenID Connect allows a range of clients, including Web-based, mobile, and JavaScript clients, to request and receive information about authenticated sessions and end users. The specification suite is extensible, supporting optional features such as encryption of identity data, discovery of OpenID Providers, and session management.

Okta is certified for OpenID Connect. For more information, see OpenID Connect and Okta.

Key Rollover

We provide the ability to generate a certificate with a specified validity period for the Apps API and Identity Providers API.

SHA-256 Signed Certificates for New SAML 2.0 Apps

All new SAML 2.0 apps are bootstrapped with SHA-256 signed public certificates. Existing SAML 2.0 apps are unchanged.

Email for Two-Factor Authentication

You can enroll a user with an email factor. See Enroll Okta Email Factor for details.

New Version of the Sign-In Widget

Version 2.1.0 of the Okta Sign-In Widget is available on GitHub or NPM. Check out the new features and bug fixes!


Platform Features

These platform features are GA in preview orgs (as of Release 2017.28), and expected to roll out as GA to production orgs during the week of August 7, 2017:

This platform feature enhancement is EA in preview orgs with this release and expected in production orgs the week of July 31, 2017. To enable an EA feature, contact Support.

For information about Early Access (EA) and General Availability (GA), see Okta Release Lifecycle.

OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol, which allows computing clients to verify the identity of an end user based on the authentication performed by an authorization server, as well as to obtain basic profile information about the end user in an interoperable and REST-like manner. In technical terms, OpenID Connect specifies a RESTful HTTP API, using JSON as a data format.

OpenID Connect allows a range of clients, including Web-based, mobile, and JavaScript clients, to request and receive information about authenticated sessions and end users. The specification suite is extensible, supporting optional features such as encryption of identity data, discovery of OpenID Providers, and session management.

Okta is certified for OpenID Connect. For more information, see OpenID Connect and Okta.

Key Rollover

We provide the ability to generate a certificate with specified validity period (see the Apps API and Identity Providers API). We build OpenID Connect and API Access Management on this feature.

Email for Two-Factor Authentication

You can enroll a user with an email factor. See Enroll Okta Email Factor for details.

Platform Bugs Fixed

These platform bug fixes are in preview orgs with this release and expected in production orgs the week of July 31, 2017.

  • Under some circumstances users who did not have a secondary email address could not perform a self-service password reset operation. (OKTA-128340)

  • "When the expand parameter was set in GET requests to /api/v1/groups, the second and subsequent pages of the response did not have the same expand setting. (OKTA-132503)

  • /oauth2/v1/clients returned HTTP status code 200 rather than 201 when creating a client successfully. (OKTA-128839)

  • /api/v1/authorizationServers returned HTTP status code 200 rather than 201 when creating an Authorization Server successfully. (OKTA-128839)

  • /oauth2/v1/clients/{clientId} returned HTTP status code 404 rather than 401 when it did not find the specified client. (OKTA-130804, OKTA-130848)


Platform Features

The following platform features are Generally Available (GA) in preview orgs (as of Release 2017.28), and expected to roll out as GA to production orgs during the week of August 7, 2017:

OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol, which allows computing clients to verify the identity of an end user based on the authentication performed by an authorization server, as well as to obtain basic profile information about the end user in an interoperable and REST-like manner. In technical terms, OpenID Connect specifies a RESTful HTTP API, using JSON as a data format.

OpenID Connect allows a range of clients, including Web-based, mobile, and JavaScript clients, to request and receive information about authenticated sessions and end users. The specification suite is extensible, supporting optional features such as encryption of identity data, discovery of OpenID Providers, and session management.

Okta is certified for OpenID Connect. For more information, see OpenID Connect and Okta.

Key Rollover

We provide the ability to generate a certificate with specified validity period (see the Apps API and Identity Providers API). We build OpenID Connect and API Access Management on this feature.

Platform Bugs Fixed

These platform bug fixes are available in preview orgs and expected in production orgs the week of July 24, 2017.

  • When answering a security question to recover a forgotten password, users who gave too many incorrect responses didn't receive the "locked out" message. (OKTA-126117)

  • Custom SMS templates allowed messages greater than 160 characters after substituting the org name and code. The new behavior is to use a default template instead of the custom template when that happens. To ensure use of your custom template, update it to stay within the 160-character limit. (OKTA-128721)

  • /oauth2/v1/clients error responses didn't conform to the format in the OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration spec. (OKTA-130375)

  • /oauth2/v1/clients didn't allow default values for optional parameters. (OKTA-130910)

  • Neither /oauth2/v1/clients nor /api/v1/apps required client secrets to be unique. (OKTA-131259)

  • /oauth2/v1/clients returned an incorrect resource URI in the response header. (OKTA-131891)


Platform Enhancements and New Features

The following changes are available in preview orgs on Wednesday, July 12. Availability in production orgs is expected either one week or one month later. For information about Early Availability (EA) and Generally Available (GA), see Okta Release Lifecycle.

The following features are GA in preview orgs, and expected to be GA in production orgs during the week of August 7, 2017:

The following feature enhancements are GA in preview orgs, and expected to be GA in production orgs during the week of July 17, 2017:

The following EA feature enhancements are in preview orgs and expected in production orgs during the week of July 17, 2017. To enable an EA feature, contact Support.

The following feature enhancement is available on GitHub:

OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol, which allows computing clients to verify the identity of an end user based on the authentication performed by an authorization server, as well as to obtain basic profile information about the end user in an interoperable and REST-like manner. In technical terms, OpenID Connect specifies a RESTful HTTP API, using JSON as a data format.

OpenID Connect allows a range of clients, including Web-based, mobile, and JavaScript clients, to request and receive information about authenticated sessions and end users. The specification suite is extensible, supporting optional features such as encryption of identity data, discovery of OpenID Providers, and session management.

Okta is certified for OpenID Connect. For more information, see OpenID Connect and Okta.

Key Rollover

We provide the ability to generate a certificate with specified validity period (see the Apps API and Identity Providers API). We build OpenID Connect and API Access Management on this feature.

Limit Age of Events

In keeping with the Okta Data Retention Policy, the events API (/api/v1/events) no longer accepts queries for events greater than 180 days old.

Improved Plugin Security

Template Plugin Apps you create from the administrator UI (Admin > Applications > Add Application > Template Plugin App) have improved security.

New Version of Sign-In Widget

Version 1.13.0 of the Okta Sign-In Widget is available. Check out the new features and bug fixes!

Allow Unsuspending Users During Inbound SAML Login

You can configure the JIT settings for a SAML identity provider (IdP) to enable unsuspending users during inbound SAML login. See the Identity Providers API for more information.

JIT settings for SAML IdP

Email Factor

You can send a one-time password (OTP) and an activation link to an email address as part of enrolling a user.

Platform Bugs Fixed

These platform bug fixes are available in preview orgs and expected in production orgs the week of July 17, 2017.

  • /api/v1/apps/${applicationId}/groups didn't return groups if the specified app is inactive. (OKTA-123695)
  • Identity provider JIT reactivation of users sometimes failed when there were configured group assignments. (OKTA-131784)
  • In some circumstances, the link between the external Microsoft user and the Okta user was inaccurate. (OKTA-132207)


Advance Notice: Data Retention Changes

Okta is changing system log data retention windows. System log data is available from /api/v1/events or Okta SDK EventsAPIClient.

  • For orgs created before July 17th, data older than six months will be removed.
  • For orgs created on or after July 17th, data older than three months will be removed.

The new data retention policy starts:

  • June 7, 2017 for existing preview orgs
  • July 17, 2017 for existing production orgs

Preview and production orgs created on or after July 17, 2017, will retain log data for three months.

For the full data retention policy, see our Data Retention Policy.

You can export data before Okta deletes it. We recommend using Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) technology or Okta's API.

Platform Enhancements

Additional Scopes Available for Social Authentication

When using a Social Identity Provider, you can request information in stages. The initial request to /oauth2/v1/authorize can ask for a minimal set of scopes, and you can add scopes to collect additional user data in a subsequent request to the Social Identity Provider. This reduces friction during sign-in when users don't yet trust your app. For more information, see the descriptions of idp_scope in the OAuth 2.0 API and OpenID Connect API parameter tables.

New Versions of Sign-In Widget and Auth SDK for JS

Version 1.11 of the Okta Sign-In Widget and version 1.8 of the Okta Auth SDK for JavaScript are available. Check out the new features and bug fixes!

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • If any sign-in policy using MFA existed for an application, the Open ID Connect reauthentication flow redirected to multi-factor authentication (MFA) by default. (OKTA-129094)
  • Clients with token_endpoint_auth_method set to client_secret_post did not have a selected radio button on the Client Credentials UI (Applications > application name > General). (OKTA-130764)
  • If you created a SAML 2.0 Identity Provider but omitted some fields, Okta reported an error. (OKTA-131294)
  • Okta Sign-In Widget failed to run when installed with npm. (OKTA-131608)
  • Updates to clients sometimes received an error response if they contained values for client_id_issued_at or client_secret_expires_at. (OKTA-131647)
  • API Access Management customers can no longer self-validate the Okta Access Token. (OKTA-131885)


Advance Notice: Data Retention Changes

Okta is changing system log data retention windows. System log data is available from /api/v1/events or Okta SDK EventsAPIClient.

  • For orgs created before July 17th, data older than six months will be removed.
  • For orgs created on or after July 17th, data older than three months will be removed.

The new data retention policy starts:

  • June 7, 2017 for existing preview orgs
  • July 17, 2017 for existing production orgs

Preview and production orgs created on or after July 17, 2017, will retain log data for three months.

For the full data retention policy, see our Data Retention Policy.

You can export data before Okta deletes it. We recommend using Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) technology or Okta's API.

