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Events API

The Okta Events API provides read access to your organization's system log. Export event data as a batch job from your organization to another system for reporting or analysis.

Important: The System Log API will eventually replace the Events API and contains much more structured data. As of Jan 7, 2019 developers of new projects are unable to access the Events API and should use the System Log API. As of April 20, 2020, no new event types will be added for the Events API. Information about migrating from the Events API to the System Log API can be found on the Events API Migration page. Other information can be found in the Events API End of Life FAQ

Getting Started

Explore the Events API: Run in Postman

Data Retention

Log data older than 90 days is not returned, in accordance with Okta's Data Retention Policy.

Event Operations

List Events

GET /api/v1/events

Fetches a list of events from your Okta organization system log

Request Parameters
Parameter Description Param Type DataType Required Default
limit Specifies the number of results to page Query Number FALSE 1000
startDate Specifies the timestamp to list events after Query Date FALSE
filter Filter expression for events Query String FALSE
after Specifies the pagination cursor for the next page of events Query String FALSE

Parameter Details

  • Treat the after cursor as an opaque value as its contents are subject to change without notice. Obtain it through the next link relation. See Pagination for more details on link relations.
  • startDate and filter query parameters are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together in the same request.
  • startDate and after query parameters are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together in the same request.
  • startDate defaults to 1 hour ago when filter, after and startDate query parameters are omitted.
  • limit can be no larger than 1000
Reliable Ingestion

The most reliable method to ingest all events from Okta is to use a pagination cursor via the after parameter. This will ensure that events are not skipped or duplicated due to the lack of timestamp precision.

The general sequence of steps to leverage the after parameter:

  1. Issue an initial request using startDate with a value set to some date in the last 90 days
  2. Retrieve the next page of events through the Link response header value with the next link relation
  3. Optionally include a filter parameter to narrow the returned results
  4. Issue the paginated request
  5. Retrieve the next page of events through the Link response header value with the next link relation
  6. Pause and repeat the previous step

Note that if no data is returned, this typically indicates you have caught up with the event stream. To avoid issues with rate limiting, ensure your polling frequency is sufficiently long.


The following expressions are supported for events with the filter query parameter:

Filter Description
action.objectType eq ":actionType" Events that have a specific action objectType
target.objectType eq ":objectType" Events published with a specific target objectType
target.id eq ":id" Events published with a specific target id
published lt "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" Events published before a specific datetime
published eq "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" Events published updated at a specific datetime
published gt "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" Events published updated after a specific datetime

See Filtering for more information on expressions.

Note: All filters must be URL encoded where filter=published gt "2017-10-01T00:00:00.000Z" is encoded as filter=published%20gt%20%222017-10-01T00:00:00.000Z%22.

Filter Examples

Events published after 10/01/2017

filter=published gt "2017-10-01T00:00:00.000Z"

Events published for a target user

filter=target.id eq "00uxc78lMKUMVIHLTAXY"

Failed login events published after 10/01/2017

filter=published gt "2017-10-01T00:00:00.000Z" and action.objectType eq "core.user_auth.login_failed"

Events published after 10/01/2017 for a target user and application

filter=published gt "2017-10-01T00:00:00.000Z" and target.id eq "00uxc78lMKUMVIHLTAXY" and target.id eq "0oabe82gnXOFVCDUMVAK"

App SSO events for a target user and application

filter=action.objectType eq "app.auth.sso" and target.id eq "00uxc78lMKUMVIHLTAXY" and target.id eq "0oabe82gnXOFVCDUMVAK"

Note that using filter with a value of published gt "2017-10-01T00:00:00.000Z" and startDate with a value of 2017-10-01T00:00:00.000Z work the same way. The following two API calls:


filter=published gt "2017-10-01T00:00:00.000Z"

return the same results. Since filter and startDate are mutually exclusive, filter must be used to simultaneously specify both time and additional filter criteria.

