Add a custom claim to a token

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To include custom claims in an ID token or an access token, add the claim to your Custom Authorization Server.

Note: You can only add custom claims to a Custom Authorization Server, not the Org Authorization Server. See Authorization Servers for more information on the types of authorization servers available to you and what you can use them for.

To add a custom claim:

  1. In the Developer Console, navigate to API, and then Authorization Servers.

  2. Select the name of the authorization server and then click Claims. Okta provides a default subject claim. You can edit that mapping or create your own claims. For this example, we are creating a custom claim.

  3. Click Add Claim, and then configure the claim settings:

    • Enter a Name for the claim. In this example, we use IDTClaim for the ID token and ATClaim for the access token.
    • Include in token type — If you are creating a claim for an ID token, select ID Token (for OpenID Connect). You can then define whether you want the claim included only when requested or always included. For this example, select Always. If you are creating a claim for an access token, leave Access Token (for OAuth 2.0) selected.
    • Value type — Select whether you want to define the claim by a Groups filter or by an Expression written in Okta Expression Language. For this example, select Expression.
    • Value — This option appears if you chose Expression. Use Okta Expression Language syntax to generate values derived from attributes in Universal Directory and app profiles. For the ID token example, we use user.preferredLanguage and for the access token example, we use user.secondEmail. These are referencing an Okta user profile attribute.

    Note: You can validate that your expression returns the results expected using the Token Preview tab.

    • Disable claim — Select if you want to temporarily disable the claim for testing or debugging. Leave this clear for this example.
    • Include in — Specify whether the claim is valid for any scope or select the scopes for which the claim is valid. Leave Any scope selected for this example.
  4. Click Create.

Verify the custom claim

To confirm that your custom claim was successfully added, you can retrieve a list of all claims from your authorization server, including the custom ones, using the /claims endpoint:


Note: If you added the claim to the default authorization server, the ${authServerId} is default.

Request a token that contains the custom claim

To test the full authentication flow that returns an ID token or an access token, build your request URL. For the specific steps on building the request URL, receiving the response, and decoding the JWT, see Request a token that contains a custom claim.

Note: The scope that you need to include as a query parameter is openid.

The resulting URL looks something like this:

curl -X GET

Note: The response_type for an access token looks like this: &response_type=token

The decoded JWT looks something like this:

ID token

  "sub": "00uixa271s6x7qt8I0h7",
  "ver": 1,
  "iss": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/${authServerId}",
  "aud": "0oaoesxtxmPf08QHk0h7",
  "iat": 1573762864,
  "exp": 1573766464,
  "jti": "ID.T-ngjNl193t6rg3_eXifJatKDhLPviN8NG02wJLWf2g",
  "amr": [
  "idp": "00oixa26ycdNcX0VT0h7",
  "nonce": "myNonceValue",
  "auth_time": 1573756969,
  "IDTClaim": "eng"

Access token

  "ver": 1,
  "jti": "AT.bcNo4WsBA8QS81SOrrTxWbqMsO50lrFxlYK88DlAPiM",
  "iss": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default",
  "aud": "api://default",
  "iat": 1573775216,
  "exp": 1573778816,
  "cid": "0oaoesxtxmPf08QHk0h7",
  "uid": "00uixa271s6x7qt8I0h7",
  "scp": [
  "sub": "",
  "ATClaim": ""