JWT Validation Guide

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When you use Okta to get OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect tokens for a user, the response contains a signed JWT (id_token and/or access_token).

If you are writing low-level code that retrieves or uses these tokens, it's important to validate the tokens before you trust them. This guide will show you how to validate tokens manually.

Note: This guide is specific to .NET and C#. If you need general information, read Validate Access Tokens and Validate ID Tokens instead.

Who should use this guide

You don't need to validate tokens manually if:

If you need to validate a token manually, and don't want to make a network call to Okta, this guide will help you validate tokens locally.

What you'll need

  • Your authorization server URL (see Composing Your Base URL)
  • A token (JWT string)
  • Libraries for retrieving the signing keys and validating the token

This guide will use the official Microsoft OpenID Connect and JWT libraries, but you can adapt it to other key and token parsing libraries.

Get the signing keys

Okta signs JWTs using asymmetric encryption (RS256), and publishes the public signing keys in a JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) as part of the OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect discovery documents. The signing keys are rotated on a regular basis. The first step to verify a signed JWT is to retrieve the current signing keys.

The OpenIdConnectConfigurationRetriever class in the Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect package will download and parse the discovery document to get the key set. You can use it in conjunction with the ConfigurationManager class, which will handle caching the response and refreshing it regularly:

// Replace with your authorization server URL:
var issuer = "https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default";

var configurationManager = new ConfigurationManager<OpenIdConnectConfiguration>(
    issuer + "/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server",
    new OpenIdConnectConfigurationRetriever(),
    new HttpDocumentRetriever());

Once you've instantiated the configurationManager, keep it around as a singleton. You only need to set it up once.

Validate a token

The JwtSecurityTokenHandler class in the System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt package will handle the low-level details of validating a JWT.

You can write a method that takes the token, the issuer, and the configurationManager you created. The method is async because the configurationManager may need to make an HTTP call to get the signing keys (if they aren't already cached):

private static async Task<JwtSecurityToken> ValidateToken(
    string token,
    string issuer,
    IConfigurationManager<OpenIdConnectConfiguration> configurationManager,
    CancellationToken ct = default(CancellationToken))
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(token));
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(issuer)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(issuer));

    var discoveryDocument = await configurationManager.GetConfigurationAsync(ct);
    var signingKeys = discoveryDocument.SigningKeys;

    var validationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
        RequireExpirationTime = true,
        RequireSignedTokens = true,
        ValidateIssuer = true,
        ValidIssuer = issuer,
        ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
        IssuerSigningKeys = signingKeys,
        ValidateLifetime = true,
        // Allow for some drift in server time
        // (a lower value is better; we recommend two minutes or less)
        ClockSkew = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2),
        // See additional validation for aud below

        var principal = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler()
            .ValidateToken(token, validationParameters, out var rawValidatedToken);

        return (JwtSecurityToken)rawValidatedToken;
    catch (SecurityTokenValidationException)
        // Logging, etc.

        return null;

To use the method, pass it a token, and the issuer and configurationManager you declared earlier:

var accessToken = "eyJh...";

var validatedToken = await ValidateToken(accessToken, issuer, configurationManager);

if (validatedToken == null)
    Console.WriteLine("Invalid token");
    // Additional validation...
    Console.WriteLine("Token is valid!");

This method will return an instance of JwtSecurityToken if the token is valid, or null if it is invalid. Returning JwtSecurityToken makes it possible to retrieve claims from the token later.

Depending on your application, you could change this method to return a boolean, log specific exceptions like SecurityTokenExpiredException with a message, or handle validation failures in some other way.

Additional validation for access tokens

If you are validating access tokens, you should verify that the aud (audience) claim equals the audience that is configured for your Authorization Server in the Okta Developer Console.

For example, if your Authorization Server audience is set to MyAwesomeApi, add this to the validation parameters:

ValidateAudience = true,
ValidAudience = "MyAwesomeApi",

You also must verify that the alg claim matches the expected algorithm which was used to sign the token. You'll have to perform this check after the ValidateToken method returns a validated token:

// Validate alg
var validatedToken = await ValidateToken(accessToken, issuer, configurationManager);
var expectedAlg = SecurityAlgorithms.RsaSha256; //Okta uses RS256

if (validatedToken.Header?.Alg == null || validatedToken.Header?.Alg != expectedAlg)
    throw new SecurityTokenValidationException("The alg must be RS256.");

Additional validation for ID tokens

When validating an ID token, you should verify that the aud (Audience) claim equals the Client ID of the current application.

Add this to the validation parameters:

ValidateAudience = true,
ValidAudience = "xyz123", // This Application's Client ID

You also must verify that the alg claim matches the expected algorithm which was used to sign the token. You'll have to perform this check after the ValidateToken method returns a validated token:

// Validate alg
var validatedToken = await ValidateToken(idToken, issuer, configurationManager);
var expectedAlg = SecurityAlgorithms.RsaSha256; //Okta uses RS256

if (validatedToken.Header?.Alg == null || validatedToken.Header?.Alg != expectedAlg)
    throw new SecurityTokenValidationException("The alg must be RS256.");

If you specified a nonce during the initial code exchange when your application retrieved the ID token, you should verify that the nonce matches:

var validatedToken = await ValidateToken(idToken, issuer, configurationManager);

// Validate nonce
var expectedNonce = "foobar"; // Retrieve this from a saved cookie or other mechanism
var nonceMatches = validatedToken.Payload.TryGetValue("nonce", out var rawNonce)
    && rawNonce.ToString() == expectedNonce;

if (!nonceMatches)
    throw new SecurityTokenValidationException("The nonce was invalid.");

Decode token claims

The sample ValidateToken method above both validates a token and decodes its claims. You can use the returned JwtSecurityToken object to inspect the claims in the token.

For example, you can get the sub (Subject) claim with the Subject property:

Console.WriteLine($"Token subject: {validatedToken.Subject}");

You can access more claims with the Payload property, or loop over the entire Claims collection:

Console.WriteLine("All claims:");

foreach (var claim in validatedToken.Claims)


This guide provides the basic steps required to locally verify an access or ID token signed by Okta. It uses packages from Microsoft for key parsing and token validation, but the general principles should apply to any JWT validation library.

Most applications don't need to follow this guide. If you are using our ASP.NET how to guide or ASP.NET Core how to guide to connect your application to Okta, all of these validation steps are done automatically for you.