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Additional rate limits

This page provides Okta's additional limits on:

These limits are part of the Okta Rate limit policy.


Concurrent rate limits

To protect the service for all customers, Okta enforces concurrent rate limits, which is a limit on the number of simultaneous transactions. Concurrent rate limits are distinct from the org-wide, per-minute API rate limits, which measure the total number of transactions per minute. Transactions are typically very short-lived. Even very large bulk loads rarely use more than 10 simultaneous transactions at a time.

For concurrent rate limits, traffic is measured in three different areas. Counts in one area aren't included in counts for the other two:

  • For agent traffic, Okta has set the limit based on typical org use. This limit varies from agent to agent.
  • For Office365 traffic, the limit is 75 concurrent transactions per org.
  • For all other traffic, including API requests, the limit is described in the table below.
Developer (free) Developer (paid) One App Enterprise Workforce Identity
15 35 35 75 75

The first request to exceed the concurrent limit returns an HTTP 429 error, and the first error every 60 seconds is written to the log. Reporting concurrent rate limits once a minute keeps log volume manageable.

Note: Under normal circumstances, customers don't exceed the concurrency limits. Exceeding them may be an indication of a problem that requires investigation.

These rate limits apply to all new Okta organizations. For orgs created before 2018-05-17, the previous rate limits still apply.

Note: For information on possible interaction between Inline Hooks and concurrent rate limits, see Inline hooks and concurrent rate limits.

End-user rate limits

Okta limits the number of requests from the Admin Console and End-User Dashboard to 40 requests per user per 10 seconds per endpoint. This rate limit protects users from each other and from other API requests in the system.

If a user exceeds this limit, they receive an HTTP 429 error response without affecting other users in your org. A message is written to the System Log that indicates that the end-user rate limit was encountered.

Home page endpoints and per-minute limits

The following endpoints are used by the Okta home page for authentication and user sign in and have org-wide rate limits:

Okta Home Page Endpoints Developer (free) Developer (paid) One App Enterprise Workforce Identity
/app/{app}/{key}/sso/saml 100 300 *300 *600 750
/app/office365/{key}/sso/wsfed/active N/A N/A N/A 2000 1000
/app/office365/{key}/sso/wsfed/passive N/A N/A N/A 250 250
/app/template_saml_2_0/{key}/sso/saml 100 300 *300 *600 2500
/login/do-login 100 300 300 600 200
/login/login.htm 100 300 300 600 850
/login/sso_iwa_auth 100 300 300 600 500
/api/plugin/{protocolVersion}/form-cred/{appUserIds}/{formSiteOption} 100 300 *300 *600 650
/api/plugin/{protocolVersion}/sites 20 50 50 100 150
/bc/image/fileStoreRecord 100 300 *300 *600 500
/bc/globalFileStoreRecord 100 300 *300 *600 500

These rate limits apply to all new Okta organizations. For orgs created before 2018-05-17, the previous rate limits still apply.

The limits for these endpoints can be increased by purchasing the High-capacity add-on.

Per-user limits

API endpoints that take username and password credentials, including the Authentication API and the OAuth 2.0 resource owner password flow, have a per-username rate limit to prevent brute force attacks with the user's password:

Action and Okta API Endpoint Per User Limits (All Orgs)
Authenticate the same user:
4 per second
Generate or refresh an OAuth 2.0 token:
4 per second

Okta-generated email message rate limits

Limits are applied on a per-recipient basis and vary by email type. The limit for some email types is no more than 30 emails per-recipient, per-minute, while other email types are configured with higher limits. These limits protect your org against denial-of-service attacks and help ensure that adequate resources are available for all customers.