Platform Enhancement: New Authentication Method for OpenID Connect and API Access Management

For OpenID Connect and API Access Management, Okta supports the client_secret_jwt method for token endpoint authentication (token_endpoint_auth_method). This method is specified in the OpenID Connect specification and allows you to use JWT and HMAC to authenticate a client for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect requests.

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • When suspicious activity was logged for OAuth 2.0 clients the invalid secret was not masked. (OKTA-129694)
  • When validating the names of scopes for social identity providers, Okta didn't enforce the restrictions specified in the OAuth 2.0 spec. (OKTA-117352)
  • When the same user was created multiple times simultaneously and added to a group, the HTTP error response code was 500 rather than 400. (OKTA-126223)
  • /api/v1/apps/${applicationId}/groups didn't return groups if the specified app is inactive. (OKTA-123695)


Advance Notice: Data Retention Changes

Okta is changing system log data retention. System log data is available from /api/v1/events or Okta SDK EventsAPIClient.

  • For orgs created before July 17th, data will be retained for 6 months.
  • For orgs created on and after July 17th, data will be retained for 3 months.

The new data retention policy starts:

  • June 7, 2017 for existing preview orgs
  • July 17, 2017 for existing production orgs

Preview and production orgs created on July 17, 2017 and later will retain this log data for three months.

For the full data retention policy, see our Data Retention Policy.

You can export data before Okta deletes it. We recommend using Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) technology or Okta's API.

Platform Enhancements

System Logs Track Key Rotation and Generation

Logged information about key rotation and generation for apps and identity providers is available by using GET requests to either of the following endpoints: /api/v1/events or /api/v1/logs. For more information, see Identity Provider Signing Key Store Operations or Update Key Credential for Application.

Here is a response from /api/v1/logs Logged Key Rotation Event

Client Registration API Is an Early Access Feature

The Auth Clients API provides operations to register and manage client applications for use with Okta's OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect endpoints.

Create OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Clients with Apps API

The Apps API supports creating and configuring OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect clients. Alternatively, you can use Client Registration API (RFC 7591 and RFC 7592) to create and manage clients.

OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Client App Updates Available in System Log

Logged information about OAuth 2.0 client updates is now available by using GET requests to either log endpoint: /api/v1/events or /api/v1/logs.

Logged Key Rotation Event

Support for RP-Initiated Logout

Okta supports RP-intiated logout from OpenID Connect client apps in both the administrator UI and Okta API. You can specify a logout redirect URI, or accept the default behavior of returning to the Okta Login page. You can access this feature on the Create OpenID Connect Integration page (under Applications) in the UI.

OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect .well-known Response Includes Registration Endpoint

Okta returns the registration_endpoint in OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect .well-known responses.

Platform Bugs Fixed

Invalid Availability of credentials.signing.kid

The credentials.signing.kid property of an app was available even if its sign-on mode does not support certificates. Only apps using the following sign-on mode types support certificates: SAML 2.0, SAML 1.1, WS-Fed, or OpenID Connect. For more information, see: Application Key Store Operations (OKTA-76439)

WWW-Authenticate Header in HTTP 401 Response

When a call to the token, introspect, or revocation endpoint of OpenID Connect or API Access Management encountered an invalid_client error, the response did not include the WWW­Authenticate header. (OKTA-127653)


Advance Notices

Key Rollover Change

Beginning in Release 2017.25, the credentials.signing.kid property of an app won't be available if the app doesn't support the key rollover feature. An app supports key rollover if the app uses one of the following signing mode types: SAML 2.0, SAML 1.1, WS-Fed, or OpenID Connect.

Before this change takes effect, verify that your integration doesn't expect the credentials.signing.kid property if your app doesn't have one of the listed signing mode types. This change is expected in Release 2017.25, which is scheduled for preview orgs on June 21, 2017 and in production orgs on June 26, 2017.

Data Retention Changes

Okta is changing system log data retention. System log data is available from /api/v1/events or Okta SDK EventsAPIClient.

  • For orgs created before July 17th, data will be retained for 6 months.
  • For orgs created on and after July 17th, data will be retained for 3 months.

The new data retention policy starts:

  • June 7, 2017 for existing preview orgs
  • July 17, 2017 for existing production orgs

Preview and production orgs created on July 17,2017 and later will retain this log data for three months.

For the full data retention policy, see our Data Retention Policy.

You can export data before Okta deletes it. We recommend using Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) technology or Okta's API.

Platform Enhancements

Default Scopes for OAuth 2.0

Using either the administrator UI or API, you can configure default scopes for an OAuth 2.0 client. If the client omits the scope parameter in an authorization request, Okta returns all default scopes in the Access Token that are permitted by the access policy rule.

Default Scope Configuration UI

For more information about setting default scopes in the API, see OAuth 2.0 API.

Improved UI for Creating OpenID Connect Apps

The wizard for creating an OpenID Connect app has been improved and consolidated onto a single screen.

New OpenID Connect Create Wizard

Event Notifications for OpenID Connect Apps

Notifications are entered in the System Log via the Events API (/api/v1/events) when OpenID Connect apps are created, modified, deactivated, or deleted. Previously these notifications appeared only in the System Log (/api/v1/logs).

Query String Support in IdP Redirect URLs

Query strings are now supported in the definition of IdP Login URLs:

  • The IDP Login URL field in the Add/Edit Endpoint wizard.
  • The IdP Single Sign-On URL field for Inbound SAML. Reserved SAML parameters (SAMLRequest, RelayState, SigAlg, Signature) in a query string are ignored.

API Rate Limit Improvements

We are making org-wide rate limits more granular, and treating authenticated end-user interactions separately. More granular rate limits lessen the likelihood of calls to one URI impacting another. Treating authenticated end-user interactions separately lessens the chances of one user's request impacting another. We're also providing a transition period so you can see what these changes look like in your Okta system log before enforcing them:

Preview Orgs

We enforce new rate limits for all preview orgs. API calls exceeding the new rate limits return an HTTP 429 error.

Production Orgs
  1. As of May 8, we enabled a System Log alert which lets you know if you have exceeded any of the new API rate limits:

    Warning: requests for url pattern <url-pattern> have reached
    a threshold of <number> requests per <time-duration>. Please
    be warned these rate limits will be enforced in the near future.
  2. As of mid-May, we started enforcing these new rate limits for all newly created orgs. For these new orgs, instead of alerts in your System log, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits return an HTTP 429 error.

  3. We are rolling out the enforcement of these new rate limits to all orgs this week. Once your org has the new limits, you'll see HTTP 429 errors instead of rate-limit warnings in the System Log if the new limits are exceeded.

For a full description of the new rate limits, see API Rate Limits.

Platform Bug Fixed

  • The dropdown that controls Authorization Server lifecycle operations failed to display properly if you navigated directly to a tab or refreshed a tab other than Settings. (OKTA-129014)


Advance Notices

Data Retention Changes

Okta is changing system log data retention. System log data is available from /api/v1/events or Okta SDK EventsAPIClient.

  • For orgs created before July 17th, data will be retained for 6 months.
  • For orgs created on and after July 17th, data will be retained for 3 months.

The new data retention policy starts:

  • June 7, 2017 for existing preview orgs
  • July 17, 2017 for existing production orgs

Preview and production orgs created on July 17,2017 and later will retain this log data for three months.

For the full data retention policy, see our Data Retention Policy.

You can export data before Okta deletes it. We recommend using Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) technology or Okta's API.

API Rate Limit Improvements

We are making org-wide rate limits more granular, and treating authenticated end-user interactions separately. More granular rate limits lessen the likelihood of calls to one URI impacting another. Treating authenticated end-user interactions separately lessens the chances of one user's request impacting another. We're also providing a transition period so you can see what these changes look like in your Okta system log before enforcing them:

Preview Orgs

We enforce new rate limits for all preview orgs. API calls exceeding the new rate limits return an HTTP 429 error.

Production Orgs
  1. As of May 8, we have enabled a System Log alert which lets you know if you have exceeded any of the new API rate limits:

    Warning: requests for url pattern <url-pattern> have reached
    a threshold of <number> requests per <time-duration>. Please
    be warned these rate limits will be enforced in the near future.
  2. As of mid-May, we started enforcing these new rate limits for all newly created orgs. For these new orgs, instead of alerts in your System log, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits return an HTTP 429 error.

  3. In early June, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all orgs, and instead of alerts in your System Log, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits will return an HTTP 429 error.

For a full description of the new rate limits, see API Rate Limits.

Platform Enhancements

Authorization Server API Enhancements

You can now use the Authorization Server API to configure components of an Authorization Server. With the following enhancements, the API Access Management Authorization Servers API is an Early Access Release:

  • Manage Authorization Server policies, policy rules, claims, and scopes with the API.
  • Activate or deactivate Authorization Servers, or delete them.
  • Scopes were actions previously, but are now conditions in a policy rule.
  • Control which claims are returned in ID tokens with the alwaysIncludeInToken property. You can also configure this in the administrator UI.

For more information see the Authorization Server API documentation.

Additional Logging for Invalid Use by OAuth 2.0 Client

If Okta detects five or more consecutive request attempts with the wrong client secret, we log the events as suspicious:

  • The requests may be to any OAuth 2.0 endpoint that accepts client credentials.
  • The counter resets after 14 days of no invalid authentication attempts, or after a successful authentication.

We log an event when an invalid client_id is provided, and when an invalid client_secret is provided for a given client_id.

Restrictions on Set Recovery Question Answer and Set Password

The API operations Set Recovery Question Answer and Set Password must be requested with an API token, not a session token. Additionally, the Set Recovery Question Answer operation doesn't validate complexity policies or credential policies.

Step-up Authentication for SAML Apps is an Early Access Feature

Every step-up transaction starts with a user accessing an application. If step-up authentication is required, Okta redirects the user to the custom login page with state token as a request parameter. For more information, see the SP initiated Step-up Authentication documentation.

