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Linked Objects API

Users have relationships to each other, like manager and subordinate or customer and sales representative. You can create users with relationships by using the Linked Objects API to represent the relationship:

  1. Create a linked object definition such as Manager:Subordinate or Case Worker:Client. These pairs are represented by a primary attribute and an associated attribute.
  2. Link users together to create the relationship between the two. You'll create a linked object value with a single request that links one primary and one associated user.

For each relationship:

  • A user has at most one primary link (a user has a single manager) but can have many associated links (a user can have many subordinates).
  • A user can be the primary in one relationship and the associated in another.
  • A user can be both the primary and associated in the same relationship.

For details, see the Linked Object object.

The Expression Language function for Linked Objects provides access to the details about a linked user.

Note: Linked Objects feature is not available for OpenID Connect claims.

Example Usage

Okta allows you to create up to 200 linked object definitions. These definitions are one-to-many, for example:

  • A manager has many subordinates; each subordinate has one manager
  • A sales representative has many customers; each customer has one sales rep
  • A case worker has many clients; each client has one case worker

Of course, most organizations have more than one manager or sales representative. You can create the linked object definition once, then assign the primary relationship to as many users as you have people in that relationship.

You can assign the associated relationship for a single primary user to as many users as needed. The associated user can be related to only one primary per linked object definition. But a user can be assigned to more than one linked object definition.

For example, assume that you've created one linked object definition for manager (primary) and subordinates (associated):

  • Joe is Frank's manager.
  • Bob is Joe's manager, but Jane's subordinate.
  • Jane is the CEO, so she reports to herself.

Thus you can create chains of relationships (Jane > Bob > Joe > Frank), or terminal relationships (Jane is both primary and associated user).

Then, if you created another linked object relationship for scrum team membership, you could assign relationships to the same four users:

  • Bob is the scrum master for the Identity Scrum Team
  • Joe and Frank are both contributors to the team.

Bob can be the primary for a Manager:Subordinate, an associated user for that same linked object definition, and also the primary for the Scrummaster:Contributor linked object definition.

To represent a relationship, create a linked object definition that specifies a primary (parent) relationship and an associated (child), then add a link in which the appropriate user is assigned to each side of that link type.

If you have created multiple User Types (see User Types), they all share the same linked object definitions. For example, if you have separate User Types for Employees and Contractors, a link could designate an Employee as the Manager for a Contractor, with the Contractor being a Subordinate of that Employee.

Getting Started

Explore the Linked Objects API: Run in Postman

Link definition operations allow you to manage the creation and removal of the link definitions. If you remove a link definition, links based on that definition are unavailable.

Currently, links reappear if you recreate the definition. However, Okta is likely to change this behavior so that links don't reappear. Don't rely on this behavior in production environments.

Each org can create up to 200 definitions, and assign them to an unlimited number of users.

Add Linked Object Definition to User Profile Schema

POST /api/v1/meta/schemas/user/linkedObjects

Adds a linked object definition to the user profile schema. The name field found in both the primary and associated objects may not start with a digit, and can only contain the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _.

Request Parameters
Parameter Description Param Type DataType Required
linkedObject The linked object definition being created Body Linked Object TRUE
Response Parameters

Linked Object object

Request Example
curl -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
-d '{
  "primary": {
    "name": "manager",
    "title": "Manager",
    "description": "Manager link property",
    "type": "USER"
  "associated": {
    "name": "subordinate",
    "title": "Subordinate",
    "description": "Subordinate link property",
    "type": "USER"
}' "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/meta/schemas/user/linkedObjects"
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    "primary": {
        "name": "manager",
        "title": "Manager",
        "description": "Manager link property",
        "type": "USER"
    "associated": {
        "name": "subordinate",
        "title": "Subordinate",
        "description": "Subordinate link property",
        "type": "USER"
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/meta/schemas/user/linkedObjects/manager"

Get a Linked Object Definition by Name

GET /api/v1/meta/schemas/user/linkedObjects/${name}

Gets a single linked object definition

You can specify either the primary name or the associated name.

Request Parameters
Parameter Description DataType Required
name Case-sensitive API name of the definition you want returned String TRUE
Response Parameters

Linked Object object

Request Example
curl -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "primary": {
        "name": "manager",
        "title": "Manager",
        "description": "Manager link property",
        "type": "USER"
    "associated": {
        "name": "subordinate",
        "title": "Subordinate",
        "description": "Subordinate link property",
        "type": "USER"
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/meta/schemas/user/linkedObjects/manager"

Note: Regardless of whether you specify the primary or associated name in the request, the resulting self link contains the primary.

