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The Okta API is a versioned API. Okta reserves the right to add new parameters, properties, or resources to the API without advance notice. These updates are considered non-breaking and the compatibility rules below should be followed to ensure your application does not break. Breaking changes such as removing or renaming an attribute will be released as a new version of the API. Okta will provide a migration path for new versions of APIs and will communicate timelines for end-of-life when deprecating APIs.

Do not consume any Okta API unless it is documented on this site. All undocumented endpoints should be considered private, subject to change without notice, and not covered by any agreements.

Compatibility rules for input parameters

  • Requests are compatible irrespective of the order in which the query parameters appear.
  • Requests are compatible irrespective of the order in which the properties of the JSON parameters appear
  • New query parameters may be added to future versions of requests.
  • Existing query parameters cannot be removed from future versions of requests.
  • Existing properties cannot be removed from the JSON parameters in future versions of requests.

Compatibility rules for JSON responses

  • Responses are compatible irrespective of the order in which the properties appear.
  • New properties may be added to future versions of the response.
  • Existing properties cannot be removed from future versions of the response.
  • Properties with null values may be omitted by responses

URL Namespace

All URLs listed in the documentation should be preceded with your organization's subdomain (tenant) https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/api/{apiversion} and API version.

The apiversion is currently v1.

Note: All API requests must use HTTPS scheme

Media types

Note: JSON responses, including errors, may contain user input. To help prevent potential cross-site scripting attacks, make sure to properly escape all values before use in a browser or any HTML context.

The API currently only supports JSON as an exchange format. Be sure to set both the Content-Type and Accept headers for every request as application/json.

All Date objects are returned in ISO 8601 format:


Character sets

Okta supports a subset of the UTF-8 specification. Specifically, any character that can be encoded in three bytes or less is supported. BMP characters and supplementary characters that must be encoded using four bytes are not supported at this time.

HTTP verbs

Where possible, the Okta API strives to use appropriate HTTP verbs for each action.


Used for retrieving resources.


Used for creating resources, or performing custom actions (such as user lifecycle operations). For POST requests with no body param, be sure to set the Content-Length header to zero.


Used for replacing resources or collections. For PUT requests with no body param, be sure to set the Content-Length header to zero.


Used for deleting resources.

Note: Any PUT or POST request with no Content-Length header nor a body will return a 411 error. To get around this, include a Content-Length: 0 header

Client request context

Okta will derive client request context directly from the HTTP request headers and client TCP socket. Request context is used to evaluate policies such as Okta Sign-On Policy and provide client information for troubleshooting and auditing purposes.

User Agent

Okta supports the standard User-Agent HTTP header to identify the user's browser or application. Always send a User-Agent string to uniquely identify your client application and version, for example: Oktaprise/1.1.

Note: If your application is acting as a gateway or proxy, you should forward the User-Agent of the originating client with your API requests.

Format a User-Agent string

Make sure that the User-Agent string that your app constructs is in the correct format. This ensures that Okta can parse the OS and Browser fields. Good User-Agent strings that can be correctly parsed by Okta contain browser and system information, platform details, and any extensions.

Use a template to format the string

We recommend that you use a template like the following to format the User-Agent string:

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (<system-information>) <platform> (<platform-details>) <extensions>

Okta recommends making test authentication requests and then checking for the related entries in the System Log. Testing helps you make sure that Okta can parse both the OS and Browser fields from the User-Agent header that is passed by your application.

If the OS and/or Browser fields come back as Unknown in the System Log, make sure that certain string values (see below) are present in the User-Agent string so that the OS and Browser are detected:

Note: For some Chrome examples, see User-Agent strings.

Pass a hint about the browser

Add browser information such as chrome or safari to the User-Agent string.

Pass operating system information

  • iOS: Include the words apple or ios and at least one of these values: iphone, ipad, ipod, ipad.

  • Android: Include the word android, which infers that Android is the operating system.

IP address

The public IP address of your application will be automatically used as the client IP address for your request. Okta supports the standard X-Forwarded-For HTTP header to forward the originating client's IP address if your application is behind a proxy server or acting as a login portal or gateway.

Note: The public IP address of your trusted web application must be whitelisted in your org's network security settings as a trusted gateway in order to forward the user agent's original IP address with the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header.

Accept Language

The Accept-Language HTTP header advertises which languages the client is able to understand, for example Accept-Language: en-US. Include it if it is available.

Device Fingerprint

The X-Device-Fingerprint HTTP header supplies the device fingerprint used in an authentication request.


Note: JSON responses, including errors, may contain user input. To help prevent potential cross-site scripting attacks, make sure to properly escape all values before use in a browser or any HTML context.

All requests on success will return a 200 status if there is content to return or a 204 status if there is no content to return.