Okta has enabled the Simple HAL Links on User Collections feature for most preview organizations. This feature removes the HAL links that reflect state from user objects returned in collections.

Important: Okta expects to deliver this feature to production orgs (with the same Okta .NET SDK caveats described below) starting June 12, 2017.

Before release 2017.19, a user object returned in a collection contained some or all of the following links:

"_links": {
    "suspend": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/suspend",
      "method": "POST"
    "resetPassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/reset_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "expirePassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/expire_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "forgotPassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/forgot_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "self": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3"
    "changeRecoveryQuestion": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/change_recovery_question",
      "method": "POST"
    "deactivate": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/deactivate",
      "method": "POST"
    "changePassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/change_password",
      "method": "POST"

Unfortunately, these links are not guaranteed to accurately reflect the state of the specified user. As outlined in Design Principles:

"Search and list operations are intended to find matching resources and their identifiers. If you intend to search for a resource and then modify its state or make a lifecycle change, the correct pattern is to first retrieve the resource by ID using the self link provided for that resource in the collection. This will provide the full set of lifecycle links for that resource based on its most up-to-date state."

The Simple HAL Links on User Collections feature ensures that possibly invalid state links are not returned. Instead only the self link is returned:

"_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3"

As noted above, to change user state, the self link should be called to retrieve a user object with up-to-date links.

Important: Not all preview organizations will receive this feature. Okta has identified preview organizations that depend on the Okta .NET SDK, which requires the old functionality. Okta won't enable the feature for these orgs. Instead, when the SDK issue is resolved, Okta will send a customer communication explaining the migration path to enable the feature for those orgs.

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • When completing enrollment for SMS and call factors, the API forced end users to verify the factor that was just enrolled. (OKTA-125923)
  • When using a refresh token, default scope requests sometimes failed. (OKTA-127671)


Advance Notice: API Rate Limit Improvements

We are making org-wide rate limits more granular, and treating authenticated end-user interactions separately. More granular rate limits lessen the likelihood of calls to one URI impacting another. Treating authenticated end-user interactions separately lessens the chances of one user's request impacting another. We're also providing a transition period so you can see what these changes look like in your Okta system log before enforcing them:

Preview Orgs

  1. We enforce new rate limits for new preview orgs. For these new orgs, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits return an HTTP 429 error.

  2. At the end of May, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all preview orgs. Instead of alerts in your System Log, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits will return an HTTP 429 error.

Production Orgs

  1. As of May 8, we have enabled a System Log alert which lets you know if you have exceeded any of the new API rate limits:

    Warning: requests for url pattern <url-pattern> have reached
    a threshold of <number> requests per <time-duration>. Please
    be warned these rate limits will be enforced in the near future.
  2. As of mid-May, we started enforcing these new rate limits for all newly created orgs. For these new orgs, instead of alerts in your System log, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits return an HTTP 429 error.

  3. In early June, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all orgs, and instead of alerts in your System Log, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits will return an HTTP 429 error.

For a full description of the new rate limits, see API Rate Limits.

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 requests failed to respect default SAML IdP configuration. (OKTA-127155)
  • Using the resource owner password credentials flow for an Active Directory user sometimes resulted in a malformed response instead of an Access Token. (OKTA-121082)

Okta has enabled the Simple HAL Links on User Collections feature for most preview organizations. This feature removes the HAL links that reflect state from user objects returned in collections.

Before release 2017.19, a user object returned in a collection contains some or all of the following links:

"_links": {
    "suspend": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/suspend",
      "method": "POST"
    "resetPassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/reset_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "expirePassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/expire_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "forgotPassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/forgot_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "self": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3"
    "changeRecoveryQuestion": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/change_recovery_question",
      "method": "POST"
    "deactivate": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/deactivate",
      "method": "POST"
    "changePassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/change_password",
      "method": "POST"

Unfortunately, these links are not guaranteed to accurately reflect the state of the specified user. As outlined in Design Principles:

"Search and list operations are intended to find matching resources and their identifiers. If you intend to search for a resource and then modify its state or make a lifecycle change, the correct pattern is to first retrieve the resource by ID using the self link provided for that resource in the collection. This will provide the full set of lifecycle links for that resource based on its most up-to-date state."

The Simple HAL Links on User Collections feature ensures that possibly invalid state links are not returned. Instead only the self link is returned:

"_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3"

As noted above, to change user state, the self link should be called to retrieve a user object with up-to-date links.

Important: Not all preview organizations will receive this feature. Okta has identified preview organizations that depend on the Okta .NET SDK, which requires the old functionality. Okta won't enable the feature for these orgs. Instead, when the SDK issue is resolved, Okta will send a customer communication explaining the migration path to enable the feature for those orgs. Okta expects to deliver this feature in production orgs (with the same Okta .NET SDK caveats) starting June 12, 2017.


Advance Notice: API Rate Limit Improvements

We are making org-wide rate limits more granular, and treating authenticated end-user interactions separately. More granular rate limits lessen the likelihood of calls to one URI impacting another. Treating authenticated end-user interactions separately lessens the chances of one user's request impacting another. We're also providing a transition period so you can see what these changes look like in your Okta system log before enforcing them:

Preview Orgs

  1. We enforce new rate limits for new preview orgs. For these new orgs, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits return an HTTP 429 error.

  2. In mid-May, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all preview orgs. Instead of alerts in your System Log, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits will return an HTTP 429 error.

Production Orgs

  1. As of May 8, we have enabled a System Log alert which lets you know if you have exceeded any of the new API rate limits:

    Warning: requests for url pattern <url-pattern> have reached a threshold of <number> requests per <time-duration>. Please be warned these rate limits will be enforced in the near future.

  2. In mid-May, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all newly created orgs. For these new orgs, instead of alerts in your System log, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits return an HTTP 429 error.

  3. In early June, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all orgs, and instead of alerts in your System Log, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits will return an HTTP 429 error.

For a full description of the new rate limits, see API Rate Limits.

Platform Feature Improvement: System Log Notifications for OpenID Connect Apps

Notifications are entered in the System Log when OpenID Connect apps are created or updated.

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • SAML Apps containing more than one SAML attribute caused pagination issues on /api/v1/apps. (OKTA-123220, OKTA-122423, OKTA-115762)
  • Native clients that are OpenID Connect apps require the authorization_code grant type. This requirement was not enforced correctly. (OKTA-123471)
  • Requests to configure inbound SAML IdPs (/api/v1/idps) that included duplicated group IDs failed. (OKTA-124853)

Okta has enabled the Simple HAL Links on User Collections feature for most preview organizations. This feature removes the HAL links that reflect state from user objects returned in collections.

Before release 2017.19, a user object returned in a collection contains some or all of the following links:

"_links": {
    "suspend": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/suspend",
      "method": "POST"
    "resetPassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/reset_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "expirePassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/expire_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "forgotPassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/forgot_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "self": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3"
    "changeRecoveryQuestion": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/change_recovery_question",
      "method": "POST"
    "deactivate": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/deactivate",
      "method": "POST"
    "changePassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/change_password",
      "method": "POST"

Unfortunately, these links are not guaranteed to accurately reflect the state of the specified user. As outlined in Design Principles:

"Search and list operations are intended to find matching resources and their identifiers. If you intend to search for a resource and then modify its state or make a lifecycle change, the correct pattern is to first retrieve the resource by ID using the self link provided for that resource in the collection. This will provide the full set of lifecycle links for that resource based on its most up-to-date state."

The Simple HAL Links on User Collections feature ensures that possibly invalid state links are not returned. Instead only the self link is returned:

"_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3"

As noted above, to change user state, the self link should be called to retrieve a user object with up-to-date links.

Important: Not all preview organizations will receive this feature. Okta has identified preview organizations that depend on the Okta .NET SDK, which requires the old functionality. Okta won't enable the feature for these orgs. Instead, when the SDK issue is resolved, Okta will send a customer communication explaining the migration path to enable the feature for those orgs.


Advance Notice: API Rate Limit Improvements

We are making org-wide rate limits more granular, and treating authenticated end-user interactions separately. More granular rate limits lessen the likelihood of calls to one URI impacting another. Treating authenticated end-user interactions separately lessens the chances of one user's request impacting another. We're also providing a transition period so you can see what these changes look like in your Okta system log before enforcing them:

Preview Orgs

  1. We enforce new rate limits for new preview orgs. For these new orgs, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits return an HTTP 429 error.

  2. In mid-May, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all preview orgs. Instead of alerts in your System Log, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits will return an HTTP 429 error.

Production Orgs

  1. As of May 8, we have enabled a System Log alert which lets you know if you have exceeded any of the new API rate limits:

    Warning: requests for url pattern <url-pattern> have reached a threshold of <number> requests per <time-duration>. Please be warned these rate limits will be enforced in the near future.

  2. In mid-May, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all newly created orgs. For these new orgs, instead of alerts in your System log, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits return an HTTP 429 error.

  3. In early June, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all orgs, and instead of alerts in your System Log, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits will return an HTTP 429 error.

For a full description of the new rate limits, see API Rate Limits.

Platform Feature Improvements

Okta Expression Language Function for Filtering Groups

Use the Okta Expression Language function getFilteredGroups to create a list of groups that the current user belongs to. With such a list you can, for example, create claims in Access Tokens and ID Tokens based on the groups. For more information, see Group Functions.

New Profile Property for Apps

The profile property in the Apps API accepts any well-formed JSON schema. You can specify properties in the profile and then access them in API requests. For example:

For more information, see the Apps API.

Note that the status code for service claims errors has changed from 500 to 400 as part of this feature.

Added Login Hint to OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect API

Use the login_hint property on /oauth2/${authServerId}/v1/authorize or /oauth2/v1/authorize to populate a username when prompting for authentication.

