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If you are building a Single-Page Application (SPA) that runs in older browsers that don't support Web Crypto for PKCE, then the Implicit flow is the recommended method for controlling access between your SPA and a resource server. The Implicit flow is intended for applications where the confidentiality of the client secret can't be guaranteed. In this flow, the client doesn't make a request to the /token endpoint, but instead receives the access token directly from the /authorize endpoint. The client must be capable of interacting with the resource owner's user agent and capable of receiving incoming requests (through redirection) from the authorization server.

Note: For SPAs running in modern browsers that support Web Crypto for PKCE, we recommend using the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE instead for maximum security.

At a high level, the Implicit flow has the following steps:

  • Your application directs the browser to the Okta Sign-In Page, where the user authenticates.
  • Okta redirects the browser back to the specified redirect URI, along with access and ID tokens as a hash fragment in the URI.
  • Your application extracts the tokens from the URI.
  • Your application can now use these tokens to call the resource server (for example an API) on behalf of the user.

For more information on the Implicit flow, see our OAuth 2.0 overview.


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