Response Parameters

Array of Events

Request Example
curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Link: <https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/events?startDate=2017-09-15T16%3A00%3A00.000Z&limit=3>; rel="self"
Link: <https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/events?after=tevZxTo4IyHR9yUHIFdU0-f0w1373905100000&limit=3>; rel="next"

        "eventId": "tev8hc_KK9NRzKe2WtdvVQIOg1784845263000",
        "published": "2017-11-19T07:14:23.000Z",
        "action": {
            "message": "App activated",
            "categories": [],
            "objectType": "app.generic.config.app_activated",
            "requestUri": "/api/v1/apps/0oadxaKUTKAXSXUZYJHC/lifecycle/activate"
        "actors": [
                "id": "00upgyMVOKIYORVNYUUM",
                "displayName": "Adam Malkovich",
                "login": "adam.malkovich@example.com",
                "objectType": "User"
                "id": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.57 Safari/537.36",
                "displayName": "CHROME",
                "ipAddress": "",
                "objectType": "Client"
        "targets": [
                "id": "0oadxaKUTKAXSXUZYJHC",
                "displayName": "Salesforce.com",
                "objectType": "AppInstance"
        "eventId": "tevaEByjeq-QZW-utKgDVVvng1784847185000",
        "published": "2017-11-19T07:46:25.000Z",
        "action": {
            "message": "Sign-in successful",
            "categories": [
                "Sign-in Success"
            "objectType": "core.user_auth.login_success",
            "requestUri": "/login/do-login"
        "actors": [
                "id": "00ubgaSARVOQDIOXMORI",
                "displayName": "Samus Aran",
                "login": "samus.aran@example.com",
                "objectType": "User"
                "id": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.57 Safari/537.36",
                "displayName": "CHROME",
                "ipAddress": "",
                "objectType": "Client"
        "targets": [
                "id": "00ubgaSARVOQDIOXMORI",
                "displayName": "Samus Aran",
                "login": "samus.aran@example.com",
                "objectType": "User"
        "eventId": "tevR26HuMJMSkWsKBUcQ65Raw1784847190000",
        "published": "2017-11-19T07:46:30.000Z",
        "action": {
            "message": "User performed single sign on to app",
            "categories": [
                "Application Access"
            "objectType": "app.auth.sso",
            "requestUri": "/app/salesforce/kdx9PWYBPEOBAUNVRBHK/sso/saml"
        "actors": [
                "id": "00ubgaSARVOQDIOXMORI",
                "displayName": "Samus Aran",
                "login": "samus.aran@example.com",
                "objectType": "User"
                "id": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.57 Safari/537.36",
                "displayName": "CHROME",
                "ipAddress": "",
                "objectType": "Client"
        "targets": [
                "id": "00ubgaSARVOQDIOXMORI",
                "displayName": "Samus Aran",
                "login": "samus.aran@example.com",
                "objectType": "User"
                "id": "0oadxaKUTKAXSXUZYJHC",
                "displayName": "Salesforce.com",
                "objectType": "AppInstance"

Event object

Every organization has a system log that maintains a history of actions performed by users. The Event object describes a single action that was performed by a set of actors for a set of targets.


      "message":"Okta user created",
         "User Creation"
         "displayName":"Add-Min O'Cloudy Tud",
         "id":"Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1",
         "displayName":"Inca-Louise O'Rain Dum",



The Event object is read only, with a fixed set of attributes:

Property Description DataType Nullable Unique Readonly MinLength MaxLength
eventId Unique key for event String FALSE TRUE TRUE
published Timestamp when event was published Date FALSE TRUE TRUE 1 255
requestId Identifies the request String TRUE FALSE TRUE 1 50
sessionId Session in which the event occurred String TRUE FALSE TRUE
action Identifies the action that the event describes Action object FALSE FALSE TRUE
actors Describes zero or more entities that performed the action Array of Actor object FALSE FALSE TRUE
targets Describes zero or more entities that the action was performed against Array of Target object TRUE FALSE TRUE
_links discoverable resources related to the event JSON HAL TRUE FALSE TRUE
_embedded embedded resources related to the event JSON HAL TRUE FALSE TRUE

Property Details

  • The actor and/or target of an event is dependent on the action performed. Not all events have an actor or target.
  • The sessionId can identify multiple requests. A single requestId can identify multiple events. Use the sessionId to link events and requests that occurred in the same session.