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • Updating the OpenID Connect property max_age incorrectly caused a new session to be created, which updated the createdAt timestamp. (OKTA-99850)
  • The property application_type in the OAuth 2.0 Clients API could be edited. (OKTA-120223)
  • User profile attributes could be fetched via the API even though attributes were marked hidden, if the user sending the request was the user being fetched. (OKTA-123882)
  • Reordering Authorization Server policies failed. (OKTA-125156)
  • (Preview fix) Fixed issue involving OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 requests within SAML IdP configuration. (OKTA-127155)
  • The Zones API documentation was incorrectly announced as Generally Available in 2017.19. It is a Beta release.

Okta has enabled the Simple HAL Links on User Collections feature for most preview organizations. This feature removes the HAL links that reflect state from user objects returned in collections.

Before release 2017.19, a user object returned in a collection contains some or all of the following links:

"_links": {
    "suspend": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/suspend",
      "method": "POST"
    "resetPassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/reset_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "expirePassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/expire_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "forgotPassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/forgot_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "self": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3"
    "changeRecoveryQuestion": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/change_recovery_question",
      "method": "POST"
    "deactivate": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/deactivate",
      "method": "POST"
    "changePassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/change_password",
      "method": "POST"

Unfortunately, these links are not guaranteed to accurately reflect the state of the specified user. As outlined in Design Principles:

"Search and list operations are intended to find matching resources and their identifiers. If you intend to search for a resource and then modify its state or make a lifecycle change, the correct pattern is to first retrieve the resource by 'id' using the "self" link provided for that resource in the collection. This will provide the full set of lifecycle links for that resource based on its most up-to-date state."

The Simple HAL Links on User Collections feature ensures that possibly invalid state links are not returned. Instead only the self link is returned:

"_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3"

As noted above, to change user state, the self link should be called to retrieve a user object with up-to-date links.

Important: Not all preview organizations will receive this feature. Okta has identified preview organizations that depend on the Okta .NET SDK, which requires the old functionality. Okta won't enable the feature for these orgs. Instead, when the SDK issue is resolved, Okta will send a customer communication explaining the migration path to enable the feature for those orgs.


Advance Notice: API Rate Limit Improvements

We are making org-wide rate limits more granular, and treating authenticated end-user interactions separately. More granular rate limits lessen the likelihood of calls to one URI impacting another. Treating authenticated end-user interactions separately lessens the chances of one user's request impacting another. We're also providing a transition period so you can see what these changes look like in your Okta system log before enforcing them:

Preview Orgs

  1. We enforce new rate limits for new preview orgs. For these new orgs, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits return an HTTP 429 error.

  2. In mid-May, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all preview orgs. Instead of alerts in your System Log, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits will return an HTTP 429 error.

Production Orgs

  1. As of May 8, we have enabled a System Log alert which lets you know if you have exceeded any of the new API rate limits:

    Warning: requests for url pattern <url-pattern> have reached a threshold of <number> requests per <time-duration>. Please be warned these rate limits will be enforced in the near future.

  2. In mid-May, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all newly created orgs. For these new orgs, instead of alerts in your System log, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits return an HTTP 429 error.

  3. In early June, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all orgs, and instead of alerts in your System Log, the API calls exceeding the new rate limits will return an HTTP 429 error.

For a full description of the new rate limits, see API Rate Limits.

Platform Feature Improvements

Zones API is Now Generally Available

The Zones API is now Generally Available in preview orgs. It will be at least one month before the Zones API is available in production.

Zones are used to group IP Address ranges so that policy decisions can be made based on the zone a client's IP belongs to.

For more information, see the Zones API developer documentation.

Update: Zones API is a Beta release. This release note is in error.

Okta has enabled the Simple HAL Links on User Collections feature for most preview organizations. This feature will remain in preview for at least one month.

This feature removes the HAL links that reflect state from user objects returned in collections.

Before release 2017.19, a user object returned in a collection contains some or all of the following links:

"_links": {
    "suspend": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/suspend",
      "method": "POST"
    "resetPassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/reset_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "expirePassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/expire_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "forgotPassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/forgot_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "self": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3"
    "changeRecoveryQuestion": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/change_recovery_question",
      "method": "POST"
    "deactivate": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/deactivate",
      "method": "POST"
    "changePassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/change_password",
      "method": "POST"

Unfortunately, these links are not guaranteed to accurately reflect the state of the specified user. As outlined in Design Principles:

"Search and list operations are intended to find matching resources and their identifiers. If you intend to search for a resource and then modify its state or make a lifecycle change, the correct pattern is to first retrieve the resource by 'id' using the "self" link provided for that resource in the collection. This will provide the full set of lifecycle links for that resource based on its most up-to-date state."

The Simple HAL Links on User Collections feature ensures that possibly invalid state links are not returned. Instead only the self link is returned:

"_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3"

As noted above, to change user state, the self link should be called to retrieve a user object with up-to-date links.

Important: Not all preview organizations will receive this feature. Okta has identified preview organizations that depend on the Okta .NET SDK, which requires the old functionality. Okta won't enable the feature for these orgs. Instead, when the SDK issue is resolved, Okta will send a customer communication explaining the migration path to enable the feature for those orgs.

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • Some queries on /api/v1/apps with incorrect filter parameters returned an empty _embedded node in the response instead of the correct error message. (OKTA-124544)
  • Multifactor authentication with RSA failed for some orgs. (OKTA-125862)


Advance Notices

The items in this section are scheduled for future releases. Although we share our expected release dates, these dates are subject to change.

API Rate Limit Improvements

We are making org-wide rate limits more granular, and treating authenticated end-user interactions separately. More granular rate limits lessen the likelihood of calls to one URI impacting another. Treating authenticated end-user interactions separately lessens the chances of one user's request impacting another. We're also providing a transition period so you can see what these changes look like in your Okta system log before enforcing them:

Preview Orgs
  1. As of last week, we enabled a System Log alert which lets you know if you have exceeded any of the new API rate limits:

    Warning: requests for url pattern <url-pattern> have reached a threshold of <number> requests per <time-duration>. Please be warned these rate limits will be enforced in the near future.

  2. As of May 2, 2017, we enforce these new rate limits for all new preview orgs. For these new orgs, instead of alerts in your System Log, the API calls exceeding the new rate-limits return an HTTP 429 error.

  3. In mid-May, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all preview orgs. Instead of alerts in your System Log, the API calls exceeding the new rate-limits return an HTTP 429 error.

Production Orgs
  1. In early May, we'll enable a System Log alert which lets you know if you have exceeded any of the new API rate limits:

    Warning: requests for url pattern <url-pattern> have reached a threshold of <number> requests per <time-duration>. Please be warned these rate limits will be enforced in the near future.

  2. In mid-May, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all newly created orgs. For these new orgs, instead of alerts in your System log, the API calls exceeding the new rate-limits return an HTTP 429 error.

  3. In early June, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all orgs, and instead of alerts in your System Log, the API calls exceeding the new rate-limits return an HTTP 429 error.

For a full description of the new rate limits, see API Rate Limits.

Okta will enable the Simple HAL Links on User Collections feature for most preview organizations. This change is currently scheduled for the 2017.19 release on 5/10/17, to remain in preview for at least one month.

This feature will remove the HAL links that reflect state from user objects returned in collections.

Currently, a user object returned in a collection contains some or all of the following links:

"_links": {
    "suspend": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/suspend",
      "method": "POST"
    "resetPassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/reset_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "expirePassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/expire_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "forgotPassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/forgot_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "self": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3"
    "changeRecoveryQuestion": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/change_recovery_question",
      "method": "POST"
    "deactivate": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/deactivate",
      "method": "POST"
    "changePassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/change_password",
      "method": "POST"

Unfortunately, these links are not guaranteed to accurately reflect the state of the specified user. As outlined in Design Principles:

"Search and list operations are intended to find matching resources and their identifiers. If you intend to search for a resource and then modify its state or make a lifecycle change, the correct pattern is to first retrieve the resource by 'id' using the "self" link provided for that resource in the collection. This will provide the full set of lifecycle links for that resource based on its most up-to-date state."

The Simple HAL Links on User Collections feature ensures that possibly invalid state links are not returned. Instead only the self link is returned:

"_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3"

As noted above, to change user state, the self link should be called to retrieve a user object with up-to-date links.

Important: Not all preview organizations will receive this feature. Okta has identified preview organizations that depend on the Okta .NET SDK, which requires the old functionality. Okta won't enable the feature for these orgs. Instead, when the SDK issue is resolved, Okta will send a customer communication explaining the migration path to enable the feature for those orgs.

Platform Feature Improvement: View Access Tokens from Social Authentication

Using GET /api/v1/idps/${idpId}/users/${userId}/credentials/tokens, you can fetch the Access Tokens minted by a social authentication provider. When a user authenticates to Okta via a Social IdP, this request returns the tokens and metadata provided by the Social IdP. Clients can use the Access Token against the social provider's endpoints in order to fetch additional profile attributes that Okta doesn't support in Universal Directory, for example, nested attributes. For more information, see the Identity Providers API.

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • Searches on User incorrectly returned deleted users or out-of-date user status in some cases. (OKTA-116928)
  • Some orgs were unable to add OpenID Connect or OAuth 2.0 clients to an access policy in a custom Authorization Server. (OKTA-117630)
  • When deleting a claim from a custom Authorization Server, the Delete dialog didn't close after clicking OK or Cancel. (OKTA-124271)
  • Read-only Administrator UI didn't exactly match that role's access rights. (OKTA-123116)


Advance Notices

The items in this section are scheduled for future releases. Although we share our expected release dates, these dates are subject to change.

