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Password Import Inline Hook Reference

This page provides reference documentation for:

  • JSON objects contained in the outbound request from Okta to your external service

  • JSON objects you can include in your response

This information is specific to the Password Import Inline Hook, one type of Inline Hook supported by Okta.

See Also

For a general introduction to Okta Inline Hooks, see Inline Hooks.

For information on the API for registering external service endpoints with Okta, see Inline Hooks Management API.

For steps to enable this Inline Hook, see below, Enabling a Password Import Inline Hook.


The Password Import Inline Hook enables migration of users from another data store in a case where you wish the users to retain their current passwords. It is meant to be used in conjunction with the Create User with Password Import Inline Hook flow that is provided by the Users API.

The Password Import Inline Hook is triggered when the end user tries to sign in to Okta for the first time. Okta sends your external service the password that the user supplied. Your external service then needs to send a response to Okta indicating whether the password supplied by the end user is valid or not.

If your service returns a response that indicates that the password is valid, Okta sets the password for the user and won't normally need to call your service again. However, if Okta service is disrupted or degraded, it might not be possible to set the password. Okta then needs to call your service again the next time the end user attempts to signs in. See Password Inline Hook and Okta Service Mode and Removing Password from Existing User Store for details.

Objects in the Request from Okta

The outbound call from Okta to your external service includes the following objects in its JSON payload:


This object contains username and password properties. These are the user name and password that the end user supplied when attempting to sign in to Okta.


This specifies the default action Okta is set to take. Okta will take this action if your external service sends an empty HTTP 204 response. You can override the default action by returning a commands object in your response specifying the action to take.

Objects in Response You Send

The objects that you can return in the JSON payload of your response are an array of one or more commands objects, which specify commands to be executed by Okta.


For the Password Import Inline Hook, the commands object lets you specify whether Okta should accept the end user's login credentials as valid or not.

This object is an array. Each array element requires a type property and a value property. The type property is where you specify the command, and value is where you supply the parameter for the command.

Property Description Data Type
type A supported command. String
value Operand to pass to the command. value

For the Password Import Inline Hook, you will typically only return one commands object with one array element in it.

For example commands, see the value section below.

Supported Command

The following command is supported for the Password Import Inline Hook type:

Command Description
com.okta.action.update Indicates that an update action should occur for the supplied value.

In this case, you are updating the authentication action that is taken for the user. You specify how authentication should proceed using the value object.


The value object is the parameter to pass to the command.

For com.okta.action.update commands, value should be an object that contains a credential property set to either VERIFIED or UNVERIFIED:

  • To indicate that the supplied credentials are valid, supply a type property set to com.okta.action.update together with a value property set to {"credential": "VERIFIED"}.

  • To indicate that the supplied credentials are not valid, supply a type property set to com.okta.action.update together with a value property set to{"credential": "UNVERIFIED"}.

For example, to indicate that the supplied credentials should not be accepted as valid, you would return the following:


If the default action sent by Okta in the action.credential property of the request to your external service was UNVERIFIED, then the same result, of rejecting the user-supplied credentials, could also be accomplished by means of returning an empty response with HTTP status code 204 NO CONTENT. This would cause Okta to proceed with the default action.

Sample JSON Payload of Request

  "eventId": "3o9jBzq1SmOGmmsDsqyyeQ",
  "eventTime": "2020-01-17T21:23:56.000Z",
  "eventType": "com.okta.user.credential.password.import",
  "eventTypeVersion": "1.0",
  "contentType": "application/json",
  "cloudEventVersion": "0.1",
  "source": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/inlineHooks/cal2xd5phv9fsPLcF0g7",
  "data": {
    "context": {
      "request": {
        "id": "XiIl6wn7005Rr@fjYqeC7AAABxw",
        "method": "POST",
        "url": {
          "value": "/api/v1/authn"
        "ipAddress": ""
      "credential": {
        "username": "isaac.brock@example.com",
        "password": "Okta"
    "action": {
      "credential": "UNVERIFIED"

Sample JSON Payload of Response


Enabling a Password Import Inline Hook

To enable a Password Import Inline Hook, you first need to register your external service endpoint with Okta and configure it as an Inline Hook of type com.okta.user.credential.password.import. See Inline Hook Setup. You can also use the Admin Console to register your external service endpoint and configure the hook by going to Workflow > Inline Hooks and clicking Add Inline Hook.

When creating a new user with the /users API, you need to use the Create User with Password Import Inline Hook use case. This involves specifying a credentials.password.hook property in the request body.

When the end user that you have added attempts to sign in to Okta for the first time, the hook is triggered and Okta calls your external service, sending it the credentials that the end user provided. Your service can check the credentials and respond with a command to indicate to Okta whether the credentials are valid or not.

Password Inline Hook and Okta Service Mode

Normally, if your external service responds to Okta indicating that the credentials are valid, Okta saves the password and can authenticate the user independently from then on. However, if your Okta org is in a special service mode at the time the end user signs in, then saving the password might not be possible, and the next time the end user attempts to sign in, the Password Import Inline Hook needs to be called again.

Removing Password from Existing User Store

Because of the possibility of your org being in a special service mode, permanent deletion of user passwords from your existing user store should not be performed until success of the password import can be verified. An Okta System Log Event, user.import.password, is available for this purpose. An event of this type is created every time a Password Import Inline Hook is fired, with its Event.Outcome property providing a status of FAILURE or SUCCESS for the password import operation. If the status is SUCCESS, Okta has successfully saved the end user's password, and it's safe to delete it from your previous user store.

You can configure an Event Hook to send this event type to you, to use to trigger automated cleanup of end user passwords after successful migration.

Note: Only one Password Import Inline Hook can be created per org.