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This guide describes how to use SimpleSAMLphp to add support for Okta (via SAML) to applications written in PHP. Please note that while the example application in this guide uses plain PHP, the concepts presented here are general enough to use in other PHP frameworks.

In this guide, you will install and configure an example application which demonstrates how to use SimpleSAMLphp in a simple PHP application. After you have Okta working with the example application, you will need to adapt the example code to your production environment.

It is assumed that you are familiar with the basics of PHP software development as well as using the command line and editing text files.

If you're already familiar with Okta, you can skip to the section titled "Configuring SimpleSAMLphp to work with Okta."

Configuring Okta to work with SimpleSAMLphp

Before you can configure the example application and SimpleSAMLphp you need to set up an Okta chiclet (application icon) that an Okta user selects to sign in to your to your application using SAML via SimpleSAMLphp.

To set up Okta to connect to your application, follow the guide to Build a Single Sign-On Integration. As you follow the instructions to Create your integration, there are two steps where you will do things differently:

  • In step #9: Use SimpleSAMLphp Example instead "Example SAML application"

  • In step #10: Instead of entering the URL:

    Use the following URLs:

    • In the "Single sign on URL" field, use:


    • In the "Audience URI (SP Entity ID)" field, use instead:


    • For the "Relay State" field, use:


Configuring SimpleSAMLphp to work with Okta

Now that you have configured the "chiclet" for "SimpleSAMLphp Example" in your Okta organization, you are ready to configure SimpleSAMLphp to work with your Okta organization. In this section we will use the "Identity Provider metadata" link from the section above to configure SimpleSAMLphp. After completing the following steps, you will have a working example of connecting Okta to a sample PHP application using SimpleSAMLphp.

Start by following the instructions for installing SimpleSAMLphp.

Note: SimpleSAMLphp is third-party software and is not supported by Okta.

Depending on the system you are installing SimpleSAMLphp on, your installation might require you to make some custom configuration changes. In particular, this guide assumes that you have PHP running on your local machine ("localhost") and that you have installed SimpleSAMLphp in a directory named simplesamlphp in the location specified by the DocumentRoot directive in your Apache configuration. If you are developing remotely, or have installed SimpleSAMLphp in a different location, you will need to use different configuration URLs that take that into account.

Notes for installing SimpleSAMLphp on Mac OS X

Getting SimpleSAMLphp working with the example application on Mac OS X takes some additional work, namely: installing the mcrypt library for PHP, reconfiguring Apache, and creating some symbolic links.

Installing SimpleSAMLphp and the example application:

  1. Install SimpleSAMLphp to the ~/simplesamlphp directory.

    When you follow the directions for installing SimpleSAMLphp, install it to a directory named simplesamlphp in your home directory.

    $ cd ~
    $ mkdir simplesamlphp
    $ cd simplesamlphp
    $ git clone
    $ git clone
  2. Install php56 and php56-mcrypt with homebrew.

    $ brew install php56
    $ brew install php56-mcrypt
  3. Edit httpd.conf to use the new version of PHP that you installed with homebrew.

    $ sudo $EDITOR /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

    Find this line:

    LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/

    and change it to this:

    LoadModule php5_module /usr/local/Cellar/php56/5.6.7/libexec/apache2/
  4. Find the DocumentRoot for your setup of Apache.

    $ grep ^DocumentRoot /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
  5. cd to the DocumentRoot directory.

    Assuming that the command above returned DocumentRoot "/Library/WebServer/Documents", then cd to that directory

    $ cd /Library/WebServer/Documents
  6. Add symbolic links from DocumentRoot to your simplesamlphp and okta-simplesamlphp-example directories.

    $ sudo ln -s ~/simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp .
    $ sudo ln -s ~/simplesamlphp/okta-simplesamlphp-example .

Configuring SimpleSAMLphp:

  1. cd to the directory you set up earlier.

    $ cd ~/simplesamlphp
  2. Copy the modified SimpleSAMLphp configuration files from the example application to the nested simplesamlphp directory.

    $ cp okta-simplesamlphp-example/saml-autoconfig.php simplesamlphp/
    $ mkdir simplesamlphp/config
    $ cp simplesamlphp/config-templates/config.php simplesamlphp/config/
    $ cp okta-simplesamlphp-example/authsources.php simplesamlphp/config/
    $ mkdir simplesamlphp/metadata
    $ cp okta-simplesamlphp-example/saml20-idp-remote.php simplesamlphp/metadata/
  3. Install the PHP dependencies for SimpleSAMLphp using Composer

    $ brew install homebrew/php/composer
    $ cd ~/simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp
    $ composer install
  4. Open the config.php configuration file for SimpleSAMLphp in your favorite text editor.

    Run this command:

    $ $EDITOR config/config.php

    Then, from inside of your text editor, do the folowing:

    • Search for baseurlpath and change the value to '/simplesamlphp/www/'

    • Search for auth.adminpassword and change the value to a secure password.

    • Search for secretsalt and change the value to something random.

      There is an example command in for generating a "secret salt" in the config.php file. If that doesn't work for you, try the one below:

      $ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=48 2> /dev/null | openssl base64
  5. Open the the saml-autoconfig.php file for SimpleSAMLphp in your favorite text editor.

    Run this command:

    $ $EDITOR saml-autoconfig.php

    Then, using your text editor, modify the contents of the metadata_url_for array as shown below:

    $metadata_url_for = array(
        'example-okta-com'=> '{metadata-url}'

    Be sure to replace the contents of {metdata-url} with the link that you copied in step #10 of the "Setting up a SAML application in Okta" instructions that you followed above!

    Note: The contents of {metadata-url} should look similar to this: https://${yourOktaDomain}/app/a0b1c2deFGHIJKLMNOPQ/sso/saml/metadata

Test the SAML integration

Now that you have set up a "chiclet" in your Okta organization and have configured SimpleSAMLphp to work with your Okta organization, it is ready to test.

There are two ways to test a SAML application:

  1. Starting from the example PHP application ("SP initiated").
  2. Starting from Okta ("IdP initiated").

You will use both methods to test your application. In each case, you will know if the test worked when you see a screen that looks like the one below:

Authenticated user

  1. Login from the Okta SimpleSAMLphp example application (This is known as an SP-initiated login.)

    • Open the example application in your browser:


    • Click on the 'example-okta-com' link.

  2. Login from Okta (This is known as an IdP-initiated" login.)

    • Sign in to your Okta organization.

    • Click the button for the application you created earlier "Configuring Okta to work with SimpleSAMLphp" section above:SimpleSAMLphp Example

You will know that your testing was successful if are able to get to the "Logged in" page pictured above using both "SP initated" and "IdP initated" login.

Congratulations on getting Okta working with SimpleSAMLphp!

Next Steps

At this point, you should be familiar with setting up a SAML enabled application to work with an Okta organization and how to configure SimpleSAMLphp to work with Okta.

After you have your Okta organization working with the example PHP application, your next step will be to take the example code and move it to your production application. The specifics of how this works will be different depending on how your application is set up. Pay special attention to the notes in the index.php file. For example, on a production system, the contents of the metadata_url_for array should not be hard coded, but should come from a dynamic datastore.

If you want to learn more about SAML and what to consider when writing a SAML implementation, Okta's in-depth SAML guidance is a great place to learn more.

Finally, if you got this far in this guide and still have questions, please reach out to us at: