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User Import Inline Hook Reference

Early Access

This page provides reference documentation for:

  • JSON objects contained in the outbound request from Okta to your external service

  • JSON objects you can include in your response

This information is specific to the User Import Inline Hook, one type of Inline Hook supported by Okta.

See Also

For a general introduction to Okta Inline Hooks, see Inline Hooks.

For information on the API for registering external service endpoints with Okta, see Inline Hooks Management API.

For steps to enable this Inline Hook, see below, Enabling a User Import Inline Hook.


The User Import Inline Hook enables you to add custom logic to the process of importing new users into Okta from an app.

You can resolve conflicts in user name or other profile attributes, modify values of profile attributes, and control whether the imported user is treated as a match for an existing user or not.

The hook is invoked for each user being imported, at the point immediately after any applicable profile attribute mappings have been applied, and any potential matches with existing users have been found, but before the Okta user profile is created.

Objects in the Request from Okta

The outbound call from Okta to your external service will include the following objects in its JSON payload:


Provides the name-value pairs of the attributes contained in the app user profile of the user who is being imported. You can change the values of attributes in the user's app profile by means of the commands object you return. If you change attributes in the app profile, they will then flow through to the Okta user profile, based on matching and mapping rules.


Provides information on the Okta user profile currently set to be used for the user who is being imported, based on the matching rules and attribute mappings that were applied.

data.user.profile contains the name-value pairs of the attributes in the user profile. If the user has been matched to an existing Okta user, a data.user.id object will be included, containing the unique identifier of the Okta user profile.

You can change the values of the attributes by means of the commands object you return.


The current default action that Okta will take in the case of the user being imported. The two possible values are:

  • CREATE_USER: A new Okta user profile will be created for the user.
  • LINK_USER: The user will be treated as a match for the existing Okta user identified by the value of data.user.id.

You can change the action that will be taken by means of the commands object you return.


This object contains a number of sub-objects, each of which provides some type of contextual information. You cannot affect these objects by means of the commands you return. The following sub-objects are included:

  • data.context.conflicts: List of user profile attributes that are in conflict.
  • data.context.application: Details of the app from which the user is being imported.
  • data.context.job: Details of the import job being run.
  • data.context.matches: List of Okta users currently matched to the app user based on import matching. There can be more than one match.
  • data.context.policy: List of any Policies that apply to the import matching.

Objects in Response You Send

The commands and error objects that you can return in the JSON payload of your response are defined as follows:


The commands object is where you can provide commands to Okta. It is an array, allowing you to send multiple commands. Each array element needs to consist of the following name-value pair:

Property Description Data Type
type One of the supported commands. String
value The parameter to pass to the command. value

Supported Commands

The following commands are supported for the User Import Inline Hook type:

Command Description
com.okta.appUser.profile.update Change values of attributes in the user's app user profile.
com.okta.user.profile.update Change values of attributes in the user's Okta user profile.
com.okta.action.update Specify whether to create a new Okta user for the user being imported or treat them as a match of an existing Okta user.
com.okta.user.update Specify the existing Okta user that the imported user should be treated as a match of.

When using the com.okta.action.update command to specify that the user should be treated as a match, you need to also provide a com.okta.user.update command that serves to specify which Okta user to match to. See Specifying that the User is a Match below.


The value object is the parameter to pass to the command. In the case of the com.okta.appUser.profile.update and com.okta.user.profile.update commands, the parameter should be a list of one or more profile attributes and the values you wish to set them to, for example:

  "commands": [{
    "type": "com.okta.user.profile.update",
    "value": {
      "firstName": "Stan"

In the case of the com.okta.action.update command, the parameter should be a result property set to either CREATE_USER or LINK_USER, for example:

  "commands": [{
    "type": "com.okta.action.update",
    "value": {
      "result": "CREATE_USER"

Specifying that the User is a Match

When using the com.okta.action.update command to specify that the user should be treated as a match, you need to also provide a com.okta.user.update command that sets the id of the Okta user, for example:

  "commands": [{
    "type": "com.okta.action.update",
    "value": {
      "result": "LINK_USER"
  }, {
    "type": "com.okta.user.update",
    "value": {
      "id": "00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4"


When you return an error object, it should contain an errorSummary sub-object:

Property Description Data Type
errorSummary Human-readable summary of the error. String

Returning an error object will cause Okta to record a failure event in the Okta System Log. The string you supplied in the errorSummary property of the error object will be recorded in the System Log event.

Sample JSON Payload of Request from Okta to Your External Service







Sample JSON Payloads of Responses from Your External Service to Okta

  "commands": [{
    "type": "com.okta.action.update",
    "value": {
      "result": "LINK_USER"
  }, {
    "type": "com.okta.user.update",
    "value": {
      "id": "00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4"

  "commands": [{
    "type": "com.okta.user.profile.update",
    "value": {
      "firstName": "Stan"

  "commands": [{
    "type": "com.okta.user.profile.update",
    "value": {
      "firstName": "Stan"

  "commands": [{
    "type": "com.okta.appUser.profile.update",
    "value": {
      "firstName": "Stan",
      "lastName": "Lee"

Enabling a User Import Inline Hook

To activate the Inline Hook, you first need to register your external service endpoint with Okta using the Inline Hooks Management API.

You then need to associate the registered Inline Hook with an app by completing the following steps in Admin Console:

  1. Go to the Applications menu and scroll down to Applications.

  2. Select the app that you want the Inline Hook to work with.

  3. Select the Provisioning tab.

  4. From the Settings column on the left side of the screen, select To Okta.

  5. In the Inline Hooks section, click the User Creation dropdown menu. Any Inline Hooks you have registered will be listed. Select the one to use.

  6. Click Save.

Note: The above procedure for associating a User Import Inline Hook with an app using Admin Console cannot be used with AD or LDAP.