Get an access token and make a request

After you have the following, you can get an access token and make a request to an endpoint.

  • An Okta OpenID Connect or OAuth 2.0 Service app
  • One or more grants associated with that app
  • Users with appropriate permissions associated with the app
  • Users with appropriate administrator permissions in Okta

Request an access token by making a request to your Okta Org Authorization Server /authorize endpoint. Only the Org Authorization Server can mint access tokens that contain Okta API scopes.

This page helps you build a request in Postman. You can also manually build the request URL and paste it into a private browser window. After you authenticate, the browser returns the access token in the address bar. Your request URL should look something like this:


We recommend that you always use the Authorization Code grant flow. See Implement the Authorization Code Flow for details on this grant type.

Note: If this is your first time working with the Okta APIs, read Get Started with the Okta REST APIs first.

  1. In Postman, select the request that you want to make, such as a GET request to the /api/v1/users endpoint to get back a list of all users.

  2. On the Header tab, remove the existing SSWS Authorization API Key.

  3. Click the Authorization tab and from the Type drop-down list, select OAuth 2.0.

  4. On the right, click Get New Access Token.

  5. In the dialog box that appears, enter a name for the token and select Authorization Code (With PKCE) as the grant type.

  6. Define the following for the token request:

    • Callback URL — Define the callback location where Okta returns the token after the user finishes authenticating. This URL must match one of the redirect URIs that you configured in the Create an OAuth 2.0 app in Okta section.
    • Auth URL — Enter the authorization endpoint for your Org Authorization Server. For example: https://{yourOktadomain}/oauth2/v1/authorize
    • Access Token URL — Enter the token endpoint for your Org Authorization Server. For example: https://{yourOktadomain}/oauth2/v1/token
    • Code Challenge Method — Leave the default of SHA-256 selected
    • Code Verifier — Leave it empty so that Postman generates its own
    • Client ID — Use the client_id of your Okta OAuth application that you created in the previous step.
    • Scope — Include the scopes that allow you to perform the actions on the endpoint that you want to access. The scopes requested for the access token must already exist in the application's grants collection and the user must have the permission to perform those actions. See Scopes and supported endpoints for more information.
    • State — Use any alphanumeric value. The authorization server reflects this string when redirecting the browser back to the client, which your client can verify to help prevent cross-site request forgery attacks.
    • Client Authentication — Set to Send client credentials in body.
  7. Click Request Token. You are prompted to sign in to your Okta org. After you are authenticated, the Manage Access Tokens window displays the access token, including the scopes requested. The token also automatically populates the Available Token drop-down list.

    Note: The lifetime for this token is fixed at one hour.

  8. Click Use Token at the bottom of the window to use this access token in your request to the /users endpoint.

  9. Click Send. Since you requested, the response should contain an array of all the users associated with your app. This is dependent on the user's permissions.