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Application Key Credential objects contain an opaque key ID (kid) and a corresponding certificate. To use the API to share application key credentials between apps, you need to clone an application key credential. You create and use a new credential in one app, and then share and update the credential in another app.

Sharing certificates is useful for Okta orgs that have apps with sign-on modes such as SAML_2_0, SAML_1_1, or WS_FEDERATION.

Why should I do this

When configuring multiple apps, you might need them to accept the same Identity Provider (IdP). In that case, the assertions from the two apps must be signed by the same key.

For example, a company wants to implement SSO for their Finance app. The company requires two app instances of the Finance app for their implementation, and the Finance app only accepts one SAML Identity Provider. The assertions from the two app instances of Finance need to look identical.

How to share the certificate

For this example, we assume that you want to share a certificate between two instances of an app:

  • app1 is the source app, the app from which you want to share a certificate.
  • app2 is the target app, the app that receives the source app's certificate.

This example also works if the apps are two instances of the same app or two different apps.


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