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Registration Inline Hook Reference

Early Access

This page provides reference documentation for:

  • JSON objects contained in the outbound request from Okta to your external service

  • JSON objects you can include in your response

This information is specific to the Registration Inline Hook, one type of Inline Hook supported by Okta.

See Also

For a general introduction to Okta Inline Hooks, see Inline Hooks.

For information on the API for registering external service endpoints with Okta, see Inline Hooks Management API.

For steps to enable this Inline Hook, see below, Enabling a Registration Inline Hook.


The Okta Registration Inline Hook allows you to integrate your own custom code into Okta's Self-Service Registration flow. The hook is triggered after Okta receives the registration request but before the user is created. Your custom code can:

  • Set or override the values that will be populated in attributes of the user's Okta profile
  • Allow or deny the registration attempt, based on your own validation of the information the user has submitted

Objects in the Request from Okta

The outbound call from Okta to your external service includes the following objects in its JSON payload:


This object contains name-value pairs for each attribute supplied by the user in the Self-Service Registration form, except for the following:

  • the password field
  • any fields corresponding to user profile attributes marked as sensitive in your Okta user schema

Using the com.okta.user.profile.update commands you send in your response, you can modify the values of the attributes, or add other attributes, before the values are assigned to the Okta user profile that will be created for the registering user.

You can only set values for profile fields which already exist in your Okta user profile schema: Registration Inline Hook functionality can only set values; it cannot create new fields.


The action that Okta is currently set to take, regarding whether to allow this registration attempt.

There are two possible values:

  • ALLOW indicates that the registration attempt will be allowed to proceed
  • DENY indicates that the registration attempt will be terminated (no user will be created in Okta)

The action is ALLOW by default (in practice, DENY will never be sent to your external service).

Using the com.okta.action.update command in your response, you can change the action that Okta will take.

Objects in Response You Send

The objects that you can return in the JSON payload of your response are an array of one or more commands, to be executed by Okta, or an error object, to indicate problems with the registration request. These objects are defined as follows:


The commands object lets you invoke commands to modify or add values to the attributes in the Okta user profile that will be created for this user, as well as to control whether or not the registration attempt is allowed to proceed.

This object is an array, allowing you to send multiple commands in your response. Each array element requires a type property and a value property. The type property is where you specify which of the supported commands you wish to execute, and value is where you supply parameters for that command.

Property Description Data Type
type One of the supported commands. String
value Operand to pass to the command. value

For example commands, see the value section below.

Supported Commands

The following commands are supported for the Registration Inline Hook type:

Command Description
com.okta.user.profile.update Change values of attributes in the user's Okta user profile.
com.okta.action.update Allow or deny the user's registration.

To set attributes in the user's Okta profile, supply a type property set to com.okta.user.profile.update, together with a value property set to a list of key-value pairs corresponding to the Okta user profile attributes you want to set. The attributes must already exist in your user profile schema.

To explicitly allow or deny registration to the user, supply a type property set to com.okta.action.update, together with a value property set to {"registration": "ALLOW"} or {"registration": "DENY"}. The default is to allow registration.

Commands are applied in the order in which they appear in the array. Within a single com.okta.user.profile.update command, attributes are updated in the order in which they appear in the value object.

You can never use a command to update the user's password, but you are allowed to set the values of attributes other than password that are designated sensitive in your Okta user schema. Note, however, that the values of those sensitive attributes, if included as fields in the Self-Service Registration form, are not included in the data.userProfile object sent to your external service by Okta. See data.userProfile above.


The value object is the parameter to pass to the command.

For com.okta.user.profile.update commands, value should be an object containing one or more name-value pairs for the attributes you wish to update, for example:


The above example assumes that there is an attribute customerId defined in your Okta user schema (middleName is defined by default).

The same result could also be accomplished by means of two separate com.okta.user.profile.update commands, as follows:


For com.okta.action.update commands, value should be an object containing the attribute action set to a value of either ALLOW or DENY, indicating whether the registration should be permitted or not, for example:

  "commands": [
      "type": "com.okta.action.update",
      "value": {
        "registration": "DENY"

Registrations are allowed by default, so setting a value of ALLOW for the action field is valid but superfluous.


See error for general information on the structure to use for the error object.

In the case of the Registration Inline Hook, the error object provides a way of displaying an error message to the end user who is trying to register. If you're using the Okta Sign-In Widget for Self-Service Registration, and have not customized its error handling behavior, only the errorSummary of the first ErrorCause object that your external service returns is displayed to the end user.

If you do not return any value for that errorCauses object, but deny the user's registration attempt via the commands object in your response to Okta, the following generic message is displayed to the end user: "Registration cannot be completed at this time".

Note: If you include an error object in your response, no commands will be executed and the registration will fail. This holds true even if the top-level errorSummary and the errorCauses objects are omitted.

Sample JSON Payload of Request

  "eventId": "GOsk4z6tSSeZo6X08MvKaw",
  "eventTime": "2019-08-27T18:07:24.000Z",
  "eventType": "com.okta.user.pre-registration",
  "eventTypeVersion": "1.0",
  "contentType": "application/json",
  "cloudEventVersion": "0.1",
  "source": "reghawlks3zOkRrau0h7",
  "data": {
    "context": {
      "request": {
        "id": "XWVxW2zcaH5-Ii74OsI6CgAACJw",
        "method": "POST",
        "url": {
          "value": "/api/v1/registration/reghawlks3zOkRrau0h7/register"
        "ipAddress": ""
    "userProfile": {
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "firstName": "John",
      "login": "john.doe@example.com",
      "email": "john.doe@example.com"
    "action": null

Sample JSON Payload of Response

      "errorSummary":"Errors were found in the user profile",
            "errorSummary":"You specified an invalid email domain",

Enabling a Registration Inline Hook for Self-Service Registration

To activate the Inline Hook, you first need to register your external service endpoint with Okta; see Inline Hook Setup.

You then need to associate the registered Inline Hook with your Self-Service Registration policy. (For information on configuring a Self-Service Registration policy, see Enable and configure a self-service registration policy.)

  1. Go to Directory > Self-Service Registration.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Select your hook from the Extension dropdown. If you have created multiple Registration Inline Hooks, you should see all of them displayed here.

  4. Click Save.

Your Registration Inline Hook is now configured.

Note: Only one Inline Hook can be associated with your Self-Service Registration policy at a time.