API Rate Limit Improvements

We are making org-wide rate limits more granular, and treating authenticated end-user interactions separately. More granular rate limits lessen the likelihood of calls to one URI impacting another. Treating authenticated end-user interactions separately lessens the chances of one user's request impacting another. We're also providing a transition period so you can see what these changes look like in your Okta system log before enforcing them:

Preview Orgs
  1. As of last week, we enabled a System Log alert which lets you know if you have exceeded any of the new API rate limits:

    Warning: requests for url pattern <url-pattern> have reached a threshold of <number> requests per <time-duration>. Please be warned these rate limits will be enforced in the near future.

  2. In early May, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all new preview orgs. For these new orgs, instead of alerts in your System Log, the API calls exceeding the new rate-limits return an HTTP 429 error.

  3. In mid-May, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all preview orgs. Instead of alerts in your System Log, the API calls exceeding the new rate-limits return an HTTP 429 error.

Production Orgs
  1. In early May, we'll enable a System Log alert which lets you know if you have exceeded any of the new API rate limits:

    Warning: requests for url pattern <url-pattern> have reached a threshold of <number> requests per <time-duration>. Please be warned these rate limits will be enforced in the near future.

  2. In mid-May, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all newly created orgs. For these new orgs, instead of alerts in your System log, the API calls exceeding the new rate-limits return an HTTP 429 error.

  3. In early June, we'll enforce these new rate limits for all orgs, and instead of alerts in your System Log, the API calls exceeding the new rate-limits return an HTTP 429 error.

For a full description of the new rate limits, see API Rate Limits.

Okta will enable the Simple HAL Links on User Collections feature for most preview organizations. This change is currently scheduled for the 2017.19 release on 5/10/17, to remain in preview for at least one month.

This feature will remove the HAL links that reflect state from user objects returned in collections.

Currently, a user object returned in a collection contains some or all of the following links:

"_links": {
    "suspend": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/suspend",
      "method": "POST"
    "resetPassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/reset_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "expirePassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/expire_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "forgotPassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/forgot_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "self": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3"
    "changeRecoveryQuestion": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/change_recovery_question",
      "method": "POST"
    "deactivate": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/deactivate",
      "method": "POST"
    "changePassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/change_password",
      "method": "POST"

Unfortunately, these links are not guaranteed to accurately reflect the state of the specified user. As outlined in Design Principles:

"Search and list operations are intended to find matching resources and their identifiers. If you intend to search for a resource and then modify its state or make a lifecycle change, the correct pattern is to first retrieve the resource by 'id' using the "self" link provided for that resource in the collection. This will provide the full set of lifecycle links for that resource based on its most up-to-date state."

The Simple HAL Links on User Collections feature ensures that possibly invalid state links are not returned. Instead only the self link is returned:

"_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3"

As noted above, to change user state, the self link should be called to retrieve a user object with up-to-date links.

Important: Not all preview organizations will receive this feature. Okta has identified preview organizations that depend on the Okta .NET SDK, which requires the old functionality. Okta won't enable the feature for these orgs. Instead, when the SDK issue is resolved, Okta will send a customer communication explaining the migration path to enable the feature for those orgs.

Platform Feature Improvement: New Default for startDate

A new default value for startDate ensures better performance. If the following criteria are met, the default value for startDate is one hour before the request was sent:

  • startDate is omitted AND
  • The filter expression contains no time window AND
  • after is omitted

If your org or integrations depend on the previous behavior, you can request the previous behavior be enabled.

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • Removing the last app target from an APP_ADMIN role assignment changed the scope of the role assignment to all app targets. Now an exception is thrown. To target all apps, delete the APP_ADMIN role assignment and recreate it. (OKTA-115122)
  • Adding the first app target failed to change the scope of the role assignment from applying to all app targets to only applying to the specified target. See Administrator Roles API for details. (OKTA-115122)
  • Application Administrators were incorrectly able to create an OpenID Connect service client even though they weren't assigned an OpenID Connect client app. (OKTA-115168)
  • Some orgs weren't able to deprovision a user, receiving an incorrect 403 error: "Operation failed because user profile is mastered under another system." (OKTA-119549)


Advance Notices

The items in this section are scheduled for future releases. Although we share our expected release dates, these dates are subject to change.

API Rate Limit Improvements

We are making org-wide rate limits more granular, and treating authenticated end-user interactions separately. More granular rate limits will further lessen the likelihood of calls to one URI impacting another. Treating authenticated end-user interactions separately will lessen the chances of one user's impacting another. We're also providing a transition period so you can see what these changes will look like in your Okta system log before enforcing them:

  1. After Monday, 2017-04-17, you'll see system log alerts that let you know if you would have exceeded any of the new API rate limits. We're making this feature available to all preview orgs, and the feature will remain in preview for at least two weeks.

  2. Starting later in April, 2017, we'll treat authenticated end-user interactions on a per-user basis. Interactions like SSO after login won't apply to your org-wide API rate limits.

  3. Early in May, 2017, we will enforce the new, more granular rate limits. At that point, the warnings in the System Log will change to error notifications.

Of course, as each change is released, we'll announce the change here.

For a full description of the rate limit changes, see API Rate Limits.

Okta will enable the Simple HAL Links on User Collections feature for most preview organizations. This change is currently scheduled for the 2017.19 release on 5/10/17, to remain in preview for at least one month.

This feature will remove the HAL links that reflect state from user objects returned in collections.

Currently, a user object returned in a collection contains some or all of the following links:

"_links": {
    "suspend": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/suspend",
      "method": "POST"
    "resetPassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/reset_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "expirePassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/expire_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "forgotPassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/forgot_password",
      "method": "POST"
    "self": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3"
    "changeRecoveryQuestion": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/change_recovery_question",
      "method": "POST"
    "deactivate": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/lifecycle/deactivate",
      "method": "POST"
    "changePassword": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3/credentials/change_password",
      "method": "POST"

Unfortunately, these links are not guaranteed to accurately reflect the state of the specified user. As outlined in Design Principles:

"Search and list operations are intended to find matching resources and their identifiers. If you intend to search for a resource and then modify its state or make a lifecycle change, the correct pattern is to first retrieve the resource by 'id' using the "self" link provided for that resource in the collection. This will provide the full set of lifecycle links for that resource based on its most up-to-date state."

The Simple HAL Links on User Collections feature ensures that possibly invalid state links are not returned. Instead only the self link is returned:

"_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00ulxgGOjrKcnmDHT0g3"

As noted above, to change user state, the self link should be called to retrieve a user object with up-to-date links.

Important: Not all preview organizations will receive this feature. Okta has identified preview organizations that depend on the Okta .NET SDK, which requires the old functionality. Okta won't enable the feature for these orgs. Instead, Okta will send a customer communication explaining the migration path to enable the feature.

Platform Feature Improvement: Zones API Generally Available in Preview

Access policies can now be defined based on an IP address range using the Zones API. This feature is Generally Available in preview orgs for at least one month before being Generally Available in production.

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • When a group was deleted, if that group was referenced by a social or SAML IdP, the reference wasn't removed. These references caused errors when trying to configure the social or SAML IdP. (OKTA-116909)
  • If the SAML IdP parameter idp was specified in the query string for a request to the oauth2/v1/authorize endpoint, the request failed in some orgs. (OKTA-120122)
  • Creating or saving access policies for an authorization server failed for some client IDs. (OKTA-121230)


Advance Notice: API Rate Limit Improvements

We are making org-wide rate limits more granular, and treating authenticated end-user interactions separately. More granular rate limits will further lessen the likelihood of calls to one URI impacting another. Treating authenticated end-user interactions separately will lessen the chances of one user's impacting another. We're also providing a transition period so you can see what these changes will look like in your Okta system log before enforcing them:

  1. After Monday, 2017-04-17, you'll see system log alerts that let you know if you would have exceeded any of the new API rate limits. We're making this feature available to all preview orgs, and the feature will remain in preview for at least two weeks.

  2. Starting later in April, 2017, we'll treat authenticated end-user interactions on a per-user basis. Interactions like SSO after login won't apply to your org-wide API rate limits.

  3. Early in May, 2017, we will enforce the new, more granular rate limits. At that point, the warnings in the System Log will change to error notifications.

Of course, as each change is released, we'll announce the change here.

For a full description of the rate limit changes, see API Rate Limits.

Platform Feature Improvements

Revoke Access Tokens and Refresh Tokens

Use the oauthTokens parameter when clearing user sessions to revoke all OpenID Connect and OAuth Access Tokens and Refresh Tokens issued to the user. For more information, see the Users API.

Token Requests with Grant Type password

Token requests with password grant type (grant_type) and openid scope now return an ID Token. Previously only the appropriate Access Token or Refresh Token was returned.

Authentication That Overrides Client Request Context

The API now authenticates a user via a trusted application or proxy that uses the activation token. For more information, see Authentication API.

A HAL link to /api/v1/users/${userId}/lifecycle/reactivate is now provided for requests when the user is in a PROVISIONED state but doesn't have a password.

New Developer Org Banner

A new banner displays when you log into your developer org. It provides links to common onboarding tasks. Once you dismiss the banner, it can't be displayed again.

Access Policy by IP Range

Access Policies can now be defined based on an IP address range.

Bring Your Own SAML Certificates

Okta Admins can now upload their own SAML certificates to sign the assertion for Outbound SAML apps. These certificates can also be used to sign the AuthNRequest, as well as to decrypt the assertion for Inbound SAML. For more information, see Sign the Okta Certificate with your own CA.

Universal Directory for User Locale

When determining the user locale via the API, Okta uses the locale setting in the Universal Directory. If one isn't found, then Okta uses the org-wide display language instead. If the settings in Universal Directory and org are different for an end user, then Okta will prioritize the locale indicated in Universal Directory settings. This priority may change in future releases.

Lifecycle Reactivation Endpoint

Added lifecycle/reactivate endpoint.