Get All Linked Object Definitions

GET /api/v1/meta/schemas/user/linkedObjects

Gets all the linked object definitions for an org

Request Parameters


Response Parameters

Array of Linked Object object

Request Example
curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response Example
        "primary": {
            "name": "manager",
            "title": "Manager",
            "description": "Manager link property",
            "type": "USER"
        "associated": {
            "name": "subordinate",
            "title": "Subordinate",
            "description": "Subordinate link property",
            "type": "USER"
        "_links": {
            "self": {
                "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/meta/schemas/user/linkedObjects/manager"
        "primary": {
            "name": "mother",
            "title": "Mother",
            "description": "Mother",
            "type": "USER"
        "associated": {
            "name": "child",
            "title": "Child",
            "description": "Child",
            "type": "USER"
        "_links": {
            "self": {
                "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/meta/schemas/user/linkedObjects/mother"

Remove Linked Object Definition

DELETE /api/v1/meta/schemas/user/linkedObjects/${name}

Removes the linked object definition specified by either primary or associated name. The entire definition is removed, regardless of which name you specify

Request Parameters
Parameter Description DataType Required
name Primary or associated name String TRUE
Response Parameters


Request Example
curl -v -X DELETE \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Deprecated Operations

An earlier version of this API included the element /default/linkedObjects instead of just /linkedObjects in all the URLs for operations on Linked Object definitions. These earlier endpoints are still supported but are deprecated. As described under Links Between User Types, all Linked Object definitions apply to all User Types, not just to the default type. That is true for the deprecated operations as well; they affect all User Types, just like the corresponding endpoints that omit /default.

Use link value operations to assign users to a relationship (pair of primary and associated links).

For the following operations, the examples use consistent IDs so you can follow the operations more easily:

  • manager is the primary relationship, and is assigned to 00u5t60iloOHN9pBi0h7
  • subordinate is the associated relationship, and is assigned to 00u5zex6ztMbOZhF50h7

Set Linked Object Value for Primary

PUT /api/v1/users/${associated.userId}/linkedObjects/${primary.name}/${primary.userId}

Sets the first user as the associated and the second user as the primary for the specified relationship. If the first user is already associated with a different primary for this relationship, the previous link is removed. A linked object relationship can specify only one primary user for an associated user.

Request Parameters
Parameter Description DataType Required
associated.userId User ID or login value of user to be assigned the associated relationship String TRUE
primary.name Name of the primary relationship being assigned String TRUE
primary.userId User ID to be assigned to primary for the associated user in the specified relationship. String TRUE
Response Parameters


Request Example
curl -v -X PUT \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Get Primary Linked Object Value

GET /api/v1/users/${id}/linkedObjects/${primary.name}

For the user specified by ID, returns the self link for the primary user in the relationship specified by primary.name. If the user specified is not the associated user in any relationship, an empty array is returned.

Use me instead of id to specify the current session user.

Request Parameters
Parameter Description DataType Required
id ID of the user for whom you want to get the primary user ID. Can be me to represent the current session user. String TRUE
primary.name Name of the primary relationship being queried String TRUE
Response Parameters

Array containing a link to the primary user, or an empty array if the specified user is not yet associated with a primary user.

Request Example
curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response Example
        "_links": {
            "self": {
                "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u5t60iloOHN9pBi0h7"

Get Associated Linked Object Values

GET /api/v1/users/${id}/linkedObjects/${associated.name}

For the specified user, gets an array of users who are associated for the specified relationship. If the specified user isn't assigned a primary relationship, an empty array is returned.

Use me instead of id to specify the current session user.

Request Parameters
Parameter Description DataType Required
id ID of the user for whom you want to get the associated user IDs. Can be me to represent the current session user. String TRUE
Response Parameters

Links to all users associated to the specified primary user for the specified associated relationship.

Request Example
curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response Example
        "_links": {
            "self": {
                "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u5zex6ztMbOZhF50h7"

Delete Linked Object Value

DELETE /api/v1/users/${id}/linkedObjects/${primary.name}

For the associated user specified by ID and the relationship specified by primary name, deletes any existing relationship between the associated and primary user.

Request Parameters
Parameter Description DataType Required
id ID of the user in the associated relationship for the specified primary name. Can be me to represent the current session user. String TRUE
primary.name The name of the primary relationship associated with the specified associated user. The relationship between these two users is the linked object value being deleted. String TRUE

An HTTP 204 message is returned:

  • If the relationship is deleted.
  • If the specified user isn't in the associated relationship for any instance of the specified primary and thus no relationship is found.

An HTTP 404 is returned if no linked object definition exists with the specified primary.name.

Response Parameters


Request Example
curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Linked Object object

The following object contains example values for each attribute.

    "primary": {
        "name": "manager",
        "title": "Manager",
        "description": "Manager link property",
        "type": "USER"
    "associated": {
        "name": "subordinate",
        "title": "Subordinate",
        "description": "Subordinate link property",
        "type": "USER"
    "_links": {
          "self": {
               "href": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/meta/schemas/user/linkedObjects/manager"

Linked Object Properties

Parameter Description DataType Required
primary.name API name of the primary link String TRUE
primary.title Display name of the primary link String TRUE
primary.description Description of the primary relationship String FALSE
primary.type The object type for this primary link. Valid value: USER Enum TRUE
associated.name API name of the associated link String TRUE
associated.title Display name of the associated link String TRUE
associated.description Description of the associated relationship String FALSE
associated.type The object type for this associated relationship. Valid value: USER Enum TRUE

The primary.type and associated.type are created as Enums to allow Okta to add more object types in the future. This is not a guarantee that Okta will do so.