Create Access Policies
Access policies are containers for rules. Each access policy applies to a particular OpenID Connect application, and the rules that it contains define different access and refresh token lifetimes depending on the nature of the token request.
- In the Developer Console, navigate to API > Authorization Servers.
- Select the name of an authorization server.
- Select Access Policies, and then Add Policy.
- Enter a Name and a Description for the policy.
- Assign the policy to All clients or select The following clients: and enter the name of the Okta OpenID Connect applications that are covered by this access policy. This field auto-completes the names of your OpenID Connect applications as you type.
- Click Create Policy when you finish.
Polices are evaluated in priority order, as are the rules in a policy. The first policy and rule that matches the client request is applied and no further rule or policy processing occurs. If a client matches no policies, the authentication attempt fails and an error is returned.
Note: If you need to change the order of your policies, reorder the policies using drag and drop.