Use a static group whitelist with a Custom Authorization Server

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Add a Groups custom claim for an ID token or access token in a Custom Authorization Server. The maximum number of Groups specified must be less than 100. For the following example, we are adding a custom claim for an access token.

The Admin Console (Classic UI) is required for this guide.

The upper-left corner of the page should say Classic UI. If it says Developer Console, click the drop-down box to change it to Classic UI.

  1. In the Admin Console, from the Security menu, select API, and then select the authorization server that you want to configure.
  2. Navigate to the Claims tab and click Add Claim.
  3. Enter a name for the claim. For this example, name it groups.
  4. In the Include in token type section, leave Access Token selected.
  5. Leave Expression as the Value type.
  6. Enter the following expression as the Value: getFilteredGroups(app.profile.groupwhitelist, "", 40)
  7. Click Create.
  8. Select the Scopes tab and click Add Scope.
  9. Add groups as the scope Name and DisplayName, and then select the Metadata check box.
  10. Click Create.

Note: Be sure that you have a policy and rule set up in your Custom Authorization Server or the request won't work.

Now, when you mint a token, Groups in the groupwhitelist that also have the user as a member are included in the Groups claim.

Request an access token that contains the Groups claim

To obtain an access token with the configured Groups claim, send a request to the authorization endpoint for an access token that includes the Groups claim as a scope. For the specific steps on building the request URL, receiving the response, and decoding the JWT, see Request a token that contains the claim.

Note: The scopes that you need to include as query parameters are openid and groups.

The resulting URL looks something like this:

curl -X GET

Note: The claim was configured to work with all scopes. If you specify only certain scopes to return the claim, you need to specify one of them in the request.

The decoded JWT looks something like this:

  "ver": 1,
  "jti": "AT.wYGuabpyb15nr9fmvb5SQGezLYYlMfvRWvUpI8mqoOY",
  "iss": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/ausocqn9bk00KaKbZ0h7",
  "aud": "https://${yourOktaDomain}",
  "iat": 1574286687,
  "exp": 1574290287,
  "cid": "0oaoesxtxmPf08QHk0h7",
  "uid": "00uixa271s6x7qt8I0h7",
  "scp": [
  "sub": "",
  "groups": [