Action object

Describes an activity performed by a user, app, client, or other entity (actor) on a target:

Property Description DataType Nullable
message Description of an action String FALSE
categories Categories for an action Array of String FALSE
objectType Identifies the unique type of an action String FALSE
requestUri Uri of the request that generated the event. String TRUE

Actions that do not define any categories will have a zero element array value.

    "message": "User performed single sign on to app",
    "categories": [
        "Application Access"
    "objectType": "app.auth.sso",
    "requestUri": "/app/salesforce/kdx9PWYBPEOBAUNVRBHK/sso/saml"

Action Categories

Categories for an action:

  • Application Assignment
  • Application Access
  • Active Directory Agent
  • User Creation
  • User Activation
  • User Deactivation
  • User Locked Out
  • Sign-in Failure
  • Sign-in Success
  • Suspicious Activity
  • Application Imports (Summary)
  • Application Imports (Detailed)
  • SMS Messages

Note: Additional categories may be added in the future without versioning.

Action ObjectTypes

The action objectType identifies the unique action performed.

Application Authentication
ObjectType Description
app.auth.sso Event occurred during SSO
app.auth.delegated.outbound Event occurred during outbound delegated authentication
Application User Management
ObjectType Description
app.user_management.push_password_update Update user's password in application
app.user_management.push_profile_success Successfully created or updated user's profile in application
app.user_management.push_profile_failure Failed to create or update user's profile in application
app.user_management.push_new_user Create new user in application
app.user_management.push_pending_user Queue update of user for application
app.user_management.provision_user Created or updated user from application
app.user_management.provision_user_failed Failed to create or update user from application
app.user_management.importing_profile Create or update user's profile from application
app.user_management.update_from_master_failed Failed to master user's profile from application
app.user_management.verified_user_with_thirdparty Verified user against application
app.user_management.updating_api_credentials_for_password_change Updating API credentials due to API administrator user password change
app.user_management.activate_user Activate user in application
app.user_management.deactivate_user Deactivate user in application
app.user_management.reactivate_user Reactivate user in application
app.user_management.provision_user.user_inactive Attempt to provision a user to an inactive account, and cannot reactivate
app.user_management.deactivate_user.api_account Deactivate API user in application
app.user_management.deprovision_task_complete Deprovisioning task has been marked complete (automatically or manually)
Application Group Management
ObjectType Description
app.user_management.user_group_import.upsert_success Successfully created or updated group from application
app.user_management.user_group_import.delete_success Successfully removed imported group that was deleted from application
app.user_management.app_group_member_import.insert_success Update group memmbership an AppGroupUserMember from an import succeeded
app.user_management.app_group_member_import.delete_success Deleting an AppGroupUserMember from an import succeeded
app.user_management.app_group_group_member_import.insert_success Upserting an ResolvedAppGroupMember from an import succeeded
app.user_management.app_group_group_member_import.delete_success Deleting an ResolvedAppGroupMember from an import succeeded
app.user_management.grouppush.mapping.created.from.rule A new mapping has been created from a rule
app.user_management.grouppush.mapping.created.from.rule.error.duplicate A new mapping from a rule was attempted to be created, but it turned out to be a dupe
app.user_management.grouppush.mapping.created.from.rule.warning.duplicate.name A new mapping from a rule was not created due to a duplicate group name
app.user_management.grouppush.mapping.created.from.rule.warning.duplicate.name.tobecreated A new mapping from a rule was not created due to another mapping will be created that has the same user group name
app.user_management.grouppush.mapping.created.from.rule.warning.upsertGroup.duplicate.name Create or update of source group triggered mapping rule re-evaluation preventing a new application group mapping due to a duplicate group name
app.user_management.grouppush.mapping.created.from.rule.error.validation Failed to create new application group mapping due to a validation error
app.user_management.grouppush.mapping.created.from.rule.errors Failed to create new application group mapping due to an error
app.user_management.grouppush.mapping.deactivated.source.group.renamed Successfully deactivate target application group when source group was renamed
app.user_management.grouppush.mapping.deactivated.source.group.renamed.failed Failed to deactivate target application group when source group was renamed
app.user_management.grouppush.mapping.app.group.renamed Successfully renamed target application group when source group was renamed
app.user_management.grouppush.mapping.app.group.renamed.failed Failed to rename target application group when source group was renamed
app.user_management.grouppush.mapping.and.groups.deleted.rule.deleted An existing mapping and its target groups have been deleted because a mapping rule was deleted
Delegated Authentication
ObjectType Description
app.inbound_del_auth.failure.not_supported Application doesn't support delauth
app.inbound_del_auth.failure.instance_not_found Couldn't find delauth app instance
app.inbound_del_auth.failure.invalid_request.could_not_parse_credentials Couldn't parse credentials in delauth request
app.inbound_del_auth.failure.account_not_found Inbound delauth account not found
app.inbound_del_auth.failure.invalid_login_credentials Inbound delauth, invalid login credentials
app.inbound_del_auth.login_success Successful delauth login
Rich Client Authentication
Administrator Appplication
ObjectType Description
app.generic.provision.assign_user_to_app Assign external user to internal Okta user
app.generic.provision.deactivate_user_from_app Deactivate external user to internal Okta user
app.generic.config.app_activated Application has been activated
app.generic.config.app_deactivated Application has been deactivated
app.generic.import.provisioning_data Imported data used for provisioning
app.generic.import.import_user Started user import
app.generic.config.app_updated Application config has been updated
app.generic.import.new_user Application has imported a new user
app.generic.import.user_update Application has updated an exsiting user
app.generic.config.app_username_update User credentials for an application have been updated
app.generic.config.app_password_update User credentials for an application have been updated
app.generic.import.user_delete Application has deleted user
Credential Recovery
Application Instance
User Authentication
User MFA Authentication
User RADIUS Authentication
User Status
User Impersonation
Group Administrator Roles

