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Authorization Servers

Authentication and authorization are essential to application development. Whether you are developing an internal IT app for your employees, building a portal for your partners, or exposing a set of APIs for developers building apps around your resources, you need the right authentication and authorization support for your projects. With Okta, you can control access to your application using both OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect. Use Okta as your authorization server to retain all of your user information and grant users tokens to control their authorization and authentication.

What is an authorization server

At its core, an authorization server is simply an engine for minting OpenID Connect or OAuth 2.0 tokens. An authorization server is also used to apply access policies. Each authorization server has a unique issuer URI and its own signing key for tokens to keep a proper boundary between security domains.

What you can use an authorization server for

You can use an authorization server to perform Single Sign-On (SSO) with Okta for your OpenID Connect apps. You can also use an authorization server to secure your own APIs and provide user authorization to access your web services.

OpenID Connect is used to authenticate users with a web app. The app uses the ID token that is returned from the authorization server to know if a user is authenticated and to obtain profile information about the user, such as their username or locale. OAuth 2.0 is used to authorize user access to an API. An access token is used by the resource server to validate a user's level of authorization/access. When using OpenID Connect or OAuth, the authorization server authenticates a user and issues an ID token and/or an access token.

Note: You can't mix tokens between different authorization servers. By design, authorization servers don't have trust relationships with each other.

Available authorization server types

Okta has two types of authorization servers: the Org Authorization Server and Custom Authorization Server.

Org Authorization Server

Every Okta org comes with a built-in authorization server called the Org Authorization Server. The base URL for the Org Authorization Server is https://${yourOktaOrg}.

You use the Org Authorization Server to perform SSO with Okta or to get an access token for the Okta APIs. You can't customize this authorization server with regards to audience, claims, policies, or scopes. Additionally, the resulting access token's issuer is https://${yourOktaOrg}, which indicates that only Okta can consume or validate it. The access token can't be used or validated by your own applications.

Org Authorization Server discovery endpoints

The following discovery endpoints return OpenID Connect or OAuth 2.0 metadata related to your Org Authorization Server. Clients can use this information to programmatically configure their interactions with Okta.

OpenID: https://${yourOktaOrg}/.well-known/openid-configuration

OAuth: https://${yourOktaOrg}/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server

Custom Authorization Server

You use a Custom Authorization Server to create and apply authorization policies to secure your APIs. An access token that is minted by a Custom Authorization Server is consumed by your APIs.

Okta allows you to create multiple Custom Authorization Servers within a single Okta org that you can use to protect your own resource servers. Within each authorization server, you can define your own custom OAuth 2.0 scopes, claims, and access policies to support authorization for your APIs.

Default Custom Authorization Server

Okta provides a pre-configured Custom Authorization Server called default. It includes a basic access policy and a rule to quickly get you started. For simple use cases, this out-of-the-box Custom Authorization Server is usually all that you need.

To use the default Custom Authorization Server, use default as the authorization server ID:


For Custom Authorization Servers that you create yourself, the ${authServerId} is a random ID such as aus9o8wzkhckw9TLa0h7z.


Custom Authorization Server discovery endpoints

The following endpoints return OpenID Connect or OAuth 2.0 metadata related to a Custom Authorization Server. Clients can use this information to programmatically configure their interactions with Okta. Custom scopes and custom claims aren't returned.

The OpenID and OAuth discovery endpoints for a Custom Authorization Server are:

OpenID: https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/<server id>/.well-known/openid-configuration

OAuth: https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/<server id>/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server

The OpenID and OAuth discovery endpoints for the default Custom Authorization Server are:

OpenID: https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default/.well-known/openid-configuration

OAuth: https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server

Which authorization server should you use

If you are just looking to add SSO for your OpenID Connect-based applications, you can use your Org Authorization Server. You should also use the Org Authorization Server if you want to use OAuth 2.0 bearer tokens with your Okta APIs. Only the Org Authorization Server can mint access tokens that contain Okta API scopes.

If your application has requirements such as additional scopes, customizing rules for when to grant scopes, or you need additional authorization servers with different scopes and claims, then you need to create a Custom Authorization Server.

The following table describes which capabilities are supported by the Custom Authorization Server (includes the Default Custom Authorization Server) and which are supported by the Okta Org Authorization Server.

Capabilities Custom Authorization Server Org Authorization Server
SSO with OpenID Connect Yes Yes
Use Okta Developer SDKs & Widgets for SSO Yes Yes
Retrieve user profile in ID Token Yes Yes
Apply authorization policies to custom APIs Yes No
Add custom scopes or claims to tokens Yes No
Integrate with an API Gateway Yes No
Machine-to-Machine or Microservices Yes No
Mint Access Tokens with Okta API Scopes No Yes