All requests that result in an error will return the appropriate 4xx or 5xx error code with a custom JSON error object:

  • errorCode: A code that is associated with this error type
  • errorLink: A link to documentation with a more detailed explanation of the error (note: this has yet to be implemented and for the time being is the same value as the errorCode)
  • errorSummary: A natural language explanation of the error
  • errorId: An id that identifies this request. These ids are mapped to the internal error on the server side in order to assist in troubleshooting.
    "errorCode": "E0000001",
    "errorSummary": "Api validation failed",
    "errorLink": "E0000001",
    "errorId": "oaeHfmOAx1iRLa0H10DeMz5fQ",
    "errorCauses": [
            "errorSummary": "login: An object with this field already exists in the current organization"

See Error Codes for a list of API error codes.

Note: Only the errorCode property is supported for runtime error flow control. The errorSummary property is only intended for troubleshooting and may change over time.


The Okta API currently requires the custom HTTP authentication scheme SSWS for authentication. All requests must have a valid API key specified in the HTTP Authorization header with the SSWS scheme.

Authorization: SSWS 00QCjAl4MlV-WPXM...0HmjFx-vbGua

Note: See Obtaining a token for instructions on how to get an API key for your organization.

The API key (API token) isn't interchangeable with an Okta session token, access tokens or ID tokens used with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect.

You can now interact with Okta APIs using scoped OAuth 2.0 access tokens for a number of Okta endpoints. Each access token enables the bearer to perform specific actions on specific Okta endpoints, with that ability controlled by which scopes the access token contains. For more information, see OAuth 2.0 for Okta APIs.


Requests that return a list of resources may support paging. Pagination is based on a cursor and not on page number. The cursor is opaque to the client and specified in either the before or after query parameter. For some resources, you can also set a custom page size with the limit parameter.

Note that for technical reasons not all APIs respect pagination or the before and limit parameters, see the Events API for example.

Param Description
before This is the cursor that points to the start of the page of data that has been returned.
after This is the cursor that points to the end of the page of data that has been returned.
limit This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page.

Pagination links are included in the Link header of responses. It is important to follow these Link header values instead of constructing your own URLs as query parameters or cursor formats may change without notice.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Link: <https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users?after=00ubfjQEMYBLRUWIEDKK>; rel="next",
  <https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users?after=00ub4tTFYKXCCZJSGFKM>; rel="self"

The possible rel values are:

Link Relation Type Description
next Specifies the URL of the immediate next page of results.
self Specifies the URL of the current page of results

When you first make an API call and get a cursor-paged list of objects, the end of the list will be the point at which you do not receive another next link value with the response. This holds true for all but two cases:

  1. Events API: The next link always exists, since the Events API is like a stream of data with a cursor.

  2. System Log API: The next link will always exist in polling queries in the System Log API. A polling query is defined as an ASCENDING query with an empty or absent until parameter. Like in the Events API, the polling query is a stream of data.


Filtering allows a requestor to specify a subset of resources to return and is often needed for large collection resources such as Users. While filtering semantics are standardized in the Okta API, not all resources in the Okta API support filtering. When filtering is supported for a resource, the filter URL query parameter contains a filter expression.

The expression language that is used in the filter and search parameters supports references to JSON attributes and literals. The literal values can be strings enclosed in double quotes, numbers, date times enclosed in double quotes, and Boolean values; i.e., true or false. String literals must be valid JSON strings.

The attribute names are case-sensitive while attribute operators are case-insensitive. For example, the following two expressions evaluate to the same logical value:

filter=firstName Eq "john"

filter=firstName eq "john"

The filter and search parameters must contain at least one valid Boolean expression. Each expression must contain an attribute name followed by an attribute operator and optional value. Multiple expressions may be combined using the two logical operators. Furthermore expressions can be grouped together using "()".

Note: Each resource in the Okta API defines what attributes and operators are supported for expression. Please refer to resource-specific documentation for details.


Most of the operators listed in the SCIM Protocol Specification are supported:

Operator Description Behavior
eq equal The attribute and operator values must be identical for a match.
ge greater than or equal If the attribute value is greater than or equal to the operator value, there is a match. The actual comparison is dependent on the attribute type. For String attribute types, this is a lexicographical comparison and for Date types, it is a chronological comparison.
gt greater than If the attribute value is greater than operator value, there is a match. The actual comparison is dependent on the attribute type. For String attribute types, this is a lexicographical comparison and for Date types, it is a chronological comparison.
le less than or equal If the attribute value is less than or equal to the operator value, there is a match. The actual comparison is dependent on the attribute type. For String attribute types, this is a lexicographical comparison and for Date types, it is a chronological comparison.
lt less than If the attribute value is less than operator value, there is a match. The actual comparison is dependent on the attribute type. For String attribute types, this is a lexicographical comparison and for Date types, it is a chronological comparison.
pr present (has value) If the attribute has a non-empty value, or if it contains a non-empty node for complex attributes there is a match.
sw starts with The entire operator value must be a substring of the attribute value, starting at the beginning of the attribute value. This criterion is satisfied if the two strings are identical.