This endpoint enables the API user to recover from failure in the authentication workflow, specifically when the user password is not set. In those cases this endpoint can be used to restart the activation by getting a new token and proceeding to set the user credentials. For more information, see the API Reference.

Linking Users to Social Identity Providers

Added a number of APIs that allow you to link an existing Okta user to a Social Identity Provider via an externalId. For more information, see Identity Provider User Operations

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • Request to /api/v1/users while the user was still activating failed to return an HTTP 409 error. (OKTA-120458)
  • REACT samples contained errors. (OKTA-120530)
  • IdP key thumbprints were generated using SHA1. They are now generated using SHA-256, and the returned IdP key property has changed from x5t to x5t#S256. (OKTA-121442)
  • As part of the System Log API, if an invalid value was specified for after, we would return 0 results. Now you will get a validation error. (OKTA-119726)


Advance Notice: API Rate Limit Improvements

We are making org-wide rate limits more granular, and treating authenticated end-user interactions separately. More granular rate limits will further lessen the likelihood of calls to one URI impacting another. Treating authenticated end-user interactions separately will lessen the chances of one user's impacting another. We're also providing a transition period so you can see what these changes will look like in your Okta system log before enforcing them:

  1. Starting in early April, 2017, we'll provide system log alerts to let you know that you would have exceeded any of these new API rate limits.
  2. Starting in early April, 2017, we'll treat authenticated end-user interactions on a per-user basis. Interactions like SSO after login won't apply to your org-wide API rate limits.
  3. Early in May, 2017, we will enforce the new, more granular rate limits. At that point, the warnings in the System Log will change to error notifications.

Of course, as each change is released, we'll announce the change here.

For a full description of the rate limit changes, see API Rate Limits.

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • The /api/v1/apps API sometimes incorrectly returned null for the realm or groupName attribute for a Template WS-Fed application. (OKTA-117274)
  • PUT to the /api/v1/idps/{idpId} API sometimes incorrectly returned an HTTP response code of 500 rather than 400. (OKTA-117691)
  • The /api/v1/idps API improperly allowed social identity providers to be created when the administrator did not have sufficient permissions. Those providers could not be used. (OKTA-118067)
  • The /api/v1/apps API returned an incorrect number of app instances when pagination and permissions filtering were both in effect. (OKTA-113411)


Advance Notice: API Rate Limit Improvements

We are making org-wide rate limits more granular, and treating authenticated end-user interactions separately. More granular rate limits will further lessen the likelihood of calls to one URI impacting another. Treating authenticated end-user interactions separately will lessen the chances of one user's impacting another. We're also providing a transition period so you can see what these changes will look like in your Okta system log before enforcing them:

  1. Starting in early April, 2017, we'll provide system log alerts to let you know that you would have exceeded any of these new API rate limits.
  2. Starting in early April, 2017, we'll treat authenticated end-user interactions on a per-user basis. Interactions like SSO after login won't apply to your org-wide API rate limits.
  3. Early in May, 2017, we will enforce the new, more granular rate limits. At that point, the warnings in the System Log will change to error notifications.

Of course, as each change is released, we'll announce the change here.

For a full description of the rate limit changes, see API Rate Limits.

Feature Improvements

Log screen

Platform Bug Fixed

For a user mastered from Active Directory and in password reset mode, the /api/v1/users API returned the user's status as ACTIVE rather than RECOVERY. (OKTA-109772)


Advance Notice: API Rate Limit Improvements

We are making org-wide rate limits more granular, and treating authenticated end-user interactions separately. More granular rate limits will further lessen the likelihood of calls to one URI impacting another. Treating authenticated end-user interactions separately will lessen the chances of one user's impacting another. We're also providing a transition period so you can see what these changes will look like in your Okta system log before enforcing them:

  1. Starting in early April, 2017, we'll provide system log alerts to let you know that you would have exceeded any of these new API rate limits.
  2. Starting in mid-April, 2017, we'll treat authenticated end-user interactions on a per-user basis. Interactions like SSO after login won't apply to your org-wide API rate limits.
  3. Early in May, 2017, we will enforce the new, more granular rate limits. At that point, the warnings in the System Log will change to error notifications.

Of course, as each change is released, we'll announce the change here.

For a full description of the rate limit changes, see API Rate Limits.

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • Request to /api/v1/authn/factors/<factorId>/verify responded with a valid stateToken after user status became LOCKED_OUT, causing user interface errors. (OKTA-115153)
  • The AuthSJ SDK produced a debug log message with some browsers. (OKTA-115460)


Advance Notice: API Rate Limit Improvements

We are making org-wide rate limits more granular, and treating authenticated end-user interactions separately. More granular rate limits will further lessen the likelihood of calls to one URI impacting another. Treating authenticated end-user interactions separately will lessen the chances of one user's impacting another. We're also providing a transition period so you can see what these changes will look like in your Okta system log before enforcing them:

  1. Shortly after February 28, 2017, we'll provide system log alerts to let you know that you would have exceeded any of these new API rate limits.
  2. Sometime in March, 2017, we'll treat authenticated end-user interactions on a per-user basis. Interactions like SSO after login won't apply to your org-wide API rate limits.
  3. Shortly after March 31, 2017, we will enforce the new, more granular rate limits. At that point, the warnings in the System Log will change to error notifications.

Of course, as each change is released, we'll announce the change here.

For a full description of the rate limit changes, see API Rate Limits.

Feature Improvement

For a collection of Users, the Links object contains only the self link. This feature will be in preview for at least a month.

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • The OpenID Connect and API Access Management ID Tokens contained an extraneous attribute. (OKTA-95042)
  • Some users created with the API were not activated automatically. (OKTA-112833)


Advance Notice: API Rate Limit Improvements

We are making rate limits more granular and will roll the changes out over the next few months:

  1. Shortly after February 28, 2017, we'll provide system log alerts to let you know that you would have exceeded any of these new API rate limits.
  2. Sometime in March, 2017, we'll treat authenticated end-user interactions on a per-user basis. Interactions like SSO after login won't apply to your org-wide API rate limits.
  3. Shortly after March 31, 2017, the new, more granular rate limits will be enforced. At that point, the warnings in the System Log will change to error notifications.

Of course, as each change is released, we'll announce the change here.

For a full description of the rate limit changes, see API Rate Limits.

Feature Improvements

  • For OpenID Connect Client apps, when selecting General settings > Implicit grant type, you can now use checkboxes to include ID Tokens, Access Tokens, or both.

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • In API Access Management, where an Access Token contains claims that evaluate to an array, we did not send the claims as a JSON array and did not ensure that the values were of the correct types. (OKTA-113034)


Advance Notice: API Rate Limit Improvements

We are making rate limits more granular and will roll the changes out over the next few months:

  1. Shortly after February 8, 2017, we'll provide system log alerts to let you know that you would have exceeded any of these new API rate limits.
  2. Sometime in February, 2017, we'll treat authenticated end-user interactions on a per-user basis. Interactions like SSO after login won't apply to your org-wide API rate limits.
  3. Shortly after March 8, 2017, the new, more granular rate limits will be enforced. At that point, the warnings in the System Log will change to error notifications.

Of course, as each change is released, we'll announce the change here.

For a full description of the rate limit changes, see API Rate Limits.

Feature Improvements

  • In the Add Rule dialog box (Security > API > authorization server name > Access Policies > Add Rule), the pre-filled default values include all grant types and the All scopes radio button.


Advance Notice: API Rate Limit Improvements

We are making rate limits more granular and will roll the changes out over the next few months:

  1. Shortly after February 8, 2017, we'll provide system log alerts to let you know that you would have exceeded any of these new API rate limits.
  2. Sometime in February, 2017, we'll treat authenticated end-user interactions on a per-user basis. Interactions like SSO after login won't apply to your org-wide API rate limits.
  3. Shortly after March 8, 2017, the new, more granular rate limits will be enforced. At that point, the warnings in the System Log will change to error notifications.

Of course, as each change is released, we'll announced the change here.

For a full description of the rate limit changes, see API Rate Limits.

Feature Improvements

Search for Authorization Servers by Name or Resource URI

You can now search (exact match) for an authorization server name or resource URI: To see the new search box, log into your Okta org, click the Admin button, and visit Security > API > Authorization Servers.

Search box for authorization servers

Manual Key Rotation (Key Pinning)

In the administrator UI, you can set an authorization server to manually rotate keys. Keys are rotated automatically by default.

Important: Automatic key rotation is more secure than manual key rotation. Use manual key rotation only if you can't use automatic key rotation.

To change an authorization server configuration to use manual key rotation:

  1. Log into the Okta org.
  2. Choose Admin.
  3. Choose Security > API.
  4. Open an authorization server for editing.
  5. Change the value of Signing Key Rotation to Manual and save.
  6. In the authorization server Settings tab, click the Rotate Signing Keys button to rotate the keys manually. This button doesn't display when Signing Key Rotation is set to Automatic.

