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Inline Hooks

What Are Okta Inline Hooks?

Inline hooks are outbound calls from Okta to your own custom code, triggered at specific points in Okta process flows. They allow you to integrate custom functionality into those flows.

You implement your custom code as a web service with an Internet-accessible endpoint. It's your responsibility to arrange hosting of your code on a system external to Okta. Okta defines the REST API contract for the requests it sends to your custom code, as well as for the responses your custom code can send back.

The outbound call from Okta is called a hook. Your code, which receives the call, is referred to as your external service.

Inline hooks use synchronous calls, which means that the Okta process that triggered the hook is paused until a response from your service is received.

Multiple Types of Okta Inline Hooks

Okta defines several different types of Inline Hooks. Each type of Inline Hook makes it possible to customize a different Okta process flow. All the types share the same general syntax for requests and responses sent between Okta and the external service, but each differs in the specifics of the JSON objects that are sent and received. When implementing your external service, you need to develop your code according to the details of the particular type of hook you intend to use.

Currently-Supported Types

Name Description
Token Inline Hook Customizes tokens returned by Okta API Access Management
User Import Inline Hook Adds custom logic to the user import process
SAML Assertion Inline Hook Customizes SAML assertions returned by Okta
Registration Inline Hook Customizes handling of user registration requests in Self-Service Registration
Password Import Inline Hook Verifies a user-supplied password to support migration of users to Okta

Inline Hook Process Flow

Extension Points

The points in Okta process flows where Inline Hooks can be triggered are called extension points, because they are where you can extend Okta functionality. Each type of Inline Hook is triggered at a particular extension point in a particular Okta process flow. At an extension point, if you have configured an Inline Hook, Okta calls your external service, and waits for a response. When the response is received, Okta resumes the process flow.

Inline Hook Call within an Okta Process Flow

The graphic below illustrates the sequence of steps:

Hook Call Steps Diagram

  1. During the execution of an Okta process flow, at the extension point between points A and B, Okta sends a request to your external service.

  2. Your external service performs some processing.

  3. Your external service sends a response back to Okta.

  4. Okta receives the response, acts on any commands it includes, and resumes the process flow that originally triggered the Inline Hook.

Request and Response Overview

Okta's request to your external service consists of an HTTPS POST request with a JSON payload. The objects included in the JSON payload provide data relevant to the process flow that triggered the Inline Hook. The set of objects varies depending on the type of Inline Hook you're using.

Hook Request and Response

Your service needs to handle the Inline Hook by responding to Okta's request. The JSON payload of the response your service sends can contain a commands object, in which you send commands to Okta that affect the course of the Okta process flow. The commands available vary depending on the type of Inline Hook you're using.

The Request

HTTP Method

Okta uses an HTTPS POST request to call your service.

HTTP Header

The header of the request sent by Okta includes the following fields:

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: ${key}

Authorization Header

The Authorization header is a secret string you provide to Okta when you register your external service. This string serves as an API access key for your service, and Okta provides it in every request, allowing your code to check for its presence as a security measure. (This is not an Okta authorization token, it is simply a text string you decide on.)

JSON Payload Objects

The JSON payload is where Okta provides specific information about the process flow that's being executed, so that your external service can evaluate the specific situation. Information is encapsulated in JSON objects. The set of objects sent depends on the type of Inline Hook you're using. Objects are defined in the specific documentation for each type of Inline Hook.

The objects providing this information are nested within a larger object called data.

Always included is data.context, providing context information. In general, data.context encapsulates Okta objects that your external service cannot affect, while objects in data that are outside of data.context encapsulate objects that your external service does have the ability to affect, by means of the commands it sends in its response.

Timeout and Retry

When Okta calls your external service, it enforces a default timeout of 3 seconds. Okta will attempt at most one retry. A request is not retried if the customer endpoint returns a 4xx HTTP error code. Any 2xx code is considered successful and not retried. If the external service endpoint responds with a redirect, it is not followed.

Inline Hooks and Concurrent Rate Limits

The Okta process flow that triggered the Inline Hook remains in progress until the response from your external service is received. For process flows initiated by calls to Okta APIs, slow processing times by your external service can cause open API transactions to accumulate, potentially exceeding Concurrent Rate Limits.


