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Dynamic Client Registration API

The Dynamic Client Registration API provides operations to register and manage client Applications for use with Okta's OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect endpoints. This API largely follows the contract defined in RFC7591: OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol and OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0.

Note: Clients managed through this API are modeled as Applications in Okta and appear in the Applications section of the Admin Console. Changes made through the API appear in the UI and vice versa. Tokens issued by these clients follow the rules for access tokens and ID tokens.

Get started

Explore the Client Application API: Run in Postman

Client Application operations

Register new client

POST /oauth2/v1/clients

Adds a new client Application to your organization

Request parameters
Parameter Description ParamType DataType Required
settings OAuth client registration settings Body Client settings TRUE
Response parameters

The OAuth client created by the request

Note: Early Access Apps created on /api/v1/apps default to consent_method=TRUSTED, while those created on /api/v1/clients default to consent_method=REQUIRED.

Request example
curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
-d '{
  "client_name": "Example OAuth Client",
  "client_uri": "https://www.example-application.com",
  "logo_uri": "https://www.example-application.com/logo.png",
  "application_type": "web",
  "redirect_uris": [
  "post_logout_redirect_uris": [
  "response_types": [
  "grant_types": [
  "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_post",
  "initiate_login_uri": "https://www.example-application.com/oauth2/login"
}' "https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/v1/clients"
Response example
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
  "client_id": "0jrabyQWm4B9zVJPbotY",
  "client_secret": "5W7XULCEs4BJKnWUXwh8lgmeXRhcGcdViFp84pWe",
  "client_id_issued_at": 1453913425,
  "client_secret_expires_at": 0,
  "client_name": "Example OAuth Client",
  "client_uri": "https://www.example-application.com",
  "logo_uri": "https://www.example-application.com/logo.png",
  "application_type": "web",
  "redirect_uris": [
  "post_logout_redirect_uris": [
  "response_types": [
  "grant_types": [
  "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_post",
  "initiate_login_uri": "https://www.example-application.com/oauth2/login"
Request example: Create a Service App with a JWKS

Note: The key is truncated for brevity.

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d ' {
    "client_name": "Example Service Client",
    "response_types": [
    "grant_types": [
    "token_endpoint_auth_method": "private_key_jwt",
    "application_type": "service",
    "jwks": {
                "keys": [
                        "kty": "RSA",
                        "kid": "key1",
 }' "https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/v1/clients"
Response example

Note: The key is truncated for brevity.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    "jwks": {
        "keys": [
                "kty": "RSA",
                "kid": "key1",
                "use": null,
                "e": "AQAB",
    "client_id": "0oanq59zytBKVwQQ80h7",
    "client_id_issued_at": 1570131438,
    "client_name": "Example Service Client",
    "client_uri": null,
    "logo_uri": null,
    "redirect_uris": [],
    "response_types": [
    "grant_types": [
    "token_endpoint_auth_method": "private_key_jwt",
    "application_type": "service"
Response example: Duplicate client name
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
    "error": "invalid_client_metadata",
    "error_description": "client_name: An object with this field already exists in the current organization"

List client Applications

GET /oauth2/v1/clients

Lists all the client Applications in your organization (with optional pagination)

Request parameters
Parameter Description ParamType DataType Required Default Maximum
after Specifies the pagination cursor for the next page of clients Query String FALSE
limit Specifies the number of client results in a page Query Number FALSE 20 200
q Searches the client_name property of clients for matching value Query String FALSE


  • The after cursor should be treated as an opaque value and obtained through the next link relation.
  • Search currently performs a startsWith match, but this is an implementation detail and may change without notice.
Response parameters

Array of OAuth clients

Request example: List all clients
curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

Header links for pagination:

<https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/v1/clients?limit=20>; rel="self"
<https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/v1/clients?after=xfnIflwIn2TkbpNBs6JQ&limit=20>; rel="next"

Response body:

        "client_id": "B6YnDUIpt6Oq354YYaNR",
        "client_id_issued_at": 1495059435,
        "client_secret_expires_at": 0,
        "client_name": "Native client",
        "client_uri": null,
        "logo_uri": null,
        "redirect_uris": [
        "response_types": [
        "grant_types": [
        "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
        "application_type": "native"
        "client_id": "etwquEhEjxqyA7HDB8lD",
        "client_id_issued_at": 1495059868,
        "client_secret_expires_at": 0,
        "client_name": "Service client",
        "client_uri": null,
        "logo_uri": null,
        "redirect_uris": [],
        "response_types": [
        "grant_types": [
        "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
        "application_type": "service"
        "client_id": "l3O8MfR0eTVfLJ7jG2UB",
        "client_id_issued_at": 1495059734,
        "client_name": "Browser client",
        "client_uri": null,
        "logo_uri": null,
        "redirect_uris": [
        "response_types": [
        "grant_types": [
        "token_endpoint_auth_method": "none",
        "application_type": "browser"
        "client_id": "rHQoApjizqc4MGVlW5En",
        "client_id_issued_at": 1495059117,
        "client_secret_expires_at": 0,
        "client_name": "Web client",
        "client_uri": null,
        "logo_uri": null,
        "redirect_uris": [
        "response_types": [
        "grant_types": [
        "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
        "application_type": "web"

List client Applications that match a search filter

GET /oauth2/v1/clients?q=${term}

Lists all clients that match a search filter on client_name

Request parameters
Parameter Description ParamType DataType Required Default Maximum
after Specifies the pagination cursor for the next page of clients Query String FALSE
limit Specifies the number of client results in a page Query Number FALSE 20 200
q Searches the client_name property of clients for matching value Query String FALSE


  • The after cursor should treated as an opaque value and obtained through the next link relation.
  • Search currently performs a startsWith match, but this is an implementation detail and may change without notice.
Request example
curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

Header links for pagination:

<https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/v1/clients?limit=20>; rel="self"
<https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/v1/clients?after=xfnIflwIn2TkbpNBs6JQ&limit=1>; rel="next"

Response body:

        "client_id": "rHQoApjizqc4MGVlW5En",
        "client_id_issued_at": 1495059117,
        "client_secret_expires_at": 0,
        "client_name": "Web client",
        "client_uri": null,
        "logo_uri": null,
        "redirect_uris": [
        "response_types": [
        "grant_types": [
        "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
        "application_type": "web"

Get an OAuth client

GET /oauth2/v1/clients/${clientId}

Fetches a specific client by clientId from your organization

Request parameters
Parameter Description ParamType DataType Required
clientId client_id of a specific client URL String TRUE
Response parameters

The requested OAuth client

Request example
curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
  "client_id": "0jrabyQWm4B9zVJPbotY",
  "client_id_issued_at": 1453913425,
  "client_name": "Example OAuth Client",
  "client_uri": "https://www.example-application.com",
  "logo_uri": "https://www.example-application.com/logo.png",
  "application_type": "web",
  "redirect_uris": [
  "post_logout_redirect_uris": [
  "response_types": [
  "grant_types": [
  "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_post",
  "initiate_login_uri": "https://www.example-application.com/oauth2/login"
Response example: Incorrect client_id
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: application/json
    "error": "invalid_client",
    "error_description": "Invalid value for 'client_id' parameter."

Update a client Application

PUT /oauth2/v1/clients/${clientId}

Updates the settings for a client Application from your organization

Request parameters
Parameter Description ParamType DataType Required
clientId client_id of a specific client URL String TRUE
settings OAuth client registration settings Body Client settings TRUE

Note: You must specifiy all settings when you update a client Application. Partial updates aren't supported. If any settings are missing when you update a client Application, the update fails. The exceptions are: client_secret_expires_at or client_id_issued_at must not be included in the request, and the client_secret can be omitted.