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • Requesting an authorization code with response_mode set to okta_post_message failed to return the error message ("The authorization server does not support the requested response mode") in the response. Instead it redirected the error response to the URI specified in redirect_uri. (OKTA-103437)
  • The one-time sessionToken in the response from the POST /api/v1/authn request with username and password was valid for two hours after issuance. It is now valid for 5 minutes for added security. (OKTA-109907)
  • Modifying the rule conditions (attributes) of a default rule that affects policy evaluation didn't return a read-only attribute error. If you modified one of these read-only attributes previously, and need to change the attribute back to its initial value, contact Support. (OKTA-110155)
  • Using the search parameter with GET /api/v1/users when the user is federated returned an incorrect value for provider. (OKTA-110929)
  • When authentication fails because of the user's sign-on policy, the HTTP code returned was 403 but is now 401. (OKTA-111888)


Feature Improvements: New Expression Language Function

The new expression language function Arrays.toCsvString(array) converts an array to a comma-delimited string. For example:

Arrays.toCsvString({"This", "is", " a ", "test"}) returns This,is, a ,test

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • Introspection behavior for OpenID Connect and API Access Management was inconsistent across all token types when users were not in the ACTIVE state. (OKTA-110445)
  • Incorrect text in the administrator UI, related to authorization (OpenID Connect and API Access Management), was corrected:
    • Password became Resource Owner Password in Apps > General Settings > Allowed Grant Types.
    • Resource Owner Credential became Resource Owner Password in the Edit Rule page of the authorization server configuration dialog (Security > API > Authorization Servers). (OKTA-110749)
  • In some orgs, the links for self and next were returned with incorrect values. (OKTA-111350)


Platform Bugs Fixed

  • When voice call MFA was used for an MFA challenge, the resend link wasn't populated. (OKTA-109683)
  • Callouts failed when using Microsoft for social authentication. (OKTA-103080)


Platform Bugs Fixed

  • When editing scopes in the General Settings tab for a single-page app (SPA) for OpenID Connect, switching to another tab deselected all scopes. (OKTA-108562)

  • Instead of returning an error, invalid fields and names were added to user profiles in some cases. (OKTA-109719)

  • The HAL links for the self-service actions forgot_password, reset_password, and unlock were returned for every user whether the action was allowed by policy or not. This behavior applied to new orgs as of 2016.45 and is being reversed. As of 2016.51, HAL links for these three operations are returned only if the policy for that user indicates the action is available. (OKTA-110739)


New Feature: API Access Management in EA Release

Okta's API Access Management helps enterprises protect their APIs using OAuth 2.0 as a Service. By defining flexible security domains, scopes, claims, and access policies, you can control access as narrowly or as widely as needed for your enterprise. With this solution, you can create one or more authorization servers, configure scopes, set access policies and have a fully operational OAuth Authorization Service in minutes. We support the full set of core OAuth and OIDC flows (code, implicit, password, client credential, hybrid, and refresh) and are fully spec compliant.

Authorization Server page

To get started with API Access Management, visit API Access Management.

Feature Enhancement: Delete User Endpoint

The endpoint to delete users changed from the Beta endpoint POST /api/v1/users/{id}/lifecycle/delete to the more intuitive DELETE /api/v1/users/{id} for EA. The Beta endpoint has been removed.

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • Tokens for a suspended user didn't fail introspection. (OKTA-1090006)


Feature Enhancements

Delete User API in EA

API access to delete users is now in EA. To request the feature, contact Support.

System Query Log Change

System logs are truncated after six months. You may want to revise any system log queries for the new limit. This change allows us to provide faster, more consistent responses to a wider range of system-log API requests. Because the system keeps less data in memory, it responds faster.

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • Two users created simultaneously with the same login returned an HTTP 500 error. Now, a validation error is returned. (OKTA-105484)
  • If an administrator was reassigned to a User Administrator role that was scoped to a group, requests to the Users API returned fewer records than indicated by the limit parameter. (OKTA-107410)
  • Creating users with the Users API failed if a bookmark app was assigned to a group. (OKTA-108185)
  • User profiles weren't always updated with social profile changes. (OKTA-108602)


Platform Bugs Fixed

  • Read-Only Admins were unable to evaluate an MFA action, resulting in a failure to create a session. (OKTA-105659)
  • Configuring a SAML 2.0 IdP with Assign to Specific Groups or Full sync of groups incorrectly limited the Group Filter to 25 groups. (OKTA-106787)
  • Creating users with the Users API failed if a bookmark app was assigned to a group. (OKTA-108185)


Platform Bug Fixed

  • When creating a user via the API, the user was created even though an exception was thrown because a word from the question was in the answer. (OKTA-106668)


Feature Enhancements

New Version of Okta Sign-In Widget

The new version of Okta Sign-In Widget, 1.8.0, is available:

  • Localized security questions
  • Added Microsoft as a Social Provider
  • Added an option to provide your own dependencies

Learn about these and other improvements in the GitHub repository.

Improved Error Message for OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect error messages related to invalid scopes now return more information.

Previously, HAL links for self-service operations (reset password, change password and self-service unlock) were only returned if a policy evaluation indicated they should be present. As of this release we always return these links, except we don't return the self-service unlock link if the user is not locked.

This enhancement applies to all new preview and productions orgs. Existing orgs receive the enhancement at a later date.

Platform Bugs Fixed

  • Blank or empty passwords were allowed when users reset their passwords via the API following a reset password action. Following the login with a temporary password the user would be prompted to enter their new password. At that time, the user could enter an empty password without generating an error. (OKTA-100802)
  • Validation of the security answer length in accordance with password policy wasn't performed when creating a user via the API with the group password policy feature enabled. Before the fix, the minimum security answer length was assumed to always be 4, regardless of the policy settings. (OKTA-103407)
  • Improved the error message returned by an HTTP 429 error to remind the user to wait 30 seconds before re-issuing the request for an SMS message. (OKTA-104738)
  • Removed some app metadata that was incorrectly returned from a GET /api/v1/apps/{app-ID} request for an OpenID Connect app. (OKTA-104767)
  • After resetting an SMS factor for a user, that factor was incorrectly included in a subsequent API call for that user. (OKTA-105672)
  • Changed validation of OpenID Connect client apps to disallow fragment components in configured redirect URIs. (OKTA-106049)


Enhanced Well-Known Endpoint for OpenID Connect

The OpenID Connect discovery endpoint .well-known includes the introspection and revocation endpoints.

Request Example:

GET https://${yourOktaDomain}/.well-known/openid-configuration

Response Example:

    "issuer": "https://${yourOktaDomain}",
    "authorization_endpoint": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/v1/authorize",
    "token_endpoint": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/v1/token",
    "userinfo_endpoint": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/v1/userinfo",
    "jwks_uri": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/v1/keys",
    "response_types_supported": [
        "code id_token",
        "code id_token token",
        "id_token token",
    "introspection_endpoint": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/v1/introspect",
    "introspection_endpoint_auth_methods_supported": [
    "revocation_endpoint": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/v1/revoke",
    "revocation_endpoint_auth_methods_supported": [

New Function for Replacing Strings

Use the Expression Language function String.replaceFirst to replace the first occurrence of a string.


String.replaceFirst("This list includes chores", "is", "at") = "That list includes chores"

In release 2016.41 we introduced the string replacement function String.replace, which replaces all instances of a specified string.

Platform Bug Fixed

POST requests to /api/v1/sessions failed with an InvalidSessionException if the request specified a sessionToken but no API token was included. (OKTA-104965)


Feature Enhancements

New Version of Okta Sign-In Widget

The new version of Okta Sign-In Widget, 1.7.0, is available:

  • The Widget can create access tokens and authorization codes.
  • tokenManager manages OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect tokens.
  • Voice Call is supported in the forgot password flow.
  • Localization is available for Hungarian and Romanian.
  • Added the language option to set the displayed language.

Learn about these and other improvements in the GitHub repository.

New Version of Okta Auth JS

The new version of Okta Auth JS, 1.5.0, is available:

  • Perform manual token refreshes with the token.refresh method.
  • Create authorization codes in Okta Auth JS.
  • Access updated user information with token.getUserInfo.
  • Performance has improved when refreshing multiple tokens.

Learn about these and other improvements in the GitHub repository.

Key Store Operations are Available for Identity Providers API

Just as you can in the Apps API, you can perform key store operations in the Identity Providers API:

  • Generate an X.509 certificate public key
  • Retrieve and list public keys

For more information, see Identity Provider Signing Key Store Operations.

New Function for Replacing Strings

Use the Expression Language function String.replace to replace strings.


String.replace("This list includes chores", "is", "at") = "That last includes chores"

For more information, see Expression Language: String Functions.

Platform Bug Fixed

  • Reauthorization using app sign-on policy wasn't always enforced for OpenID Connect flows.(OKTA-99897)


Feature Enhancement: Listing Apps that Share an Application Key Credential

Once you have shared a credential between apps, you can list all the applications that are using the same application key credential.

For more information, see the Apps API reference.


Feature Enhancement: Sharing Certificates Between App Instances

By cloning an app key credential with the Apps API, you can share the same certificate between two or more apps:


To share a certificate among app instances:

  1. Generate a new app key credential for an app (the source app).
  2. Use the new credential in the source app.
  3. Share the credential (kid) with one or more target apps.
  4. Use the new credential in the target app.

For more detailed instructions, see "Clone Key Credential for Application" and "Update Key Credential for Application".

Bug Fixed

The WWW-Authenticate header couldn't be read when the /oauth2/v1/userinfo endpoint returned errors in a browser. (OKTA-101943)


Bug Fixed

  • In some cases, a GET /api/v1/users request incorrectly returned a 403 error.


System Log Enhancement

The names of AppUser properties that have changed during an import are included in the system log.


Feature Enhancements

Improvements to Endpoint sessions/me

  • The parameter createdAt is returned in results.
  • If authentication is done using a social IdP or SAML, lastPasswordVerification isn't updated.
  • The parameter lastPasswordVerification is only updated when the password is verified.

New Version of Okta Sign-In Widget

The new version of Okta Sign-In Widget, 1.6.0, is available:

  • Okta Sign-In Widget supports two new factors: Windows Hello and U2F.
  • The Widget is localized for Czech.
  • Translations are shipped with the npm module.

Learn about these and other improvements at the Git site.


Two Session API endpoints, GET /api/v1/sessions/me and POST /sessions/me/lifecycle/refresh, return /me instead of /${userId} in response links. These links are CORS-enabled, consistent with the original API calls which are also CORS-enabled.

For more information, see Get Session or Refresh Session.