Note: Some resources don't support all the listed operators.

Note: the ne (not equal) attribute is not supported, but the same result can be obtained by using lt ... or ... gt. For example, to see all user agents except for "iOS", use (client.userAgent.os lt "iOS" or client.userAgent.os gt "iOS").

Note: All Date values use the ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ

Attribute operators

Operator Description Behavior
and Logical AND The filter is only a match if both expressions evaluate to true.
or Logical OR The filter is a match if either expression evaluates to true.

Logical operators

Operator Description Behavior
() Precedence grouping Boolean expressions may be grouped using parentheses to change the standard order of operations; i.e., evaluate OR logical operators before logical AND operators.

Filters must be evaluated using standard order of operations. Attribute operators have the highest precedence, followed by the grouping operator (i.e, parentheses), followed by the logical AND operator, followed by the logical OR operator.


Resources in the Okta API use hypermedia for "discoverability". Hypermedia enables API clients to navigate resources by following links like a web browser instead of hard-coding URLs in your application. Links are identified by link relations which are named keys. Link relations describe what resources are available and how they can be interacted with. Each resource may publish a set of link relationships based on the state of the resource. For example, the status of a user in the User API will govern which lifecycle operations are permitted. Only the permitted operations will be published as lifecycle operations.

The Okta API had incorporated JSON Hypertext Application Language or HAL format as the foundation for hypermedia "discoverability". HAL provides a set of conventions for expressing hyperlinks in JSON responses representing two simple concepts: Resources and Links.

Note: The HAL-specific media type application/hal+json is currently not supported as a formal media type for content negotiation. Use the standard application/json media type. As we get more experience with the media format we may add support for the media type.

Object whose property names are link relation types (as defined by RFC5988) and values are either a Link object or an array of Link objects.

  • A target URI
  • The name of the link relation (rel)
  • Other optional properties to help with deprecation, object state or lifecycle management, content negotiation, etc.
  • Links are implicitly of media type application/json. Other media types are only returned in cases where the link is not an API endpoint.

Note: A resource may have multiple links that share the same link relation, as shown below for the "logo" link.

    "_links": {
        "logo": [
              "name": "medium",
              "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/assets/img/logos/groups/active_directory-medium.b3959116154f9d44bd4d0f6b2ae31ea6.png",
              "type": "image/png"
              "name": "large",
              "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/assets/img/logos/groups/active_directory-large.0e7a58559ac90c4bbc7b33fa14018c50.png",
              "type": "image/png"
        "self": { "href": "/example_resource" },
        "next": { "href": "/page=2" }

Note that HAL links returned in a collection of resources may not reflect the total set of operations that are possible on that resource. For example, in a user collection links indicating that a given user can be "unlocked" may not be returned and, if returned, may not reflect the correct user state.

Search and list operations are intended to find matching resources and their identifiers. If you intend to search for a resource and then modify its state or make a lifecycle change, the correct pattern is to first retrieve the resource by 'id' using the "self" link provided for that resource in the collection. This will provide the full set of lifecycle links for that resource based on its most up-to-date state.

Request debugging

The request ID will always be present in every API response and can be used for debugging. This value can be used to correlate events from the Events API as well as the System Log events.

The following header is set in each response:

X-Okta-Request-Id - The unique identifier for the API request

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Okta-Request-Id: reqVy8wsvmBQN27h4soUE3ZEnA

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows a web page to make an AJAX call using XMLHttpRequest (XHR) to a domain that is different from the one from where the script was loaded. Such "cross-domain" requests would otherwise be forbidden by web browsers, per the same origin security policy. CORS defines a standardized way in which the browser and the server can interact to determine whether or not to allow the cross-origin request.

In Okta, CORS allows JavaScript hosted on your websites to make an XHR to the Okta API with the Okta session cookie. Every website origin must be explicitly permitted via the administrator UI for CORS. See Enabling CORS for details on how to allow your website to make cross-origin requests.

Caution: Only grant access to specific origins (websites) that you control and trust to access the Okta API.

API support

The Okta API supports CORS on an API by API basis. If you're building an application that needs CORS, please check that the specific operation supports CORS for your use case. APIs that support CORS are marked with the following icon: CORS .

Additional help

In addition to all the information in this portal, you can view developer videos in our YouTube channel.