To secure the communication channel between Okta and your external service, HTTPS is used for requests, and support is provided for header-based authentication. Okta recommends that you implement an authentication scheme using the authentication header, to be used to authenticate every request received by your external service.

The Response

Your service receives the request from Okta and needs to respond to it. The response needs to include an HTTP response code and will usually also include a JSON payload. In particular, you will typically include a commands object in the JSON payload to specify actions for Okta to execute or to communicate information back to Okta.

HTTP Status Code

You need to return an HTTP status code with your response. Typically, your service should return an HTTP status code of 200 (OK). In Inline Hook types that support empty responses, HTTP status code 204 (No Content) needs to be provided when sending an empty response.

Don't Use HTTP Status Code to Return Information

Don't use the HTTP status code to return information to Okta regarding problems your service has detected in the data; use an error object sent in the JSON payload of the response. HTTP error codes should not be used unless your service could not parse the request from Okta.

JSON Payload Objects

You can include any of the following types of objects in the JSON payload:


Lets you return commands to Okta to affect the process flow being executed and to modify values within Okta objects. The available commands differ by Inline Hook type and are defined in the specific documentation for each Inline Hook type.

The commands object is an array, allowing you to return more than one command in your response. Each element within the array needs to consist of a pair of type and value elements. Each type element needs to be the name of a supported command you wish to invoke. The corresponding value element is the operand you wish to specify for the command.

The names of commands follow Java-style reverse DNS name format, beginning with com.okta, followed by an Okta object that the command operates on, and then an action.


Lets you return error messages. How the error data is used varies by Inline Hook type.

The error object should have the following structure:

Property Description Data Type
errorSummary Human-readable summary of the error(s). String
errorCauses An array of ErrorCause objects. Array of ErrorCauses

The errorSummary should be a general statement of any problem the external service encountered in handling the request from Okta. The errorCauses are intended to provide more detailed information and are particularly helpful if there were multiple problems.

An ErrorCause object must include the following fields:

Property Description Data Type
errorSummary Human-readable summary of the error. String
reason A brief, enum-like string indicating the nature of the error, e.g., UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT for a property uniqueness violation. String
locationType Where in the request the error was found (body, header, url, or query). String
location The valid JSON path to the location of the error. For example, if there was an error in the user's login field, the location might be data.userProfile.login. String
domain Indicates the source of the error. If the error was in the user's profile, for example, you might use end-user. If the error occurred in the external service, you might use external-service. String

While there are no technical restrictions on the values for any of the fields in an ErrorCause object, using them as described in the table above allows you to provide rich error information that can be very useful in determining why an Inline Hook's processing failed.


Lets you specify additional information to make available in the Okta System Log in connection with the call to your hook. You can use this object as you wish, sending any information that would be useful for debugging purposes. In the System Log, content sent in this object is populated into the inline_hook.response.processed event.

Inline Hook Setup

After creating your external service, you need to tell Okta it exists, and enable it for a particular process flow. The steps are:

  1. Create an external service.

  2. Register your service's endpoint with Okta. You can do this in Admin Console by going to Workflow > Inline Hooks and clicking Add Inline Hook. Alternatively, you can do this using a REST API call by making a POST request to /api/v1/inlineHooks; see Inline Hooks Management API for information.

  3. Associate the endpoint with a particular Okta process flow. How to do this varies by Inline Hook type.

The total number of Inline Hooks that you can create in an Okta org is limited to 10, which is a combined total for any combination of Inline Hook types.

For more information on implementing Inline Hooks, see the documentation for specific Inline Hook types linked to in Currently-Supported Types.


The Okta System Log captures events related to Inline Hook setup and execution, which you can use to troubleshoot your implementation. To see descriptions of the relevant event types, query the Event Types catalog with the query parameter inline_hook:


Note: You can see errors from the error object in the external service response, errors when Okta can't apply an inline hook response, and errors related to communication with the external service, such as network related failures and responses with HTTP status codes other than 200.