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JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) allow claims, such as user data, to be represented in a secure manner, helping to ensure trust and security in your app. JWTs are an open standard, and there are various libraries available that allow you to create, verify, and inspect them.

Okta uses JWTs for many purposes. For example, when you make requests to Okta API endpoints that require client authentication, you can optionally use a JWT for additional security.

Use this guide to understand:

  • How to build a signed JWT for use when making requests to the OpenID Connect endpoints
  • Which claims are required in your JWT payload
  • How to sign the JWT with a shared secret or a private key

JWT Types

There are two types of self-signed JWT assertions that you can build for use when you make requests to endpoints that require client authentication:

  • JWT With a Shared Key (client_secret_jwt)
  • JWT With a Private Key (private_key_jwt)

The difference between building these two types of assertions is the algorithm and key used to sign the JWT.

Which JWT type that you use depends on the client authentication method configured in your OAuth 2.0 client application. See Client Authentication Methods for more information on the supported methods and when to use them.

Note: To create a client application and specify either the client_secret_jwt or private_key_jwt authentication method, see the Add OAuth 2.0 Client Application API reference section. To change the client authentication method of an existing app, see the Update the Client Authentication Method API reference section.

Tip: Don't know which method is configured for your client app? You can quickly check the settings by doing a GET to https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/apps/${appId}.


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