Bugs Fixed

  • IdP keys could be deleted even when referenced by an active or inactive app instance. (OKTA-96139)
  • Properties could be deleted from the User Profile schema while still referenced as a matchAttribute in inbound SAML IdPs. (OKTA-96281)
  • Identity Providers for social authentication configured to look up usernames by Okta username or email failed to return a valid match. This failure occurred if the username was in both the username and email and a second user existed with the same email but different username. (OKTA-96335)


Bugs Fixed

  • Custom SAML apps couldn't update their signing key credentials via API. (OKTA-93959)
  • When configuring OpenID Connect client apps, the App Embed Links dialog displayed custom login and error page sections that weren't applicable. (OKTA-95526)
  • Using an API token created by a Read-Only Administrator caused a permission error when GET requests were sent to /api/v1/users/${userId}/factors or /api/v1/users/${userId}/factors/catalog. (OKTA-95569)
  • GET requests to oauth2/v1/authorize that specified the Form Post Response Mode sometimes failed to receive expires_in and scope in the response. (OKTA-98245)


Feature Enhancements

Version 1.4.0 of okta-auth-js Available

We've added support for Access Tokens and two new namespaces, token and tokenManager, to handle both ID Tokens and Access Tokens. The token namespace makes it easier to specify how to retrieve your tokens: getWithoutPrompt, getWithPopup, and getWithRedirect. The tokenManager namespace allows tracking tokens and automatically refreshes them for you.

For more details including feature and bug-fix commits, see the okta-auth-js Git repository.

Rules Included in Policy API requests

Use the expand query parameter to include up to twenty rules in a Policy API query:

GET https://my-org.okta.com/api/v1/policies/{id}?expand=rules

The embedded rules option returns up to 20 rules for a given policy. If the policy has more than 20 rules, this request returns an error.

Bug Fixed

  • The ampersand (&) character in a username caused Forgot Password API requests (/api/v1/authn/recovery/password to fail. (OKTA-93994)


New Features

Create Custom Apps with the API

You can now create SAML and SWA custom apps using the Apps API. Previously you had to create a custom app using the App Integration Wizard in the administrator UI.

For more information about creating custom apps with the API, see Apps API: Add Custom SAML Application.

Feature Enhancements

User-Matching Improvement for SAML Identity Providers (IdPs)

For SAML IdPs, you can now match transformed IdP usernames using more attributes. To match on an attribute other than username, email, or either, specify the attribute name in the property matchAttribute, and specify the value CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE in matchType.

For more information, see Identity Providers.

Contact Support to enable this Early Access feature.

Okta Sign-In Widget Release 1.5.0

The Okta Sign-In Widget release 1.5.0 contains the following enhancements:

  • Passcodes for RSA and On-Prem MFA are masked.
  • The dependencies @okta/i18n and @okta/courage are optional, to allow npm install to work properly.
  • The Show Answer checkbox has been replaced with a simpler Show/Hide toggle button in the Answer field. The Show Answer checkbox displays when a security question is a factor.

Bugs Fixed

  • When configuring an app with OpenID Connect, some redirect URIs weren't saved correctly. (OKTA-90445)
  • Problems occurred in some orgs when deleting a very large group using the API. (OKTA-91383)


Feature Enhancements

New Response Parameter For Access Token Expiration

The expires_in response parameter tells you the number of seconds before a token (Access Token) expires. If your response from the /oauth2/v1/authorize endpoint includes an Access Token, expires_in is included in the response.

For more information, see the /oauth2/v1/authorize Response Properties.

SHA256 Certificate for New SAML IdP Instances

The default certificate used by new SAML IdP instances to sign assertions is a SHA256 certificate. Existing SAML IdP instances will continue to use the certificate they currently have.

Bug Fixed

  • Requiring okta-auth-js didn't work unless you also defined global variables in the build flow. (OKTA-94206)


Feature Enhancement: Password Complexity Requirements

To enable a platform client to display password complexity requirements to the user, we've enhanced the PasswordComplexity object to include those requirements: excludeUsername, age:minAgeMinutes, and age:historyCount.

    "passwordExpireDays": 0
  "complexity": {
    "minLength": 8,
    "minLowerCase": 1,
    "minUpperCase": 1,
    "minNumber": 1,
    "minSymbol": 0,
    "excludeUsername": "true"

Also, the response to an answer recovery question (/api/v1/authn/recovery/answer) includes the PasswordPolicy object, which contains the PasswordComplexity object:

  "stateToken": "00lMJySRYNz3u_rKQrsLvLrzxiARgivP8FB_1gpmVb",
  "expiresAt": "2015-11-03T10:15:57.000Z",
  "status": "PASSWORD_RESET",
  "relayState": "/myapp/some/deep/link/i/want/to/return/to",
  "_embedded": {
    "user": {
      "id": "00ub0oNGTSWTBKOLGLNR",
      "passwordChanged": "2015-09-08T20:14:45.000Z",
      "profile": {
        "login": "dade.murphy@example.com",
        "firstName": "Dade",
        "lastName": "Murphy",
        "locale": "en_US",
        "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles"
    "policy": {
       "passwordExpireDays": 0
       "complexity": {
         "minLength": 8,
         "minLowerCase": 1,
         "minUpperCase": 1,
         "minNumber": 1,
         "minSymbol": 0,
         "excludeUsername": "true"
  "_links": {

When performing a self-service password reset (forgot password), the request for an answer recovery question is made in response to the security question challenge. For more information, see Password Complexity Object and Answer Recovery Question.


Feature Enhancements

Improvements for OAuth Panels in the Administrator Console

To improve usability, we've moved some of the panels in the administrator UI related to OAuth:

  • The OAuth tab has been renamed Authorization Server.
  • The Signing credentials rotation option was on the Client Registration panel, but since it helps you configure tokens, we've moved it to the Authorization Server tab.

New Tab for Managing OAuth-Related Configuration

Okta Sign-In Widget Updated

The Okta Sign-In Widget will be updated to version 1.4.0 for Production orgs.

See Okta Sign-In Widget for updated sample code.

The new release includes several enhancements:

  • The new version is an npm module and is availabe on the npm registry.
  • Changes to the "Trust this Device" checkbox and other minor bug fixes have been made.

Improved User Lookup for Password Recovery

To ensure a successful password recovery lookup if an email address is associated with multiple users, we improved the lookup behavior:

  • Okta no longer includes deactivated users in the lookup.
  • The lookup searches login IDs first, then primary email addresses, and then secondary email addresses.

Bugs Fixed

  • The OIDC Access Token was incorrectly available to Okta endpoints other than /oauth2/v1/userinfo. (OKTA-91099)
  • The format of the issuer (iss) in the Access Token has changed: it was the client ID. It now takes the form: `https://${yourOktaDomain}.okta.com/as/{authorization-server-ID}. (OKTA-93628)


New Feature: API for Custom SMS Template

You can send custom text as part of an SMS message request:

  1. Use the /api/v1/templates/sms endpoint to create a custom SMS text template.
  2. Send a request to the Factors API specifying the template for verification. There is no change in the response.

For more information, see Templates API and Factors API.

Feature Enhancement: Resource Owner Password Credential Flow for OpenID Connect Supports Refresh Tokens

The /oauth2/v1/token endpoint includes a Refresh Token if:

  • The request contains a grant_type with the value password and your client supports the grant_type value refresh_token. For more information, see Token Request.
  • You request the offline_access scope. For more information, see Refresh Tokens.

Bugs Fixed

  • For some customers, an API request for users that match a value for last_name didn't return all the matches. (OKTA-91367)


New Platform Feature: Limit on Size of Groups Claim

To protect against arbitrarily large numbers of groups matching the group filter, the group claim has a limit of 100. If more than 100 groups match the filter, then the request fails.

  • For more information about configuring an app for OpenID Connect, including group claims, see Using OpenID Connect.
  • For more information about group claims in the API, see Scope-dependent claims.

Bugs Fixed

The following issues are fixed:

  • OKTA-89624 - Base schema attributes for OpenID Connect without default mappings weren't included in ID token claims.
  • OKTA-89867 - Creating a new user and adding that user to a group with the same create request via the API failed, which was a problem for group-scoped User Admins creating users.
  • OKTA-90593 - The Group property lastMembershipUpdated wasn't updated when adding or removing users from an Active Directory group using scheduled import.
  • OKTA-90898 - Updating credentials failed when using the Apps API for custom apps.
  • OKTA-91066 - System log messages related to OpenID Connect didn't contain scopes.

Added on June 29:

  • OKTA-90514 - When adding a group target to a User Administrator role via the API, that user still had the ability to administer all groups. Also, removing the last group target from a role after one has been added was incorrectly allowed.


New Platform Feature

New Version of Okta Sign-In Widget

Version 1.3.3 of the Okta Sign-In Widget, and version 1.0.2 of okta-auth-js are available for Preview orgs. For more information, see Okta Sign-In Widget.

Policy API

The Links object, _links, is available in the Policy object. For more information, see Links Object.

Improved Error Descriptions

The error descriptions related to OAuth provide more helpful information about invalid clients for OpenID Connect flows.

Disable Automatic Key Rotation

If you need to disable automatic key rotation for an OpenID Connect flow, you can do so in General Settings section under the General tab for an app, and then use the /oauth2/v1/keys endpoint to fetch public keys for your app. For more information, see OpenID Connect.

Bugs Fixed

  • OKTA-69173 - The helpURL for vpn wasn't returned even though it had been set previously in a request to /api/v1/apps.


Bugs Fixed

  • OKTA-73691 - HTML tags were incorrectly allowed in POST and PUT requests to /api/v1/idps/.
  • OKTA-90218 - Requests to /oauth2/v1/authorize failed if they included a state value with special characters.
  • OKTA-91074 - Requests to /oauth2/v1/introspect incorrectly included scopesList.
  • OKTA-91441 - The Users API incorrectly returned an error when updating login.