Add User Authentication and Okta Resource Management to Your ASP.NET App
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Get Started with ASP.NET + Okta
New to Okta? Our how to guide will walk you through adding user authentication to your ASP.NET app in minutes.
ASP.NET MVC & Web API Sample AppASP.NET Web Forms Sample App
Okta ASP.NET Integration
Okta's OIDC middleware integration with ASP.NET makes it easy to add sign-in to your ASP.NET Core applications and protect your Web APIs.
Okta ASP.NET OIDC integration on NuGet Okta ASP.NET OIDC Integration SourceOther .NET Libraries
The Okta Management SDK for .NET uses .NET Standard and will work with both .NET Framework and .NET Core. It is helpful to work with the Okta Managemenet API to manage users, groups, apps, etc on the fly.
The Okta Authentication SDK for .NET is useful if you cannot use OIDC and need your server-side code to interact with the Authentication API for handling the sign in flow.
The Okta SDK for Xamarin follows current best practice for native apps using ODIC, the Authorization Code Flow + PKCE.