Actor object

Describes the user, app, client, or other entity (actor) who performed an action on a target:

Property Description DataType Nullable
id Unique key for actor String FALSE
displayName Name of actor used for display purposes String TRUE
objectType User or Client String FALSE

The schema of an actor is dependent on the actor's objectType.

Target object

The entity upon which an actor performs an action. Targets may be anything, even a login token:

Property Description DataType Nullable
id Unique key for target String FALSE
displayName Name of target used for display purposes String TRUE
objectType User or AppInstance String FALSE

The schema of a target is dependent on the actor's objectType

Actor and Target ObjectTypes

User ObjectType

A denormalized reference to a User:

Property Description DataType Nullable
id Unique key for user String FALSE
displayName User's first and last name String TRUE
login Unique login for user String TRUE
objectType Type of object User FALSE
    "id": "00u3gjksoiRGRAZHLSYV",
    "displayName": "Jon Stewart",
    "login": "jon@example.com",
    "objectType": "User"

The user can be retrieved by id with the User API.

AppInstance ObjectType

Describes an application:

Property Description DataType Nullable
id Unique key for app String FALSE
displayName App's label String TRUE
objectType Type of object AppInstance FALSE
    "id": "0oab5cZEHFHXHGRNRRNL",
    "displayName": "Zendesk",
    "objectType": "AppInstance"

The app can be retrieved by id with the Apps API.

Client ObjectType

Describes a client such as a browser:

Property Description DataType Nullable
id User agent of client String FALSE
displayName Name of client String TRUE
ipAddress IP Address of client String TRUE
objectType Type of object Client FALSE
    "id": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.65 Safari/537.36",
    "displayName": "CHROME",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "objectType": "Client"