Response parameters

Updated OAuth client

Request example
curl -v -X PUT \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
-d '{
  "client_id": "0jrabyQWm4B9zVJPbotY",
  "client_name": "Updated OAuth Client",
  "client_uri": "https://www.example-application.com",
  "logo_uri": "https://www.example-application.com/logo.png",
  "application_type": "web",
  "redirect_uris": [
  "post_logout_redirect_uris": [
  "response_types": [
  "grant_types": [
  "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_post",
  "initiate_login_uri": "https://www.example-application.com/oauth2/login"
}' "https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/v1/clients/0jrabyQWm4B9zVJPbotY"
Response example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
  "client_id": "0jrabyQWm4B9zVJPbotY",
  "client_secret": "5W7XULCEs4BJKnWUXwh8lgmeXRhcGcdViFp84pWe",
  "client_id_issued_at": 1453913425,
  "client_secret_expires_at": 0,
  "client_name": "Updated OAuth Client",
  "client_uri": "https://www.example-application.com",
  "logo_uri": "https://www.example-application.com/logo.png",
  "application_type": "web",
  "redirect_uris": [
  "post_logout_redirect_uris": [
  "response_types": [
  "grant_types": [
  "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_post",
  "initiate_login_uri": "https://www.example-application.com/oauth2/login"
Response example: Missing the client_name required setting
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    "error": "invalid_client_metadata",
    "error_description": "client_name: The field cannot be left blank"

Generate a new client secret

POST /oauth2/v1/clients/${clientId}/lifecycle/newSecret

Generates a new client secret for the specified client Application

Request parameters
Parameter Description ParamType DataType Required
clientId client_id of a specific client URL String TRUE

Note: This operation only applies to client Applications that use the client_secret_post or client_secret_basic method for token endpoint authorization.

Response parameters

Updated OAuth client with client_secret shown

Request example
curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
  "client_id": "0jrabyQWm4B9zVJPbotY",
  "client_secret": "5W7XULCEs4BJKnWUXwh8lgmeXRhcGcdViFp84pWe",
  "client_id_issued_at": 1453913425,
  "client_secret_expires_at": 0,
  "client_name": "Updated OAuth Client",
  "client_uri": "https://www.example-application.com",
  "logo_uri": "https://www.example-application.com/logo.png",
  "application_type": "web",
  "redirect_uris": [
  "post_logout_redirect_uris": [
  "response_types": [
  "grant_types": [
  "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_post",
  "initiate_login_uri": "https://www.example-application.com/oauth2/login"
Response example: Incorrect client_id
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    "errorCode": "E0000007",
    "errorSummary": "Not found: Resource not found: 0jrubyXXm4B9zVJPboyT (PublicClientApp)",
    "errorLink": "E0000007",
    "errorId": "oae7LrklqzDQCmZSkcOgdImDg",
    "errorCauses": []

Remove a client Application

DELETE /oauth2/v1/clients/${clientId}

Removes a client Application from your organization

Request parameters
Parameter Description ParamType DataType Required
clientId client_id of a specific client URL String TRUE
Response parameters


Request example
curl -v -X DELETE \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response example
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Response example: Incorrect client_id
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    "error": "invalid_client",
    "error_description": "Invalid value for 'client_id' parameter."

Client Application object


  "client_id": "0jrabyQWm4B9zVJPbotY",
  "client_secret": "5W7XULCEs4BJKnWUXwh8lgmeXRhcGcdViFp84pWe",
  "client_id_issued_at": 1453913425,
  "client_secret_expires_at": 0,
  "client_name": "Example OAuth Client",
  "client_uri": "https://www.example-application.com",
  "logo_uri": "https://www.example-application.com/logo.png",
  "application_type": "web",
  "redirect_uris": [
  "post_logout_redirect_uris": [
  "response_types": [
  "grant_types": [
  "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_post",
  "initiate_login_uri": "https://www.example-application.com/oauth2/login",

Client Application properties

Client Applications have the following properties:

Property Description DataType Nullable Unique Readonly
application_type The type of client application. Default value: web web, native, browser, or service TRUE FALSE TRUE
client_id Unique key for the client application String FALSE TRUE TRUE
client_id_issued_at Time at which the client_id was issued (measured in unix seconds) Number TRUE FALSE TRUE
client_name Human-readable string name of the client application String FALSE TRUE FALSE
client_secret OAuth 2.0 client secret string (used for confidential clients) String TRUE TRUE TRUE
client_secret_expires_at Time at which the client_secret will expire or 0 if it will not expire(measured in unix seconds) Number TRUE FALSE TRUE
grant_types Array of OAuth 2.0 grant type strings. Default value: authorization_code Array of authorization_code, implicit, password, refresh_token, client_credentials TRUE FALSE FALSE
initiate_login_uri URL that a third party can use to initiate a login by the client String TRUE FALSE FALSE
jwks A JSON Web Key Set for validating JWTs presented to Okta. JSON Web Key Set TRUE FALSE FALSE
logo_uri URL string that references a logo for the client consent dialog box (not the sign-in dialog box). See Add an OAuth 2.0 client application for more information on how the logo_uri is used. String TRUE FALSE FALSE
policy_uri Early Access URL string of a web page providing the client's policy document URL TRUE FALSE FALSE
post_logout_redirect_uris Array of redirection URI strings for use for relying party initiated logouts Array TRUE FALSE FALSE
redirect_uris Array of redirection URI strings for use in redirect-based flows Array TRUE FALSE FALSE
request_object_signing_alg The type of JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) algorithm that must be used for signing request objects. HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512 TRUE FALSE FALSE
response_types Array of OAuth 2.0 response type strings. Default value: code Array of code, token, id_token TRUE FALSE FALSE
token_endpoint_auth_method Requested authentication method for the token endpoint. Default value: client_secret_basic none, client_secret_post, client_secret_basic, or client_secret_jwt TRUE FALSE FALSE
tos_uri Early Access URL string of a web page providing the client's terms of service document URL TRUE FALSE FALSE

Property details

  • The client_id is immutable. When you create a client Application, you can't specify the client_id because Okta uses the application ID for the client_id.

  • The client_secret is shown only on the response of the creation or update of a client Application (and only if the token_endpoint_auth_method is one that requires a client secret). You can't specify the client_secret. If the token_endpoint_auth_method requires one, Okta generates a random client_secret for the client Application.

  • If you want to specify the client_id or client_secret, you can use Apps API to create or update a client Application.

  • At least one redirect URI and response type is required for all client types, with the following exceptions: If the client uses the Resource Owner Password flow (if grant_types contains the value password) or the Client Credentials flow (if grant_types contains the value client_credentials), then no redirect URI or response type is necessary. In these cases, you can pass either null or an empty array for these attributes.

  • All redirect URIs must be absolute URIs and must not include a fragment component.

  • Different Application types have different valid values for the corresponding grant type:

Application Type Valid Grant Type Requirements
browser authorization_code, implicit
native authorization_code, implicit, password, refresh_token Must have at least authorization_code
service client_credentials Works with OAuth 2.0 flow (not OpenID Connect)
web authorization_code, implicit, refresh_token, client_credentials(*) Must have at least authorization_code
  • client_credentials with a web Application type allows you to use one client_id for an Application that needs to make user-specific calls and back-end calls for data.

  • The grant_types and response_types values described above are partially orthogonal, as they refer to arguments passed to different endpoints in the OAuth 2.0 protocol. However, they are related in that the grant_types available to a client influence the response_types that the client is allowed to use, and vice versa. For instance, a grant_types value that includes authorization_code implies a response_types value that includes code, as both values are defined as part of the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant.

  • When you specify a value for the request_object_signing_alg property, all request objects from the client are rejected if not signed with the specified algorithm. The algorithm must be used when the request object is passed by value (using the request parameter). If a value for request_object_signing_alg isn't specified, the default is any algorithm that is supported by both the client and the server.

JSON Web Key Set

The JSON Web Key Set (jwks) is a set of public keys registered for the client to use for client authentication.

The jwks object has precisely one attribute: keys, which is an array of JSON Web Key.

Property DataType Nullable Unique Readonly
keys An array of JSON Web Keys TRUE FALSE FALSE

Note: For an example request using a JWKS, see the Create a Service App with a JWKS example in the Register new client section.

JSON Web Key

A JSON Web Key (JWK) is a JSON representation of a cryptographic key. Okta can use these keys to verify the signature of a JWT when provided for the private_key_jwt client authentication method or for a signed authorize request object. Okta supports both RSA and Elliptic Curve (EC) keys.

Property Description DataType Nullable Unique Readonly
e The key exponent of a RSA key String TRUE, unless the kty is RSA FALSE FALSE
kid The unique identifier of the key String TRUE, if only one key in the JWKS TRUE, within the JWKS FALSE
kty The type of public key this is RSA or EC FALSE FALSE FALSE
n The modulus of the RSA key String TRUE, unless the kty is RSA FALSE FALSE
x The public x coordinate for the elliptic curve point String TRUE, unless the kty is EC FALSE FALSE
y The public y coordinate for the elliptic curve point String TRUE, unless the kty is EC FALSE FALSE